Robert Calvin recently often appeared in Hollywood, and the media reporter took many times. As for what to do, it is a man, don't want to know. But this is a private matter, no one has no right to interfere.

Although the media covered by the media, all Americans know. Baozi Xuan said today that heard from the internal staff of Motorola, it is obviously a good lie. As long as it is a smart person, I can't know that I can't arrange the present boss in front of one boss. That is to break your own road, Motorola has not so stupid employees.

Since Bao Zi Xuan gave the stairs, Robert Garwang pretend to be angry: "The bastard actually dares to arrange me, it seems that I have to clean up this guy, I really can't. In the past, Hollywood is to invest in the film and television industry, and there is no relationship. "

Robert Galvin said, the bag and the old Moore laughed, and it was alleviated.

I call myself to Robert, the relationship is also more close, and this place is the White House. It's not good to be full of everyone, and there is a traitor. In the eyes of the family; Gordon Moore is still not enough.

Of course, if you enter the 21st century Intel's CPU industry is another matter, it is still a lot more than Motorola.

At this time, a person came over to find Gordon Moore, and the president has something to do. Old Moore is self-cultivation, and I don't dare to give the root face.

At this point, Bunzi Xuan and Robert Galvin are left, and there is a good cooperation basis before, and it is not necessary to talk to Gordon Moore.

Bao Zixuan: "Robert, I don't want Motorola to enter the new field."

I heard the new field of Baozi Xuan said, and it was definitely related to the Apac upgrade. Otherwise, it will not be said that there are still many people in private.

Robert Galvin said with a smile: "Do you have any good ideas with No one wants to enter the new field, which means there is an unlimited development space."

"However, your boy never doing the sale of money, there must be no loss, the supply of black cloud chips must give some part of the share!"

It is good to deal with smart people, at least don't talk too straightforward, don't be so tired.

Bao Zixuan: "We are two are friends, Motorola has a very harmonious cooperation with the black cloud group. Can be in the field of CPU, especially a new generation of chips, Motorola has been fully lagging. Black cloud's latest industrial computer may have to make changes, existing The function of the chip is not enough.

"Personal computers will continue to purchase Motorola products, but they don't make changes, and they don't dare to guarantee in the future."

"In fact, everyone understands that Motorola does not occupy in the CPU field. Intel has too many technical geniuses, at least three founders are big cows, research and development."

"It's better to fight for you to live in other areas. actually requires advanced industrial computers, the same is equally important to devices that the computer links together; if you can control these computers, it is not small."

"The two we can do more articles in this regard, profits are not lower than the production chip, even more high. After all, doing unique business, more than competitive chips are strong."

In the field of integrated circuits, Robert Galvin also knows the shortcomings of Motorola. It can make some companies in which some traitors have developed and not in line with the core interests of the old capital family. I heard the Bunxuan said today, perhaps it is too tangled before, and I want to have some extremes.

Robert-Galvin: "You are Motorola can produce multi-protocol routers and fiber optic cables."

Motorola reduced in the field of CPUs, Bao Zixuan did not know whether it is or wrong. However, the Black Cloud Group will not give up, even if it is not produced, it is also necessary to do corresponding technical reserves. This is related to the future development pattern, how much does it cost to spend.

Motorola does not make a chip and always produce other. Can't let the factory are idle, such Robert Galvin will certainly not agree.

Bunzi Xuan: "Apa net upgrade is a big project; not only industrial computer, router and cable, including these industrial computers who are in hand. The industrial computer is concentrated, which is the server we usually say."

"Since must face the world, there must be a primary root server, as well as several auxiliary root servers. These servers will not put a lot of troubles. Many colleges are the best choice, if Motorola wants to get the right to speak, must have an auxiliary root server. "

"The reality server is not very real. It is exactly only to choose between Stanford and MIT. Chicago University can strive for an auxiliary root server. I believe this is the best result for Motorola."

"Black Cloud is in Xiangjiang Enterprise, I am not an American. Some important equipment will definitely not let the black cloud group production, US high-tech companies can trust."

"Black Cloud Group can authorize multi-protocol routers, fiber optic cables to Motorola production. Europe and America and the United States are handed over to Motorola, and other places are responsible for the black cloud."

"As for patent usage, we can negotiate. For business, it is better to get people who are cheaper with them, it is better to get themselves."

I heard that this is actually involved in so many technical issues, Robert Galvin is afraid. Today, I should have a talent that knows technology, and I have a misunderstanding. There is no Bao Zixuan reminded that Motorola may not drink soup.

The University of Chicago has a root server, and there is no difference in Motorola. The two are not only as simple as it is close, and cooperation is very close. The University of Chicago has the title of Motorola talent cradle that can be seen.

As for multi-protocol routers and fiber optic cables, Motorola production still has no problems. And as Bao Zi Xuan said, this is a unique business. Europe does not dare to say that the US market Motorola has a natural advantage.

Suddenly, I don't think, this kid should be not so good. Can't be white and cheap Motorola, at this time, the initiative is in the black cloud.

Robert Galvin: "Things should be not so simple, Motorola is going to pay."

Bao Zixuan: "Motorola does not have to pay, I only want to be difficult to be in the root server."

Now Robert Galvin completely understands that this small child is also intelting with Intel's partnership, which is so important that this is really important.

He does not understand computer related technologies, but Bao Zi Xuan is definitely understanding people. It can be seen in this way, it means that there are many problems, and this kid never doing the sale of money, it is also true that this is also the case.

Interest exchange, Robert Galvin did not refuse. The urgent urgency is to find director of the University of Chicago, Motorola must have actions, but also to show positive attitudes, let Chicago University can go all out.

It is necessary to do it, Robert Galvin did not do any residence; directly to the Professor Leonard, director of the University of Chicago.

Seeing Robert Galvin's expression, Lennad is a bit. This old guy has always seen these scholars, although the surface is very respectful, the things in the bones can't defraud. What happened today, is there anything in this?

Robert Galvin put Professor Leonard asked: "Professor Leonard, upgrade things should be understood. What do you think, or what Motorola and Chicago are doing. "

What happened today, how can I ask so strange? Do you want to participate in it, watching him is not like a person.

As the Chicago University Computer Department, Lennad is an authoritative character in the computer field. Of course, I know that Apa net upgrades, but this is involved in too many expertise, I really don't know how to explain to Robert Galvin. So Trial: "Mr. Calvin wants to join, this is a good thing!"

For the answer of Lenard, Robert Galvin is of course not satisfied. This is looking for him, knowing that you don't understand technology. But for business, it is also for Motorola's future, can only endure first.

Robert-Calvin: "Apa net upgrade, requires a large number of servers. Includes a primary root server and a number of accelerator servers, the primary root server will definitely choose one between MIT and Stanford."

"But the University of Kugago is completely powerful and capable of Chicago University. I believe this will have a huge benefit for the University of Chicago's computer professional."

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