Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 913, Dining Design Aircraft

For the basic data of the F404-GE-400 engine, Bunzi Xuan is very familiar. In less than a minute, the basic parameters of the engine are complete.

At this time, William's laughed did not laugh: "The brother is really amazing, actually more familiar with this engine than I."

I know what the old William is idea, so there is not particular concern. I know that the old William's expression will know that the old boy is very uncomfortable. It will prevent the Black Cloud Group during the future cooperation, and it will inevitably launch internal self-examination.

General F404-GE-400 is a very high quality engine, but it is just for three generations. After installing the four generations, the power output is obvious.

Bao Zi Xuan operation a few times, a runway appeared on the screen, the plane just designed a plane, has stopped above. Very like a later generation, it's very novel.

At this time, Dickinson's two sisters are dead and staring at the screen. Today, the shock of the computer will bring it too much. No wonder black cloud products can be better-selling worldwide, and it is too powerful. It is very seen that the science fiction, even some sci-fi movies don't dare to play.

A Enter key, the plane starts to slide, then take off.

At this time, Old William didn't know what to say, the gap between the McDee is at least 5 years. If you don't work hard, you may have no opportunities for cooperation later.

The F404-GE-400 engine thrust begins to reflect, only supersonic speed can be achieved when the power is turned on. I don't get the supersonic cruise required for the design requirements, I know that the aircraft can't keep the stove for a long time.

At this time, the fighter can only cruise in the ASIA, which is on the highest efficiency. To be supersonic, you have to spray fuel at the outlet position of the engine. The thrust is increased, called the stiffness combustion, and the combustion chamber of this additional injection fuel is called the aggressive combustion chamber. Opening the power can enable the aircraft to get great kinetic energy in a short time, improve the aircraft speed and mobile; however, the oil is very fuel, even if it is a modern fighter, if it is full, its oil volume is only enough. Maintain a few minutes, so only within a few minutes of air warfare, the pilot will turn on the stiffness.

Seeing the values ​​that constantly soaring on the screen, Bao Zi Xuan said: "The F404-GE-400 engine thrust is still a lot of problems, and the ultra-speed cruise is currently not available. However, the overall performance is not bad. It seems that we need a more Powerful engine. "

I heard that the engine is not satisfied with the engine of the McDenda products, and the old William doesn't know what to say. To see what the tricks can be played, it is also a lot of knowledge today.

Bao Zixuan: "We need a dual rotor to force turbine fan engine.

The weight is 9: 1, that is, the thrust is at least 100 kW. After the after-burning room is opened, the thrust is at least 160 kW. Moreover, binary thrust vector nozzles must also be used so that the engine should meet the design requirements. "

Old William was smirked by Baoxuan, and there is such an advanced engine on the market! But you can't look at this kid in your eyes, he can always make some unexpected feat.

The later generations of the military fans must know that Bao Zi Xuan said that the engine; that is, the engine amp f-119 on the Ding Ding F-22 raptor fighter.

Pleu F119 is a stretchable turbine fan engine developed by Pu Huike Company's F-22 Rockid Martin. This thrust reaches 35,000 pounds (160 kW), which is designed to do not open the agonor flight (supersonic cruise). Compared to the ordinary fourth-generation military aircraft engine, F119 can output 22% of thrust in the case of 40% of the number of parts [1], and sustained supersonic cruise at 1.72 Mach. The F119 engine nozzle also uses thrust vector technology. The nozzle can be ± 20 ° in the longitudinal direction, which brings better mobile to F-22.

Luo Luo, Pu Hui Company, General Company is the world's three major air engine giants, whether Boeing, Airbus, including Daso, Rockheed Martin, etc., the engine is basically provided by these three.

Bun Zi Xuan is very familiar with the generals, not to mention such an advanced engine, know that this can be the world's first engine installed on the fourth-generation fighter, which has revolutionary meaning.

Another operation, the plane is sliding, and takes off.

After the engine is replaced, the aircraft performance is less than a star half, at least supersonic cruise. Of course, all this is theoretically, and can only stay on the computer.

The thrust of the engine is increased, and the quality changes will be given, and at least Old William is very satisfied.

After the flight is returned, the buns Xun said: "Basically can meet the requirements, we can also replace a more advanced engine, see what the results are."

I heard the engine, Dickinson two sisters just feel fun. Old William has a feeling of dreaming, this engine is not good enough. According to his knowledge, there is no similar engine, at least in the United States.

Is there a difficulty of black clouds, but aerospace engine develops requires a process. Although the black cloud has a super genius of Bao Zixuan, there is no solid foundation, and it is difficult for military big thrust engine engines.

However, since this little child dares to come, then make a joke. Up to a few string of data in your computer, you don't have to investigate.

Bao Zixuan: "First, the engine will use three rotors to strengthen the turb fan design, which can improve the efficiency of the engine; so that the weight is more than 11: 1. The engine thrust is at least 122 kW, and the thrust is 190 k. "

After that, I started to implant the data, and the old William didn't know what to say. This kid is really arrogant, pushing more than 10 engines, don't talk, I have never heard it.

After installing a new engine, the aircraft's motor performance has been significantly improved. It takes only 600 meters to make the plane take off, which is a terrible number, and it is very powerful.

The aircraft exhibits a variety of difficult movements in the air, all the actions are clean, and it is a good.

If you really study such a fighter, you will definitely not order, even if you will pay a single in your military. The Soviets are next to it, and there is no more money.

Baozi Xuan finally leaked satisfactory and smile, and there was a firm idea in the heart, and we must develop this engine.

Baozi Xuan: "Although this plane is designed, there are still many places that are not easy. And the right to belong is not clear. After all, it is our two people. Now William, the seniors can watch all the documents, so It's good to everyone. "

I heard Bao Zixuan actually wanted to destroy the design manuscript, and Old William would want to stand up and play. What do you mean, such a good plane, actually want to destroy the design.

Old William: "It is our two joint research and development, and the results are of course our two. Rest assured that I will belong to me, as for the last, who can develop it, and serve all the things."

Can you let Bunxuan destroy such excellent fighters, if you can get a design manuscript and technical parameters; McDee can save at least two years, while saving $ 3-5 billion in research and development funding.

And said that it is destroying the design document, who will believe. The computer is Baozi Xuan. I am afraid that there are few people in the world. After all, people can take a prize winner.

Besides, even if it is destroyed, there is no impact on Bunzi Xuan. Just all the designs are he is controlled, he just looks at it. Even the technical parameters have not fully understood, and look at most.

Bao Zi Xuan has a thing that is not forgotten, and it is not secret in the world. Let's mention the products designed by hand, which is in order to let McDenda companies get design drawings!

The previous fighter McDee has R & D, handed over to them. But just give him this, it is obviously not the purpose of the bag.

Bao Zi Xuan: "According to the reason, the seniors have already said this, the drawings should have reserved one part. But this is fair to the black cloud, I don't know how the seniors think."

I saw the small William of the unsupported personnel, and the old William expression said: "The McDee will transfer the research and development of F-18 aircraft to the black cloud. As for how much you can understand your own NS."

Old William understands that the conditions are too low to be unsatisfactory. And in the money, there is no one in the world that no one can be more than him, it is better to give a point.

It has been seen that the Black Cloud Group will definitely enter the fighter development. The F-18 fighter is absolutely weak, and I believe that Bunzi Xuan will satisfied.

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