Nancy-Ren took a gift, followed by the past. In case there is radiation, it may even follow bad luck even the president. Of course, Baozi Xuan is still not so bold, but it can't prevent it, everything must follow the process, no one can exceed

At this time, everyone has some differences in Bun Zixuan. How to make such a masterpiece this kid, it seems that there is a lot of growth. Although it is a top scholar, it can be dared to clearly see the president and super rich in the United States.

This kid gift is really clever, at least make people say anything. Mother is Nancy-Ren's fans, how it is possible. The first lady has not yet red to that level, more excuses and contexts. But now there is no passport, at least no one dares to question.

The fans sent a star gift, and the request was normal. And the gift is reasonable, and no one is wrong.

The circle party has never been a man who is talking off, a woman comes into a circle. Of course there is also an exception, that is, our head is rich. There is no female companion in the United States, and there is also a lot of clean.

The lady who saw Professor Harry Roland is chatting with the same lady. Before Bao Zi Xuan went to smile and said: "Teacher, I haven't seen you for a long time."

For this name, Mrs. Roland is quite familiar. And only one person will call her so, understand the traditional Chinese tradition, close to Bunzi Xuan.

This young richest is not forgotten, and there will be no two old couples. The number of gifts is very in place, let people pick a little problem. For her husband to help him, Mrs. Roland did not have a little opinion.

Lady laughed and said: "Pack, recently, more harmful. Thank you for giving me a gift from me, when I have time to personally kiss you, thank you."

Summary Time Bunxuan has passed MIT in the past, and Mrs. Roland just took the child to Europe. The head of the bag is not forgotten, and the gift is like this.

Bao Zixuan: "The teacher's cooking is very expected, but the recent is busy back to the Xiangjiang. I can only wait until next time, when you have time to have a vacation, let the students do the landlord."

For Bunzi Xuan, no one will be unfamiliar. Including the lady chatting with Roland, it is exactly what she is waiting here to come.

Come over Roland's wife just greeted, this is the most polite question. If you want to go, it is not so easy.

Mrs. Roland said with a smile: "Bao, this is Moore Mrs."

Since it has been introduced,

So you must say hello. This is related to politeness, and this occasion is also not allowed to cover up.

Bao Zixuan: "I am very happy to see you, Mrs. Moore."

At this moment, you can come here, and also known as Mors, then there is only one possibility. His husband is the real god of integrated circuits, Gordon Moore. It is also a proposal of Moore's law, and is also one of Intel's creators.

At this time, Gordon Moore has been paying attention to Baozi Xuan and his wife trends, so that the lady came to find Harry-Roland's wife chatted; its purpose is to lead the bobbin, now it seems that the effect is very good.

Mrs. Moore said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Bao. Chang listening to people mentioned you, just have not been able to meet. Today, it is satisfied, and finally see the real person."

Although not good at dealing with women, there is no problem with basic chat. Three people quickly chatted, and people couldn't understand.

Gordon Moore saw that the timing is almost mature, and the wine glasses are coming over. At the same time, smiled and said: "Dear, who is so happy to talk."

At the same time, I watched Bao Zi Xuan said: "Hello! Mr. Xiao Bao; I am Gordon-Moore, from Intel."

Looking at this Confucian middle-aged man, who can think of the other party will achieve such a achievement.

Moore 1929 was born in San Francisco in California, USA. He has won a bachelor's degree in chemistry in Berkeley, California, and has a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry at California Institute of Technology. In the mid-1950s, the inventors of the integrated circuit Robert Northis work together in William-Xiaokeli Semiconductor. Later, Novis and Moore and other 8 people collective resigned and their own famous fairy tongs semiconductor companies in history.

In 1968, Moore and Neis were withdrawn from Xian Tong, and founded to develop data storage fields that have not been developed at the time of the computer industry. The company's first important product Intel1103 storage chip is listed in the early 1970s. In 1972, Intel sales reached US $ 23.4 million. Since 1982, there have been a total of 22 major breakthroughs in microelectronics technology in the past 10 years, with 16 items developed by Intel.

In Moore lead Intel's more than ten years (1974-1987), the PC representative of PCs germination and gains rapid development. Moore predicted the success of the PC with its keen vision. He made decisions, Intel made strategic transfer, specializing in the "heart" component of microcomputer - CPU.

Gordon Moore is the largest promoter and victory of this change and progress. In high-tech IT fields, people who have been struggling for ten years can be called the veteran. So shining more than 40 years of light, Moore, should also be called why? Gordon Moore is not only a veteran, but he is an idol of an information industry.

In the later generation, although Moore, the Moore, the Chairman of the Inter. The Moore has dropped out of daily management, but he still appeared in the building of Intel headquarters a week.

This is definitely a bull to explode, at least not to see the people in the integrated circuit in the field of integrated circuits.

Baozi Xuan quickly reached out and said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Moore; I am very happy to see you."

"I often say that the company's employee said that Moore's law is the direction of the future computer. Black Cloud Computer Company is developing around Moore's law, and I am a firm support for Moore's law."

Gordon Moore didn't expect Bunzi Xuan as a warm, and he looked at the opponent's eyes, unlocked. I know this early, I don't have to come over before the front of the front, I will come forward.

Baozi Xuan's attitude made Gordon Morgan very satisfied, it seems to be in the field of integrated circuits, he is still the king.

Gordon Moore: "Mr. Xiao Bao has a prize, today can gather together in the White House. I would also like to thank the Black Cloud Group in a multi-protocol router; and a huge breakthrough in the field of fiber transmission."

"If you want to Harry Roland, Professor Roland has already introduced you. What do you think of an upgrade to; this, we can cooperate, you should be beneficial to both companies."

About Black Cloud This customer, Intel has long had an idea. The company consumed the largest company in the world, and suppliers are still not the most professional R & D and production company of CPU. This is a satirical.

Perhaps in the field of communication, they have a certain gap with Motorola. In the field of CPU, Intel is definitely the king. The CPU consumed daily, the CPU consumed daily is an astronomical figure, and the decline is very fast, and any customers in the world cannot ignore customers.

It is not good to find the door directly, so Gordon Moore remembers the use of lady's diplomatic way to meet. At least won't be so awkward, but also to get the platform.

Bao Zixuan does not have a female companion, as his mentor. The lady of Harry Roland will definitely appear, and this has just seen the scene.

At this point, I heard Gordon Moore wanted to cooperate, Bun Zixuan did not accident. However, there is no contradiction between the relationship with Motorola and at least two parties in cooperation. Rank replacement supplier is not conducive to the Group's future strategic planning.

Gordon Moore is another person who is a pivotable person in the field of integrated circuits, and their ritual is very impressed. At this time, the head is a little difficult, because he is worried about rejecting the mole, will definitely be a bad thing.

It is not so easy to get a root server. At this time, Intel is not a wise move, but you can not refuse to explain Motorola.

Baozi Xuan wants to say: "Mr. Mo said is very reasonable, and cooperation is good for everyone. I don't know if you want to cooperate in those areas, at least let me have a number."

Moore knows that this kid is definitely changing, or it is impossible to think so long. But it is not important, as long as it is to draw a black cloud group station team, the purpose of today has reached.

Gordon Moore: "Apa net expansion requires a large number of servers. It seems that black clouds and IBM have strong competitiveness. It is definitely IBM dominant in the United States, and there are no other countries in the world. So in this respect Home can cooperate to jointly develop large industrial computers that adapt to future development. "

Both people know that this is just the first step in cooperation. Compared with industrial computers, personal computers are the market in each other.

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