Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 905 Telephone from Mai Mai

St. Louis is the eastern city of Missouri, Missouri, is located on the banks of the Mid-Temxi River in the United States. It is almost in the geometric center of the United States, which has important strategic significance in geographic location.

St. Louis is established by French fur merchandise in 1764, named from the French King Louis Nine. Because of its contribution to Catholic Communication, Louis Nine was killed by the Pope, and the St. Louis City was now named. On November 2, 1979, St. Louis and Huaxia Jinling were friendly city, which is the first friendly city in Gorgeous.

The city area of ​​St. Louis is 170km2, of which 6.2% are waters; the population is 311,404 people, and the population of the Metropolitan area is 2,806,588 people. It is the second largest city in Missouri, Missouri's largest city is Kansas City. .

Don't see that this city is small, there is not much population. It is a veritable economic center of the central region of the United States. The well-known enterprises have Baiwei, Mengshan, and Mai Dao Company, ready to visit.

The ABC TV station broadcasts the comparison of American car companies and models, and Xiaomer Tangja has finished reading. I am very interested in the Black Cloud George - Barton military vehicles, I really want to buy a horse.

In fact, it is not only one of him. The girlfriend who has just intended also wants to get a George-Barton military vehicle to show off.

It is important to say that small Mc Donner doesn't have other hobbies, but it can have almost no resistance to beauty. And there is only one requirement for women to communicate, tall and sexy. To put it bluntly, I liked models, so that I have basically hovering between major models so many years.

A talked woman saw the Black Cloud George-Barton military vehicles, said to the wheat Tangja: "Dear, you are not a partner of Bao Zi Xuan is your partner!"

"I want a TV on a TV, I don't know if you can tell him."

Looking at the beauty of the beauty, the small wheat Donner is really reluctant. However, the exchange of the same Bao Xuan can only be considered, after all, everyone has seen a total. I don't know if I don't give it to the face, but I can't get a court in front of the beauty.

I have to know that this beautiful is very famous, and he is also pursuing for a long time. If you can't reflect different people, isn't that a shame?

And I believe that Bao Zi Xuan should give this face, after all, the projects cooperated by both parties will land.

At this time, there is still a beautiful woman, there are other friends. Today is the weekend, several friends meet together, and I heard the abc TV station has important content to explode, sit down and watch.

In the eyes of the beauty of the beauty, Macon Donner dialed the phone of Bunxuan.

Wakah Tangner said: "Pack, is you! I am McDonald, did not bother you!"

I heard the work of Wheat Tangner said that he did not comply with his character. There is definitely something, or there is no such thing.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Mike called me, but I can't ask for it. As a friend, I should not say bothering, then I have to be angry, because you didn't take me as a friend."

I heard the Bao Zixuan like this to face, everyone has reported to the small wheat. Baozi Xuan This person can not see it, and can be exchanged with this kid, and there is no bragging.

The small Mc Donald also had confidence at this time, and he tried to say: "I just watched the new military vehicle in the whole process, I couldn't sell it first."

At this time, I saw the beauty next to it, and I also changed the mouth: "Two, I know that it is a little too much, but who makes us friends!"

Before preparing cooperation, it was investigated small wheat Tangja, and the past life was also from the aviation engine engineer. How much understanding of the manmen of major aircraft manufacturing enterprises, the preferences of Macarona can be described as clear.

If you want to have two cars, you don't have to have a beautiful woman. George-Barton military vehicle is so domineering, the beauty next to it is definitely a tall.

For the personality of the Wheat Tang, Bun Zixuan still likes it. So smiled and said: "When is it."

I have no helves that hear the other party, everyone is full of curiosity. Still small wheat, there is a face, and the Bao Xuan has a relationship.

Wakwheat Tangha: "Of course, the faster, the better, it is really can't wait."

Bao Zi Xuan wants to say: "Buying even if there is two cars testing in the black cloud test site, it is taught by engineers. Direct delivery to you, and just find you. Ministry of Defense After the bidding will be completed, you will come to you later. "

"You arrange the Mai Mai company to open up a runway, send you it directly."

I heard Bunzixuan so much light to write two black clouds, the latest military vehicles gave small wheat, and everyone felt incredible. The two are there, and nearly a million US dollars say it will be sent.

It seems that the world of rich people is really high, at least the idea of ​​Baozi Xuan is unpredictable.

The beautiful woman next to him heard the two times and started to face the wheat Tangjan. I feel that this kid is a rich second generation, most as a Kay. I didn't expect the other person to have a good time with Bao Xuan, then things are not that simple.

Bao Zixuan This person is arrogant, and the average person can't see it. There are a lot of people who want to make a package, but I haven't heard who can let the other party directly send the car.

In the United States, only Phil Hawkins and Morgan's Masters can, I didn't expect Xiaomer Tangja and this doorway.

Wheat Tangner feels very face, this little child is really a person. So smiled and said: "Thank you very much, wait for you to drink two cups. I know that you have to prepare the Ministry of Defense, you will not bother you."

Many things need to be used in McDe, now gives a sweet and face to the small wheat Donner. In the future cooperation process, the other party certainly does not say much, this is the purpose of the head.

The big aircraft project requires Mai Mai, and the current black cloud has not yet developed and independently. Even if it is developed, it is difficult to get the air space certificate. Mai Mai company is completely not so concerned, how to say it is also a US local company. There is a deep people in the aviation field, which will save a lot of trouble.

Moreover, the ultra-large passenger plane project is not lost, and Japanese Mitsubishi, US Motorola have already come in. Suddenly, the project failed, the reputation of the Black Cloud Group, as well as the reputation of Bao Zixuan's reputation.

Seeing the eyes of the beauty worship, the wheat is very satisfied. You must know that the beauty of this beauty thinks the world's first supermodel, but a confident owner.

You can let Bao Xuan caught a car. I don't want to mob, and I didn't dare to think about it before I called. It is already very good to sell, I didn't expect to send it directly, and the engineer personally taught the test car. It can be described as a foot, this person can be not so good.

Small Mac Donal new girlfriend is not only a supermodel, and the famous arrogance is very good.

Jenni-Dickinson, born in Brooklyn, New York, February 15, 1955.

She is one of the first quarter of the Qing Dynasty competition to the fourth quarter, and created a live TV show with training models.

Jenny is known to open the door to see the style of poisonous tongue. She is quite straightforward in the super-famous death fight.

This is a wild feative woman, the average man does not say conquest. It may not be dare to even try, that is, Xiaomi Tangja is not afraid of any challenge.

Jenny Square said to the wheat Tangja: "I heard that Bun Zi Xuan still has no girlfriend, just that my sister is bored at home in recent days. Estrenible to call her, at least one more people."

Although I know that Jenny has a sister name called Debby Dickinson, it is also a model. It is very close to us, what happened today. Suddenly I thought about it was Bao Zi Xuan, who was known as the world's first diamond Wang Lao, is estimated that there is no woman who is not a heart.

Don't say that you introduce your sister, as long as Bao Zi Xuan is despite the idea, it is estimated that this woman will not hesitate to pay. This is the charm of people, and I can't help it.

This idea is very good, more than one person is accompanying, Bao Zi Xuan will not be so embarrassed.

Wakwheat Tangha: "This proposal is very good, but you can only call your sister. If people will be too counter-reverse, Baozi Xuan is hard to touched. Come over, the last is not good, it is not good. "

The fool will call others, she is not a pull strip. If the sister can have a point relationship with the other party, it will definitely not suffer. You must know that Bao Zixuan has always been known as generous, you can see it from the boldness just sent to the car.

Baozi Xuan still didn't know, Xiaomer Tangner has arranged beautiful people waiting for him. However, it is destined to let the other party disappoint, and the bag is still somewhat slow to this.

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