Listening to Robert Galvin, Professor Leonard did not know what he didn't know, and even did not believe that these words were in front of him. The University of Chicago is very close to Motorola, and graduates have worked a lot in Motorola.

In Robert-Galvin heart, just a body that Chicago as a flower money, may never be respectful to respect. Graduates are more tools and labor for him to make money, and they will not recognize more.

Today, it is mentioned that the University of Chicago will strive for a root server, and the main root server will definitely be put in Stanford and MAS. Although it is not true, you can also know that Robert Garwang is very reasonable. Recently, Robert Galvin has made a computer related knowledge, not without this possibility.

Lennad: "Mr. Calvin means that Chicago University strives for a root server quota, which is very difficult. Single construction machine room and procurement equipment may take $ 200 million, and this is just a conservative estimate. The University of Chicago has limited computer professional funds, that is, there is no way to build. "

The University of Chicago as a US old name, not to be so leveling. Lennad just wants to see what Robert Galvin does it mean, is it true that I really want to help Chicago auxiliary root server.

Bao Zixuan can pay so much price in order to get the root server, although he does not understand, can you still learn!

Robert Galvin: "Motorola and Chicago University have a good cooperation foundation. Our two interests are common. The University of Chicago gets benefits, develops, Motorola will also benefit. Therefore, the funds don't worry, all by Motorola. "

"You don't work hard, Motorola must build a best room according to the requirements, purchase the latest industrial computers."

At this time, Professor Leonard feels that today is not April Fool's Day! Otherwise, Robert Galvin starts to say bad talk. With he understands it, it is not so big. Is there any irritation, or you want to understand.

As a computer system, internationally renowned computer experts, and also participated in the establishment of, of course, of course, knowing to need a primary root server and a number of accelerator servers. The main root server is not considered by the University of Chicago in computer. In the past, it will only be in vain, and even some are shameful.

Can a secure root server can still be struggling, at least in the top of Stanford and MAS. The University of Chicago is not weak than other colleges and universities, at least in terms of computers. If Motorola is fully supported, it is still very big to get a root server.

Professor Leoned looked at Robert Galvin's serious expression,

Know that the other party is true. $ 200 million is an astronomical figure for ordinary people, but it is really nothing to Motorola.

Lennad: "Mr. Calvin, we understand that the University of Chicago wants to get a root-root server or there is no big problem. But now everything is the experimental stage, and it is not known to produce benefits. And put it or a no hole, At least a year of maintenance costs is a small expense. "

Although I don't understand what is going on, what is going on, but Bun Zi Xuan wants to do something wrong. Computers will definitely become an important tool to promote human development, and the pre-layout has great benefits to Motorola.

Today, he didn't understand the technology today, which is indeed a short board. Now the age may not be up, cultivate the talent Motorola can't get behind. Baozi Xuan does not cooperate with the University of Technology, we must build a place in Xiangjiang. Motorola is close to the University of Chicago, such as such a good advantageous resource is seriously insufficient. It shouldn't be, it is still to give respect for intellectuals and professors.

Robert Galvin: " upgrades are national behaviors, which is a project that promotes continuous improvement in technology and humans. Even if there is nothing to spend, it will get a root-root server to make Chicago University computer profession more excellent. There is a huge benefit for Motorola, as long as the University of Chicago is going up, he can't make money. "

This is Robert Galvin to say, really can't believe it. It is the fact that this is always known to be a glory, and the lip is the truth.

At the same time, I also understand respect for scientific research workers, this is a good start. Although I don't know why Robert Calvin has such a big change, these are not important. As long as it is willing to pay money, who will care about others.

Lennad knows that the University of Chicago will pay some scientific research results, but everything is not important compared with someone to help build a root server. The interest exchange between enterprises and colleges is normal, and it is not possible to avoid in the United States.

At this time, Baixuan should continue to lobby, and now look very stable. American people will not easily put the root server in Xiangjiang, where it is the territory of Huaxia, returning to the morning and evening. If you don't pay a price, let all companies are satisfied, and the head is worried that the variable will appear.

At present, Motorola and Intel will not come out, and other companies are not climate. There is only one person or enterprise to be able to get into a bruiseology and Yulin Institute of Technology.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan took the initiative to find yourself, Swalvans were some inexplicable. The two companies compete are very intense, and even the water is not uncomfortable. At this time, Black Cloud and IBM have become synonymous with the field of large industrial computer, and it is difficult to say more than one more. Black cloud leads in performance, where IBM customers are placed.

The two mutual competition are also very good, at least anti-monopoly investigation will not easily find the door.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Mr. Watson, I haven't seen you for a long time, you have more spiritual."

The two people have not yet been familiar with that level, Baozi Xuan came over to find him, it is already suspicious, this is so polite, it must be seek. This kid never respects him so much, especially if there are other people next to them.

Little Watson: "If you are not more than your young people, Mr. Xiao Bao has recently been very beautiful. I heard that Black Cloud George - Batton's military cars should not seek, my granddaughter wants to buy a one, there is no chance. It seems that you are not just in the computer In the automotive industry, you can call the wind. "

Xiaovusen is really not a joke, and the Black Cloud George - Barton cars have caused great sensation in the United States and the world. All world names of the American society want to start, and of course, the granddaughter of Little Dovusen.

And I really said with Xiaovusen, although Baozi Xuan's products don't want to buy. Who can let the granddaughter like it, arrange people to ask. The black cloud car does not accept orders at all, and now we must ensure the supply of the military.

I saw Bunzi Xuan today, and I opened it halfway.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "What is the thing I am! Since Watson Miss likes the car to produce a car; I will give two times tomorrow. Guaranteed Miss satisfaction, you can rest assured."

I really don't know how to pick it up. The gift of Bao Zixuan is not so good, it is to owe the human feelings. You can see the expression of granddaughter disappointment, and Xiaovisen is very headache.

Uncomfortable grandfather has always been the pride of granddaughter. If you don't even have this little thing, it is really disappointing.

Little Watson: "The reactiveness is not in Lu, and will send a bill."

Buy yourself with money! The problems that the money can solve are small problems, and we will always be in love with this child.

Bao Zixuan: "Mr. Wats is not polite, a little thing."

"This time, there is something that is looking for you, and it is still good for IBM and Black Cloud."

I know that this child is definitely there is no good thing, or how will it be so generous.

Little Watson: "Mr. Xiao Bao can say it straight, if it is good for both companies, IBM has no reason to refuse."

Talking is so polite, and when you listen to the granddaughter who likes the car, I will have some questions. However, there is a little small Waden is very recognized. Bao Zixuan has never been pitted with partners, and the reputation in the whole world is very good.

Bunzi Xuan: "Apa net upgrade requires a more powerful industrial computer, and two companies can work together. We co-developed an industrial computer for the server, black clouds all patented technology in industrial computer fields IBM is open. Host uses our products, other parts should not choose other companies .u Read "

"The Black Cloud Group can take the most sincere, as long as it is IBM Cooperation."

Bao Zi Xuan only said that Black Cloud can take all patented technology, but it does not require IBM. This is itself a unfair cooperation, which is very beneficial to IBM.

At this time, Black Cloud has been leading in the industrial computer field, why also cooperate with IBM. Inside the definite story, Xiaovisen is not a head of the sudden interest.

Little Watson: "The win-win cooperation can last long, the small bag must have other requirements. Ming people don't say anything, I want to do what IBM does."

Everyone is not stupid, Bunzixuan is not a person who easily suffer. Did not see between the other party, no one dares to promise anything.

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