Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 918 President Trunge - Daxous Cloud

It is estimated that only the head is rich and diverse, and it is reluctant to do other people. The shipping costs of two clothes have far exceed the actual value, and the effect will be like, no one knows. Just hit the President's wife likes to have taste clothes from Helen Badton, and the traditional cheongsam can not be able to entertaire. No one said.

This is better than a gamble, but there are many chips on the Bunzi Xuan table, not waiting to lose.

In the Black Cloud Group, Bun Zi Xuan speaks is absolutely authority. No one dares to violate and not, although it feels that the boss has smiled for the beats, but there is no one dare to question.

In fact, it is very good to understand that it will inevitably suffer misunderstandings. Moreover, the black cloud staff must have a boss and that woman has a relationship. The company has never been successive. Bun Zixuan does not have a child.

It is used to the black cloud work, and the future development must have no problem. At least at the stage is the existence of the world, as long as the development of the class is developed, there is no problem with great enterprises.

The boss also treats the employee, welfare, and treatment. Such a company, no one wants to have a long time. Today, the boss puts two clothes in order to deliver a beautiful woman, and prove that women have a high status in his heart. This is very excited about the employees who have wanted to see the black cloud.

It is destined to let employees are disappointing, when you know that two pieces of clothes are gifts to the President's lady, the black cloud staff don't know what to say, the boss is still the boss, everything is for the company.

On the second day, the bodyguard was handed over to Bunxuan with clothes; after detailed examination, I found no problem.

Dinner is coming soon, Bao Zi Xuan took invitation, bring gifts to the US Rights House - White House.

After detailed inspection, only one of the richest people came to the banquet hall. Where is this, the bodyguard is still a relatively safe periphery. In case there is no need to misunderstand, it is not good for everyone.

When I came over, I saw a lot of acquaintances. Familiar with each other and talked together soon.

I don't know why the President of Ragan will feast him. After seeing these people, they basically understand.

There are dozens of dozens of people who have seen, most of them are authoritative experts in US computers, many main attack network connection. Is there a global Internet in the root?

The Black Cloud Group develops multi-protocol routers in advance and has achieved technical breakthroughs in fiber. Make this Internet era will inevitably come in advance; President Reagan faces campaign and should take out some special initiatives.

Otherwise how the electors believe that he can lead the United States to advance, after all, now the US Su Cold War, the United States is facing huge pressure.

At this time, the President Ragang brought the lady in front of everyone. Everyone has greeted, and the opportunity is too rare. For these scholars, it is very difficult to see the president.

At this time, Bao Zixuan is chatting with his mentor, Massachusetts Computer Department, Chat. Roland.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Teacher, do you know what to ask us to the White House?"

After all, Harry Roland is American, and is a top computer expert in the world. The government will definitely consult him to see if the plan is feasible. Getting the news is wider, at least Bao Zi Xuan is more than it.

Harry Roland said with a smile: "This is absolutely good for the black cloud. After the plan is implemented, it will inevitably make a big profit."

"President Reagan wants to drive network construction, and Apa net coverage is enhanced." began in the United States in 1969. It is the US military under ARPA. First, the ARPA is used for military connections, and then the University of California, the University of California, California University, UCSB (California) and Utah The four major computers of the university are connected. This agreement is implemented by BBN and MA of Cambridge University, starting from December 1969. "

"The Black Cloud Group develops multi-protocol routers, with the aid of fiber optic data transmission. It is worthwhile to have a simple network promotion, and the government plans to connect all major universities and research institutions in the US East and west. By, regardless of academic exchange, information The transfer will be much convenient. "

"Call so many professors and entrepreneurs are to build a network."

"Just involve too many interests, single primary root server belongs is a problem. In addition, the server chooses which company chip, it is a headache."

The root server is primarily used to manage the main directory of the Internet, and there are only 13 worlds. 1 is a primary root server, placed in the United States. The remaining 12 are the root server, 9 of which are placed in the United States, Europe, 1 in British and Sweden, located in Japan. All root servers are managed by the US government's Internet domain name and number allocation agency ICANN, responsible for the management of global Internet domain root servers, domain name systems, and IP addresses.

This 13 root server can direct Firefox or Internet Explorer to control the Internet communication with the web browser and email programs. Since the root server has 260 more than 260 Internet suffixs approved by the US government and some specified characters in some countries, the US government has a lot of says.

Although there is no need for one-time construction of 13 root servers at this time, it is necessary to need a primary root server as long as it is a network. There is currently most important to get the main root server to place the region.

Stanford University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, two schools have their own advantages, but also can't say who will be better.

The main root server is definitely with black clouds, and the root server Baoxuan still wants to fight. The Yulin Institute of Technology As the first school in the world, there is no problem in technology.

The multi-protocol router of the Black Cloud Group has given the head of the head. This must be striving for it, and it will never be placed in Japan like a past life.

Bao Zixuan: "The teacher came over to get the main root server, and the Massachusetts Institutes were indeed very appropriate."

There are too many Masson IMBs in the head of the bag, and the alma mater will be thought of in the case of conditions permit. And the main root server is in MIT, and there is no harm to him.

However, even if it is powerful, it is not his right, today you must get the ownership of the Keriline Institute of Technology.

Harry Roland: "Stanford is a powerful opponent, and the people in the network will start early in Massachusetts. The final decision can only be given to the government, but can have the opportunity to fight."

At this time, the President Rena and the wife came to the two.

This is the first time Bun Zixuan sees the legend of this legend, and the presidential gas field that is not from an actor is so strong.

Baozi Xuan did not dare to hold the big, and hurried forward and said: "Mr. President, lady, two good, thanks for two invitation."

Although I saw the photo of Bunxuan before countless times, I know what kind of person is. It can be seen that people who are still that young people are still in front of themselves. The presidential couple still surprised, this super rich gives them too shocking.

The president said with a laughing: "It can be heard in your name in numerous times. Today, it will be a real person. It is more important than I think, it is also very rare."

This is the most basic polite problem, but no matter where it goes, the head of the head is rich and the age is the main topic after the meal. It is too amazing, everyone is hard to wind.

Bao Zi Xuan: "The President is awarded, I am still very far more than your legend."

At the same time, I said to Nancy-Ren: "This is a little bit of my mother. He is your fairy fan; it is just a normal specialty, there is less than $ 150, and it will never let people say the broken language. Can you leave it? Time, give me a signature photo, it is also a careful wish to complete her. "

Come over, scholars and entrepreneurs, don't say that you are tall, no dare to give gifts to President and their family. This kid is completely a head, but it is a bit cute.

Stretching without smiling, not to mention people, I will have a gift. The most important thing is to meet the requirements and standard gifts, and it is visible to consider very thoughtful.

Nancy-Ragang smiled and said: "Mr. Bao and your mother are too polite, bring me thank you. I listened to the legendary story of the, next time, I will come to the White House."

Bao Zixuan This meal, stupid, everyone. People presenting don't know what to say, after all, no one has done so.

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