Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 915, the bottom of the wheatway

Yesterday evening Bao Zixuan almost returned to the hotel, and there was no accident for this small Mc. Donner. The world is recognized in the world, I really don't know what kind of woman who likes it.

Old William has been appreciated by this move, and it is more jealous. This is a young man who is still a young man, it is even more than a shortcoming.

Wakah Tangner smiled and said: "Bao, my friend. Sometimes I can't ask yourself too strict, occasionally relax, Of course, this is just my personal opinion, don't care too much; just make a joke."

The two have not yet familiar with the point where you can interfere, but you want to fight for some opportunities for Di Dickinson. This is when it comes over the morning, I promised Janes - Dickinson.

Baozi Xuan did not care, but smiled and said: "What arrangements are there today, I want to go to the Mai Tao workshop, don't know if it is convenient."

As long as it is a customer, you can visit the production workshop of the Mai Mai. It is definitely to let people know that the manufacturing process of their own company, or no one will pay easy.

Bao Zi Xuan is somewhat special, the surface is a partner; at the same time it is a competitor. It is also a hipster in the field of aircraft manufacturing, and the leakage problem is not to be underestimated.

But at this time, the bag is rich, and it does not agree. How to cooperate then, Boeing is the enemy.

Wakwheat Tanga: "Of course, all workshops of Mai Mai plane are open to you, including orders produced for the Ministry of Defense."

In this way, Xiaomer Tangja took a group of Bao Zixuan to the production workshop.

After all, it is a McDonal company, and Wheat Tienner is very familiar; and then, it is necessary to introduce the product on the production line.

First, I came to the passenger aircraft production workshop, and Bun Zixuan saw a plane on the production line - DC10.

DC-10 is the US Douglas, of course, it has been incorporated into Mike Donner. Three engines in the three engines developed in the needs of US aviation, can also be military.

The DC-10 passenger is less than B747, and the voyage is similar to Boeing 747, which can both fly across the United States native route, and can fly Yose International route. The development plan was launched in 1967 Diglas and McDonal.

With the arrival of the petroleum crisis, the cost of use of three engine passenger aircraft has risen sharply. In the 1970s,

European Airbus company newly designed Airbus A300 wide-body passenger aircraft began delivery, and the equipment performance has great improvement of two high-cost roads than turbo jet engines. The double passenger plane flying limit relaxed further broaden the range of routes of the double passenger plane, enough to fly across the Atlantic flights. The A300 is significantly better than L-1011 and DC-10 in performance and cost, and is popular in 250-level wide-body passenger aircraft markets. DC-10 gradually lost orders due to relative fuel.

Since 1972, DC-10 involves many major air crash events. For those who are destined to eliminate, Bun Zixuan does not have much interest. Moreover, it has proved that the three passenger aircraft is very immature at the current stage, and even the chicken rib is better.

Seeing the buns of the buns is not big, and the wheat Tangner took him to other assembled production lines.

Bao Zixuan himself is very disgusted on the three passenger aircraft. It is only a long time to grow up.

A military transport machine appeared in front of everyone, even if the military fans did not know his name; good in Bao Zixuan saw the technical information of the aircraft.

In the 1970s, the US Air Force intended to pick a commission from Boeing YC-14 and McDo, that is, try to bid by Boeing's YC-14 with McDee's YC-15, and then replaced by winner C- 130, this plan is finally canceled due to the development cost and performance of C-130, which is the most famous advanced medium-sized short-range transporter program. The competition of this medium-sized jet transportation causes the Boeing YC-14-type machine and the Wheat Tao YC-15-type test.

The YC-15 of the wheatway is different from YC-14, which is not like YC-14 ", blowing on the upper surface of the wing", but "blowing the lower surface of the wing", which is the outer blowing technique.

YC-15 adopts four Puhui JTSD-17 turbine fan engines, single thrust, 71 kW, the engine is installed below the wing, and the short can be completely extended out in front of the wing, the tail spout is close to the wing The lower side of the edge.

The basic principle is that the engine jet is blown to the double seam flaps along the surface of the wing, and then the drainage of the double seam flaps will lead the jet to a larger bias angle, thereby achieving the increase of lift coefficients. Shorten the effect of the take-down distance, so some people are called "lower surface blowing increase technology." YC-15 can take off and land on runways within 572 meters of the runway in the length of the 150 soldiers or 36.7 tons.

Although the YC-15 machine did not receive service qualifications, the research experience of the model can directly lead to the birth of Today's McDonal C-17 "Global Overlord" transportation machine.

The C-17 machine is a US military, and it is also the most advanced military transport in the world. C-17 has been experimentally improved on the McDe-15 testing machine, especially in YC-15 airplane, supercritical foil, anti-thrust device and flat display instrument, etc.

This is definitely a strategic transport machine, but also the most successful strategic transport in the world. It is very eye-catching that Bao Zixuan is very hot, and I really want to collect technical information.

Although the Black Cloud Group has a role aircraft, it is mainly due to technical information left by Germany during World War II. Most of them are plagiarism, and their own research and development is not big.

For civil ultra-large passenger aircraft, and there is no technical reserve for transporters. After all, the Germans have not yet developed to these aspects, and the black cloud itself is too weak.

Now I see that there is a strategic transport machine, how can I not let people be moved?

Seeing Bunzi Xuan's look, there is a number in the heart of Wakherd Tang. This plane is definitely the future core products of McDe, especially the four super-large passenger aircraft have been widely recognized, and Mai Tao is more confident.

Don't think I also know that Bunxuan is interested in this product, it seems to be exchanged with this transport machine with black clouds.

Wakah Tangner smiled and said: "Bao, my friend. This is a product specially developed for the US military. You have to keep it secret. It is still in the experimental stage, but I believe that in front of the powerful technical strength of the McDe, Before you grab the Boeing, you will get the new transportation machine order for the Ministry of Defense. "

"I don't know if there is any interest in the black cloud. In this respect, we can work together."

At this time, Baixuan regrets, the city government is still not deep enough. I don't know hidden, so it is easy to suffer. Wakah Tangner knows what you like, others are afraid you have already seen it.

Previously, I have been dealing with many entrepreneurs. I can't change it!

Bao Zi Xuan: "The plane is good, but the black cloud already has a role aircraft, which is not so big to the demand for strategic transporters."

It is not that the demand is that expression, it is really a three-year-old child!

Wakwheat Tangha: "The good thing is of course a lot of benefits, we can cooperate in both our two, or technical exchange."

It seems that the other party is to eat himself, but the technical exchange is not a way. As long as you grasp the better, I believe what is inexpensive.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Good things share each other, of course no problem."

"Just I don't know what McDao wants to have any exchange, we are friends, many things are good."

Although the YC-15 transporter is still not mature enough, it can be very good. As long as it is to get the hand, I believe that the engineer of the Black Cloud Group must be able to develop a model that is not weak in the C-17 Global Transporter.

Moreover, the black cloud has Bunxuan, at least in the field of aerospace engine, not afraid of any opponent.

Xiaomer Tangner thought about saying: "Since you have just mentioned the role aircraft, both can be exchanged."

In fact, the most hoped that Xiaoma Tangja is the HH-01 ghost battle bomber, but also knows that Bunxuan will certainly not agree. This will return to the next, select the role aircraft.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "It's not a consideration. At present, the McDo is not very mature. Although we are friends, you can't let friends lose too much, not. Single single transport machine, not enough Exchange role aircraft. "

"The exchange is still not anxious, the wheatway should not only be a home. If you have talked about technical exchange, so the two sides have the bottom."

It seems that Bunzi Xuan is very big, but the wheat is also known that YC-15 will definitely change the related technique of the role aircraft, that is, the fist product of the black cloud. There is a super-high reputation in the world, and it will not agree.

Still take a look, at least Bao Zi Xuan is not excluded; then it is proved that Mai Mai has the opportunity to get the technical information and patent authorization of the role aircraft.

Bedding house

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