Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 912, Dining Design Aircraft

When McDo was already acquired by Boeing, at least the seedlings were very obvious. Lost military orders, the impact on the Boeing is not much. Can lose the US four generation fighter orders, Lockheed Martin is not unstoppable. In order to maintain a strategic balance, the final YF-22 was successfully bidding.

However, in the vast majority of the eyes, YF-23 is a rare classic. Since there is a chance, I must have produced him. This fighter is more like a product that is eliminated in order to maintain a balance, and there is no relationship with its own technical strength and combat performance.

See just an hour, a basic framework of a four generation machine is developed. What is this speed, before developing to this extent, McDene does at least one month. It is also necessary to cooperate with various departments, designers inspiration.

Computer design aircraft is inevitably a future development trend. Black clouds have obviously have come to front, and they can take advantage of the first opportunity to make the United States other plane manufacturing enterprises.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "William senior, do not test the airplane, and then test the flight test."

It is possible to simulate air-conditioning test and flight control testing in the computer. This is what is operational, it is really incredible, it is never seen.

William Wales Surprised: "The wind tunnel can be completed in the computer, but also simulates takeoff. The computer has developed to this point. It seems that it is really sitting on the day. The McDao includes the US automotive industry. It has been in the United States. "

Bun Zixuan: "I am in hand, the laptop is a special custom version. It can be said that it is the best laptop in the world. Single cost has exceeded 1 million US dollars, if you connect simple simulated wind tunnel testing and takeoff testing, That's too much. "

I heard a small laptop actually had $ 1 million, and the three people on the scene feel that it is wrong. Is this computer made of gold, but it is not like it!

At this time, Di Dickson finally understood what his sister said, and they earned the money in the super typhorali. One year earned money is only enough to sell a laptop, but it is still in the case of two people don't eat without drinking. This is the gap, one cannot pass over the gap.

The headed wealthy this laptop is special customization of the Black Cloud Lab; the chip, screen, and software optimization are strengthened. Of course, some exaggerations are exaggerated, even if the computer performance is advanced. It can be just a small notebook, you can do some simple tests. If you want to complete a comprehensive test, you must also link the central computer group to adjust the computing capacity.

But even if it is, it is a bit scary.

Bao Zi Xuan started on the computer,

Old William stared at the screen. The aircraft quickly appeared in the wind tunnel, and the simulated wind tunnel actually almost the same as the real wind hole.

The wind tunnel test begins, Dickinson two sisters feel very fun. Old William is inner, and it is seen that although there are some gaps with the true wind tongue test, it will not affect the overall situation. It is very similar to the video of watching the wind tunnel. The computer is so magical.

The first test is complete quickly, and the computer immediately gives it unreasonable, and the columns are very clear.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The wind tunnel test is not very reasonable, we must improve it."

Old William also feels that the plane is very good, but it is not perfect enough, and the computer simulation can really detect. So immediately replied: "The school is so magical, so that I will open my eyes more."

Although Dickinson's two sisters see it is lively, it is also enough to bring them today. It turns out that there are so many things that are not known in the world. At this time, I will look at Baozi Xuan is a full-eyed star. It may be because the other's wealth is now entirely because of the talent.

This is the real man, even if you don't get the favor of Bao Zixuan, you have to find a talented sportoman. At this time, Di Dickson actually born this idea, and it was visible to the adverse change in the incompetence.

According to the opinions given by the computer, Bunzi Xuan began to modify the aircraft shape design; after a while, he has been revised.

Seeing the modified design drawings, Old William is very satisfied; at least more compliant with the air kinetic principle.

After the second wind tunnel test, the computer quickly gave amendments. In this case, the beginning, it quickly, an old Williamine satisfactory fighter appeared in front of him.

Multiple simulation of wind tunnel test is a big relationship with computer performance, laptop computing is limited, it is difficult to complete such a huge amount of computation in one time.

In addition, the aircraft also has a large modification, but the laptop has not been operated. Need to return to the Black Cloud Headquarters, with the operation of the central computer cluster.

Even so, Old William is also very surprised. What is this operation, the computer can actually complete the human a few months, or even longer work.

This is just a laptop if used industrial computers. So what is the modification of the aircraft, I can't imagine.

The most headache of the development of the plane is that wind tunnel testing, often takes a few months. After that, we need to continuously improve, waste very much manpower, material force, and financial resources. Now Bunzi Xuan can use a computer to get it, the development of the times is so fast.

Dickinson's two sisters also feel that this plane is really beautiful, beautiful than any of the aircraft they have seen.

In fact, the aviation community has spread a sentence, the more beautiful aircraft, the more pneumatic layout; this is also the main reason for the aircraft value increasingly in line with people's aesthetics.

Looking at the computer screen, Old William said: "This is the plane in my mind, this is the plane in my mind."

Two people teamed up with a plane designed, and it is very in line with the principle of aerodynamics from the shape. If an advanced auxiliary equipment will definitely become a star fighter.

Dickinson's two sisters do not understand, how is this old man suddenly excited. Isn't a beautiful aircraft sketch, as so?

It seems that it is still not understanding the industry, and Old William is not a person who is easy to excite. If you want to be with the staff, you really have to make a full-scale understanding.

Bunzi Xuan: "The wind tunition tests basic contact, if you want to make meticulous modifications. You need to return to the Headquarters headquarters to transfer the central computer's computing power. Although it is not very perfect, it is basically enough."

"The next is to let the plane test flight, look at the performance."

Although Old William is a little deed, but it is still a quick reaction;

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Then we will install the F404-GE-400 engine production of two general companies to the plane to see how the effect."

Hearing that the old William is a little crying, he is familiar with the F404-GE-400 engine.

The F404-GE-400 low-cost road is 3200 kilograms than the turbofan engine, and the power supply thrust is 7,200 kilograms. The engine weight is 983 kg, the weight is 7.4, the intake passage is designed to design the fixed slantboard, located on both sides of the body under the wing root .

The inner airplane can take 4990 kilograms of fuel, as well as three via tubes, and the aircraft has a total annular oil capacity of 7979 kg. Above the right side is also equipped with a collection of aerial fuel tubes. The F404 is a low-skewer than the vortex, bypass ratio 0.34, the engine has a three-stage titanium alloy fan, a row of fixed intake air guide blades and a row of variable guide blades, seven-stage compressor, the top three for variable blade The stator is finally a single-stage high and low pressure turbine. The F404 engine structure is simple, and the movable components are relatively small. The engine has a good compressor at the high angle of view, even if it occasionally stalls, it can be quickly restored by the engine and the aggressive combustion chamber. The engine response is rapid, only 4 seconds from idle speed to full.

About the data of the F404-GE-400 engine, Old William can be clear down. Because that is a general company specializes in the McDendex's fist product F-18 container.

There is a data of the engine in Baozi Xixuan computer. Is there a commercial spy within the Mai Mai Company, which does not exclude this possibility.

The first rich do not know his joke, so that the whole McDee's chicken flying dog jumped. Partners are right, but you can't let you steal your company's confidential information. This is the principle problem, and the McDee is not so bullied.

However, at this time, the old William does not show anything, can only be smirk and say: "Okay! After the engine is installed, the aircraft performance is."

Baozi Xuan began to implant parameters to the aircraft engine, in fact, these are not Mai Mai or General Company leakage. Before the engine engineer, the basic data of competitors products is still very well.

Seeing that this child is so clear in front of you, Old William will have a serious problem with more suspected Mai Mai or general purpose. Otherwise, Boxuan cannot be so skilled, and accurately entered this confidential value.

Bedding house

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