Bunzi Xuan understands what old Moore means, can I refuse this time! It is estimated that the black cloud wants to get the support of the root server Intel.

At the moment it is a critical period, and it may be the only chance of the black cloud gets the root server. On the side of Xiangjiang return to Huaxia mainland, it is getting closer and closer, while the Black Cloud Group is constantly growing. At this time, Black Cloud has come to front in many fields, without multi-protocol router and super fiber transmission technology, Americans upgrade Apa net hope will be very embarrassing. I will pull the black cloud and can only be this time.

The Soviet Union is oppressed in military, and Japan has brought pressure on the United States in the economy. The black cloud is not mainly targeted, lost this opportunity, and the Americans will never put the root server in Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology.

Bun Zixuan: "The black cloud computer has begun to develop the next generation of industrial computers, but the existing chip does not meet the requirements. If Intel can give a certain help, of course, welcome."

I heard the goodwill of Bao Zi Xuan showed, Gordon Moore understood what it meant. This kid is definitely seeking, otherwise it is impossible to talk so much.

Gordon Moore: "It's too clever, Intel also developed a new generation of CPUs, it seems that our cooperation is very happy."

"What is the requirements of Black Cloud, or I hope that Intel is doing. There is no free lunch in the world. Although we are engineers, it is also a businessman."

Bao Zixuan did not expect that Moore was so straightforward, it seems that this old kid is really in the commercial speaker. So smiled and said: "This Apa net upgrade must face the choice of server storage. Black Cloud will support Intel CPU, and I hope Intel can be able to give it to the root server."

I heard Bunzi Xuan wanted to get a root server, Gordon Mold Horse understood what it meant. The main root server will definitely be upgraded to the whole world in the United States. It is normal to establish a root server in other continents, or data transmission will definitely be affected, and all data is placed in a local centralized process, which will greatly reduce the information transmission speed.

Gordon Moore considers it: "The Black Cloud Group has the world's most advanced industrial computer, multi-protocol router, and fiber optic transmission technology; getting a root server should be, at least Intel will not be opposed."

With this guarantee is enough, after all, the two sides are still in contact. As long as Intel is not bad, Bao Zixuan will get a lot of hopes to get the root server.

Two people's chat has been seen in their eyes alone, it is Motorola's headman - Robert Galvin.

As a US communication and chip double giant,

Very normal was invited. However, Galvin is not an engineer in the traditional sense, so there is a little effort with others.

Professors and laboratory of colleges of the United States know that it will be aware of some expertise in order to upgrade to Apa.com. Of course, there are some performance ingredients, and the President Reagan can be around.

Gordon-Moore absolute engineer is born, and it is still a technology big cattle. These issues have been discussed with many people before, as for Robert Galvin is not a star half of this.

Bao Zi Xuan's arrival he had long seen, before giving a gift to Nancy-Ragan gift, it was more cognitive. It seems that this kid is mature, at least in terms of people, it is no longer than them.

As for the chat with Harry Roland and his lady, Robert Galvin did not care. Teachers and students are very normal, this is the most basic polite problem.

Until Gordon-Moore's appearance made Robert Galvin feel a conspiracy, Mrs. Moore is biased by Harry Roland's wife chat. There is not sustacious thing in the world, it is definitely the meaning of old Moore.

I saw the old Moore Tongbao Xuan chatted together, Robert Galvin was more accused before. And I saw the laughter of the old Moore, knowing what the two will definitely reach.

The black cloud group industry chain is very wide, but Intel focuses on CPU research and development and production. Don't want to know that old Moore is definitely wanted to sell CPU to Bao Zi Xuan, it is necessary to grab meat from Motorola's mouth, absolutely can't let the old guy wish.

It may not be very careless before, but it is not the same now. Motorola's financial report can not be lied, and the chip field has become the company's core business. All this is because of the Black Cloud Group, if you lose the black cloud order, then the Motorola Chip Factory can directly declare close.

At the same time, Robert Galmin, in the CPU field, Intel Investment is a few times the Motorola. Performance must be stronger than Motorola, and the old Moore is an absolute authority in the field of integrated circuits; itself has a strong appeal. At this time, everything is in the direction that is not conducive to Motorola.

Robert Galvin knows that you can't be silly here, passive acceptance is not his character.

When the wine glasses came to the two, smiled and said: "What are you talking! So happy, Mr. Moo hasn't seen you for a long time."

To say that the people who don't want to see this Moore, Motorola's handheld Robert-Galvin a certain position. Basically, the same bunxuan has reached an agreement, and this guy is now a foot. Then things may have variables, although the black cloud agrees to use the Intel chip when agreed to develop a new industrial computer. However, the contract has not been signed yet, and everything is still uncertain.

Everyone is a person with identity, and the surface work is still going well.

Gordon Moore: "Mr. Calvin! Hello! Mr. I and Bao is exploring Apa net upgrade, this is a strong technical-related knowledge. Many people can't understand easy understanding, I hope you can forgive me."

What does this mean, not a clear, he doesn't understand technology. But this time Robert Galvin is not much more, after all, it is in front of you. Baozi Xuan does not need to say, as the capture winner, in the computer field belongs to absolute authority. As for the old Moore, it is a proposed manager of Moore, in the field of integrated circuit, like the ancestor's general existence.

Now two people are exploring technical knowledge, others don't understand very normal. In this case, it is not the character of Robert-Galvin, which does not meet the corporate culture of Motorola. At this time, the brain is thinking about how to move back, can't let Godon-Moore look at the joke.

Gordon-Moore called a traitor or rebellion, it has a deep historical origin, at least Americans; including the world semiconductor, it is still approved.

The story should be put from 1940, William Xiaokeley and colleagues invented the transistor in the Bell Lab. However, there is a rich dream in the heart of Xiaochley, and this dream cannot be achieved in Bell Lab, so he decided to return to the hometown of Santa Clara Valley (that is, later Silicon Valley) to create your own company.

Then he began to recruit top engineers across the country. Because it is attracted by the aura of Xiaokeley's "Transistor", the applicants of elites in the US electronic research field are coming.

By 1956, he hired eight outstanding talents, these eight people were Robert, Novo, Gordon-Moore, Julias Brack, Eugene-Clare, Gold-Herni, Jie-pull St. Sherton - Roberts and Victor - Grnik.

This is a combination of great geniuses that have never been seen, and everyone is under 30 years old and is in order to spray the peak. Everyone is coming, Mohuku is going to do a big business; Xiaokeley has begun to formally operate its company.

Also in 1956, Xiaokeley was awarded the Nobel Physical Award. Everyone is very excited, because is the company leaders by the Nobel Prize winner?

They feel that they have reached the edge of the whole world. Unfortunately, the joy is short. Although Xiao Kli is a genius inventor, it is not a good ability to manage business, even with people's ability to deal, but it is very self-righteous. Xiao Kli once said that there is a mental patient in 10 people. Therefore, he believes that there are two mental patients in the company to work for him.

For this reason, he asked all employees to accept psychological tests. He does not believe anyone; Xiaokeley talks with people, always like a child, attitude is getting arrogant. His disciples proposed to study integrated circuits, but Xiaokeley refused their suggestions. By 1957, the second year founded by the company, his eight genius employees could not stand him, and I didn't want to be with Xiaokeley. In November, 8 people resigned, Xiaokeley made this big thunder, saying that they were "outstaken", which also became one of the most famous allures of Silicon Valley.

Although leaving is the ideal of pursuing yourself, it can be in Robert Galvin. They are all traitors who are not buckled, although Gordon Moore has actually proved, leaving is right; old company is still a great opinion.

Seeing the atmosphere is somewhat, Bunzu Xuan said: "Robert, when you come over, I have been looking for a long time. I haven't seen people. I listened to Motorola employee said that I often go to Hollywood recently."

I heard the title of Bao Zixuan and half joke. Robert Galvin has no on-site episode, or not let Gordon Moore can't eat.

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