Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 917 President Trunge - Gift

I didn't stay in the Mai Mai company at night, but the special plane came again to the US capital Washington. The head of the bag has received an invitation that cannot be rejected, and the US President Ronald-Ren has issued an invitation.

For the invitation of the President Ren, Bunzi Xuan is inexplicably. After all, there is nothing to have before the tempes, this time I invite what I mean.

However, in order to show respect for the president, it is still as scheduled.

White House, also known as the US Presidential Palace, located 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC, United States of America, is built on October 13, 1792, is a bureaucrat of US president and the first family and dealing with the people's affairs, and is one of the normally symbols.

White House is a white neoclassical sandstone building, mainly composed of three parts: main building and East, West two wings, East is the Banquet Activities, West is Administrative Office Building and Presidential Office; 3 floors in the main building, 6 floors, a total of 132 rooms The area covers an area of ​​73,000 square meters and is a national center of the United States of America.

Whether it is the past or this world, the head of the head is the first to come over the US presidential bureaucracy - White House.

It has been before I have been to the head of the head of the country, whether it is China, or a national center of Saudi, and has been there. And now the head of the head is in Kyoto, and it is also much better than the White House.

Since people invite you, you must prepare a gift in love. This can make Bunxuan's difficulties, send electronic products, worry, is said that there is nothing to have. In case, if you fall, install a bug in it, you can't get it in the Yellow River.

There is no such thing in history, and the Soviet friends have got a lesson to the Americans; the United States does not simply describe the sufferation of losses.

In May 1960, Washington, USA launched a secret, before the US Central Bureau had no courage to disclose it, because this is a "shame." In the U-2 hit event, the United States in order to counterattack the Soviet accusation, at the fourth day of the United Nations Security Council, the US representative of the United Nations Calbot took out a bug - "Golden Lip", and the act of the Soviet Union Public.

Stalin reached a dead order to Belia in Belia in 1943, and at all costs eavesdropped on the US Ambassador Avila Carman. The US is highly vigilant, and the general eavesdropper will soon expose, how to make the eavesdropper not discovered, become the biggest problem of this action.

Through the unremitting efforts of the Soviet expert, they finally invented the microwave pulses that did not need power and battery, and 300 meters, the microwave pulse of the power consumption oscillator can be captured by it, and the Soviet Union named it "Gold lip". At that time, all the anti-stealing equipment could not capture any signals of the "Golden Lip". Its work life can be extended unlimited,


In February 1945, Soviet agents were invited to Roosevelt and Churchill in the name of the Young Pioneers, inviting Cambodously thanked the help of the Soviet Union in World War II. The Americans who promote the "equality and fraternity" will naturally not refuse the invitation of the children, but Roosevelt and Churchill are busy, can't be arrived in person, respecting the Soviet Ambassador to participate in the event, the Soviet program is successful.

Carryman participated in the opening ceremony of the "Alt Kozu Qiang Pioneers Fitness" held in the Black Sea Bin, and the Soviet Union first made him alert with a child. Then, four young pioneers have dedicated him a beautiful huge wooden American national emblem, and Breurkov took the opportunity to tell the precious wood used in the production of this national emblem. After the speaking, Breurkov said with a whisper to Cariman: "This national emblem has only the United States. If you hang in your office, the British will definitely be crazy." Caliman listened to his suggestion In this way, the US Embassy Office was eavesdropped by the Soviet relevant agencies, and many confidentialities have been obtained.

During the period, this national emblem was deeply loved by 4 US ambassadors. Even each ambassador is replaced, this national emblem has never passive. Until eight years later, the United States discovered the eavesdropper and then removed the national emblem to the ambassador office.

If Bunzu Xuan does not send US presidential electronic products, then the consequences can be imagined. After all, the Americans have suffered from harm, and they will be recognized as if they have careless.

Since the most famous electronic product of the black cloud does not work, you can only think about the way in other ways.

The car was also denied by Bao Zixuan, and the president was given to the president to send such heavy rites; with bribery.

Suddenly thought of the lady of the Ragang, but a good time to make a good object, and heard that the relationship between husband and wife is very good, perhaps it will become a breakthrough.

Can the Ragan President Lady like what, Bao Zixuan does not know. Who will understand the habits of the President, Baozi Xuan thought of a person, Helen - Barton.

This is born in the famous American famous family, and there is a Hollywood background; it will definitely understand what Lady Lady likes.

Baozi Xuan: "Is Bayon! I am Bao Zixuan, is it okay?"

I heard the other party is Bao Zi Xuan, Helen - Barton has some differences. This young man is not like a person who is active to call her, what is important today.

George's Barton military vehicle has been successful, directly promoting the popularity of the General Memorial Memorial. Tourists and pilgrims have been endless in recent time, this is what I don't want to think before.

Not only that, a few days ago, I also received a donation from 20 million US dollars in Black Cloud. This is the Single maximum donation received since the General Foundation of the Barton, but it is only a high-performance car. In any case, the Barton family accounted for a large and cheap.

Helen-Palton said: "The Black Cloud Group Baoxuan gave a woman to call, but it is very difficult. It is estimated that I will have a headline of the news."

I know that the other party is joking, the woman has gossip, there is not much relationship with the age.

Bao Zixuan: "You don't joke me, this time you find something you want to consult."

Helen-Barton expression slightly disappointment: "I know that you will not care about me, and I will call me so late; it is definitely what is important, I will not be related to women!"

"I may also love the woman with your wealth, the length, the age, and the talents, I may also love."

In fact, Bun Zixuan will not call him because George - Barton cars will call him, not just that the car has been greatly successful. More important as the previous work of the boss has been done, there is no problem with the following people to handle and follow up.

If you do this little thing, it is estimated that it is not necessary to continue in the company.

Bao Zixuan did not expect Helen-Barton to see the problem, the other party is not a simple role. If there is no two brushes, how can I cross my father and my brother, and take the most important inheritance of the Barton family with a daughter.

Bao Zixuan: "It's really guess, I want to ask you what President's wife likes."

"President Reagan suddenly invited me to participate in a banquet, the first time the white honest visit will always have a gift."

"But I don't know what people like, thinking that you have a Hollywood background, will definitely know more than I know."

I heard it is giving a gift to Nancy-Ragan, Helen Barton is not very happy, and the relationship between the two is not so harmonious. It is now Bao Zi Xuan to inquire about her. In the case, I have to tell people if I know it. I should have no reservation.

Helen-Barton thought about it: "Nancy-Ren's favorite is clothes, you can do some articles in this regard."

I heard that Bao Xuan Lisao had an idea, Helen Barton also reported the height and clothes size of the first lady. Perhaps this is a chance; after expressing thanks to the other party, I hang up the phone.

Bao Zi Xuan gave the mother to the mother and got the answer to the answer, he began to prepare.

The efficiency of the Black Cloud Group also showed another show, the bodyguards drove directly from the head of the head to the airport; where there is a black cloud 919 passenger plane has already been on the apron.

After the bodyguards gave the clothes to the passenger, the aircraft won the takeoff approval.

There is no thing on this plane, only the clothes needed in Bao Zixuan, exactly two cheongsam.

Knowing Nancy-Ren like clothes, the most important facial figure and his mother have little difference. The two Qierolin have not yet been able to wear the cheongsam to the United States.

The clothes may not be very expensive, but the freight is spent 3 million US dollars. After all, there is too much to increase the route and need to coordinate.

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