The technique of the role aircraft can't say how high, and the Soviet, Huaxia, and Saudi and other countries are about to master. When you have a little value, you can exchange some good things with the Americans.

People's scientific and technological strength, people are not research and development. However, there is currently no elimination of mustard between major companies in the United States, and you cannot concentrate your strength. Of course, they are all private companies, it is difficult to integrate together. The United States is an immigrant country with too many camps.

This is also the cause of several science and technology towns in the United States, and there is no reason why it is still complete. It is estimated that the end result is not very good, and even a joke.

F-15 fighter; nickname: US Eagle, is a US Air Force one-type supersonic jet third generation fighter.

The F-15 fighter uses a truncated double-seat, and the two turntile engines are installed, and high-speed combat capacity is installed. The machine has perfect all-weather combat capabilities, which can use advanced mid-range air missiles to destroy enemy aircraft, mainly in the air - up combat mission, and develop a modification of overtime.

The F-15 fighter was developed by the US McDee, which was developed from the F-X plan launched in 1962. In 1969, the Mai Tao company washed, and the first time in July 1974, the first mass production was delivered to the US Air Force. It is more than 40 years to serve in more than 40 years, with a total production quantity, a variety of modifications, and six countries. Participate in more than 100 small wars, and smash the enemy machine. The FI 22 fighter was replaced by the F-22 fighter in the early 21st century.

Even if you put it in the later generation, F-15 is also the most successful heavy empty fighter. The F-15 Eagle and the F-16 Battle of Fighter are very successful, which can be said to be the guarantee of the US.

The McDee has such excellent military aircraft, and finally can be acquired by Boeing, and I don't know what the McKonal is doing. It is not very uncomfortable. .

At this time, for Americans, the status of F-15 is very important, and it is difficult to get it.

Based on its high price, in addition to the United States, there are only three countries such as Israel, Japan, Saudi, etc. in the early United States, and there are countries such as Singapore to propose procurement needs. In addition, the F-15E is based on the F-15K, which is the first F-15 using the GE engine. The previous F-15 before this is the use of a Pleasant engine.

At this time, Xiaomer Tangja has been aware of the saying: "The F-15 fighter body is a full metal semi-hard shell structure, the body is composed of the front, middle, and last three sections. The foregoing included head radar Hood, cockpit and electronic equipment cabin, main structural materials are aluminum alloys. The middle section is connected to the wing, and some of which use titanium alloated parts to withstand large loads, accounting for 20.4% of this weight.

The top three frames were aluminum alloy structures, and the last three were titanium alloy structures. The post-section is the engine compartment of the titanium alloy structure. The tail of the serrated leading edge is full, the area is large, and high-speed flight and mobile needs can be met. "

"The wing design uses a cutoff three-wheel-wing, which can improve the wing structure, increase the contents of the machine, and the aircraft can make the aircraft increase more gentle, and the aircraft is smaller when the aircraft runs across the sound. Reduce the flattening resistance. "

"This is definitely the world's most advanced fighter, and there is no one. As for the F-14 panda fighter produced by Grumman, it is still far from him."

"But this is the absolute secret of the US Air Force. As a manufacturer, it does not dare to promise anything, I hope you can understand."

The US eagle is not a white-called, which is also the cause of the F-18 fighter to provide F-18 fighters to the black cloud, and does not dare to mention the reasons for F-15.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Every company has its own difficulties, let alone military products are never decided by a company."

"This time, I'm really open, it seems that the road that the Black Cloud Group needs to go."

Small Macon Donald replied: "You can't say this, the black cloud is a lot, and at least the government will not transition interference."

In fact, this is true, and how the British will not think that the development of Xiangjiang Black Cloud Group will be so fast. I am afraid to believe, but I feel like it is not so real.

Previously, the bill stipulates that the Xiangjiang has a strong autonomy in the business field, which is a famous international trade freehand.

However, it is only for ordinary goods, which is equally applicable to the British native. Who will think that this science and industry in Xiangjiang can actually appear in the company. Before the bill has not been modified, we can only sell weapons and equipment to any country in the world.

Perhaps Battong can be restrained, but Xiangjiang is also in the Batumi high-end precision instrument. Do you want to make its country can't transport a precision instrument to Xiangjiang, while letting the Black Cloud Group cannot sell weapons and equipment, mechanical equipment to the banned countries. There is no truth in the world, people can completely ignore it.

Now Batumi is also a head, two big, do not know how it is good. The ban is currently being revised, ready to include Xiangjiang in the same treatment as the UK.

Bao Zi Xuan: "I have seen it, I didn't say that the technical information of this plane would take back to Xiangjiang. And each company has core confidential, regarding the capital of the company."

"You can see other, McDao companies should have a lot of good things!"

One similar to the black cloud HH-01 ghost fight bomber appeared in front of the eye, which made Bun Zixuan very surprised. Because of historical development, this failed model should not appear.

The A-12 attack machine is an anchient attack machine with McDonal-Douglas and General Power Company. It is an attack machine that the US Navy's first-in-depth enemy has a long-distance strike mission for design goals, and the first ancimed carrier machine developed by US Navy. The US Navy plans to replace the A-6 intruder attacking machine for service service, the US Air Force also plans to purchase, and the F-111 dolphin combat fighter is exchanged from the mid-1960s. However, due to the development plan, the budget super-budget, the weight of the body is overweight and the development time, and the US Secretary of Defense is announced to terminate the entire R & D plan in the 1990s.

A-12 Originally replaced the A-6 attack in the mid-1990s, using the "Named Air Force F-117A more advanced stealth technology, and the payload capacity is also much greater than" Night Eagle ". Compared to A-6E, the speed of A-12 is faster, farther away, and a large number of weapons can be mounted in the internal batches to reduce resistance and maintain low radar cross-sectional shapes. Like ATF, A-12 is expected to have higher reliability than existing aircraft, while only half of the maintenance of workers.

In a specific indicator, in addition to the requirements of good stealth performance, A-12 is also required to operate the radius of A-6E, 40% high, low-altitude level growth performance, transient disk rotation speed and maximum circulation The angular velocity is better than the A-6E. Even the maximum circle angle speed is quite or better to F-18C. When it is critical to attack, it is calculated from the bomb area of ​​the 23 mm high guns, and should be equivalent to the A-10 or only 1/12, F-18C of the A-6E.

Wakah Tangja smiled and said: "McDee-in-the-vehicle research and development have started in 1981 in 1981, but it didn't be so anxious at the time. Until I saw the black cloud HH-01 ghost battle Accelerate the R & D speed. "

I heard that Bunxuan fully understood that it was also because it was because Black Cloud had HH-01 ghost battle slamming machine, and Xiaomi Donner dared to bring him here. Ordinary partners are worried about leakage, there is not so much scorken for Bunzi Xuan. After all, Black Cloud has already walked to the forefront of the world, and maybe some valuable comments can be made.

Bao Zi Xuan knows that A-12 is plagued due to widely used composites. The composite material does not reach the expected weight loss effect. Some components do not have to use a heavier metal component due to the request. There are too many peripherals of the aircraft, and the two wing wings are very large, and must be strengthened. Composites must be particularly thickened, and the improved workload is large. The aircraft has exceeded 30 tons, and the aircraft has exceeded 3,630 kg, which is 30% higher than expected, and the weight limit of the aircraft carrier carrier machine is overweight. In addition, in complex inverse-assigned aperture radar systems, it has also been difficult to develop, and advanced avionics development is fully delayed.

Like DC-10, the A-12 project is destined to fail. However, Black Cloud already has HH-01, it is now enough; the A-12 of the McDe will let them play itself.

At the same time, how much understands that small McTonal is a good reason, so many failed items, F-15 and F-18 earned more money to stickers.

After the Bunzi Xuan visited the production line of the F-18, A-4 and other aircraft, as a full-scale understanding of the McDending company; at the same time, it was also shocked.

It can be like a Mai Tao, which is acquired, then more powerful Boeing, Lockheed, Pleui, and General Power Corporation will; simply dare not imagine.

Bedding house

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