Although Xiaovusen is a rich second generation, it can be its own ability. When you are young, it is also experienced, or the US Department of Commerce has a negative survey of IBM for more than ten years, and the achievement of IBM is nothing.

Baozi Xuan has such a generous conditions, and it is definitely available to IBM, or it may give up so many benefits in this little son.

Xiaovusen said with a smile: "Everyone is a business person, the mind does not say dark words, things are still in the countertop,"

In fact, the bag must also be very urgent, and the President Ragin must call everyone to meet. There is still not much time left to him, and Xiaovuses is the kind of thing that must be too, otherwise the root server may be unruly.

Bao Zixuan: " upgrade requires a primary root server, and several Kuen Server. Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology wants to get a root server, asked Mr. Small Watson to give it easy. As long as things do, Grateful."

It turned out that I want to get a root server, it is no wonder that I will be so polite. Bunzi Xuan belongs to the absolute authority in the computer field, he is so optimistic about the Apa net upgrade; even willing to pay such a big price to get an auxiliary root server quota. It seems that IBM should pay attention to, at least, can't show that it is not high.

Xiaovusen said with a smile: "I am what is something, IBM will not be obstructed from it; this can be assured, as for other companies need a small bag to coordinate."

Just say that it will not be obstructed, and there is no commitment to others. IBM does not suffer, no matter how it looks like it.

After the first rich two people in Little Davison, the President Reagan began to convene scholars who came to the White House, entrepreneurs meeting.

In order to reflect the emphasis and respect for technical talents, the White House Conference is actually hosted by Joe-Douglas. He is not a computer association after all; letting a president of the Computer Association hosted a meeting in the White House, and some of the meaning of it.

The Apa net upgrade surface looks on the computer industry inside, but can be the next flag at the same time. In order to reflect the attention of the state's attention, it is hard to put all experts, scholars, and entrepreneurial representatives to the White House. This may also be a cake meeting, you can see how many people can get.

The Soviet influence is getting bigger and bigger, and the root wants to increase the influence of the United States, you have to take something different. Apa net upgrade is a very good head, estimated according to expert and think tank; the United States can lead the whole world through computer networks, so that other countries have great to see how beautiful America is.

The Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan were not in the name of the invitation, and you would like to launch computer networks around the world.

No black cloud group participation is not available at all, at least this time is not yet.

Large industrial computer Americans are not lacking, IBM can solve all problems. However, fiber optic transmission, multi-protocol routing technology patents are in the hands of the black cloud group. Do not link these computers, how the network is formed.

After receiving the President Reagang, Joe-Douglas stood up: "This time I invited you, just want to hear everyone's opinion. President You hope Apac can upgrade, cover to more countries and regions. Let the world contact change Have a close purpose, and the final purpose is to connect the entire world through the computer network. "

"There is still a little worried, so that I have been working hard. There is no problem in technology, the development of computer sectors is really unreasonable."

"The upgraded Apa net is named 'Internet', consists of a primary root server, and 9 root server. As for the increase in the future, it is necessary to see the computational speed and user physical volume."

"The primary root server must be placed in the United States, as for 9 kioli servers. Plan 1 set to Asia, 2 sets in Europe, in which the United Kingdom should have a quota; the other 6 Cugen servers are temporarily put in the United States. Decide whether to migrate. "

Put a server in the UK, and everyone will not have comments. After all, what is the relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom, everyone knows. It is now mainly a quota for Asia and Europe.

Seeing everyone listening, Joe - Douglas continued: "Asian auxiliary places plan to Japan, what opinions or different opinions are available for this."

This is a fixed tone, let everyone understand what the White House and Computer Association mean. Baozi Xuan fled the eyes of Ragan in the following small movements. He is a white house after all, and the words and deeds are monitored.

It is publicly handed over to Japan, most people still expose different expressions. Black Cloud will inevitably occupy an important role during the Apac upgrade. Now don't play people directly, it is somewhat excess.

Others can endure, Harry Roland as a tutor of Baozixuan; certainly will not see the students' bullied and indifferent.

Harry Roland: "His Excellency President, and professor; upgraded to the Internet is to bring it closely to the world. But where the link device needs to come, only Black Cloud Group can be produced."

"And what is the Internet, or the number of unknown. It is necessary to confirm the verification, large-scale investment. Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology has already set up a school network, which can be said earlier than any university."

"There is a rich experience in computer networks. If you exclude such an important school. It is very unfavorable to the previous development of the Internet. After all, everything is also in the stage."

"The Asian Academic Server should be placed in Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology, which has great promotion on the development of the Internet. At the same time, the multi-protocol router and fiber transmission can also be better applied, and there is no harm to the Internet."

I heard that Bunxuan was very touched, the key moment is still a teacher. Although the Harry Roland is only the director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, it can be represented by authority. In addition, someone helped himself, it is better than naked in naked.

Don't bring your buns, you can't say it. Now in Harry Roland, others will not say more.

Seeing someone coming out against, Joe - Douglas also knows to bring Bunxuan. Just hand over the number of Asian root server to Japan is the meaning of Ragang, he is not good to refuse.

Gordon Moore knows that there must be some saying, but it is now a good time to make an affection.

Gordon Moore: "Professor Roland is very reasonable. At present, everything in the Internet is very strange. Mr. Bao Zixuan has a deep understanding of the computer, and whether it is in the field of large industrial computer, it is still in multi-protocol routes, and fiber transmission Aspects have a prominent contribution. If you cannot put the Asian Academic Server to Yulin Institute of Technology, it is the loss of the entire Internet. "

Seeing the old Moore, Robert Galvin quickly gave a vision of Lunnard, director of the University of Chicago. It is obvious that you can't let others take advantage of this time.

Professor Leonad: "I seriously studied the campus network of Yulin Institute of Technology, which can be said that there is already an internet prototype. Many matching and settings have important definitions on the development of the Internet, absolutely not excluding such colleges and universities."

I didn't expect Robert Galvin to persuade the University of Chicago to help themselves, it seems that this old boy has a hand. I know that there are many shortcomings in technology, making professional comments more practical.

Japan and the United States are allies, Xiangjiang is going back to Huaxia. Whoever sits in the president will give priority to Japan, this is a political issue. If you can't talk to technology, everything is white.

At this time, the roots were also very headache, and I have already made a hint from Japan. Now, give the quota to Xiangjiang, how to explain the Japanese aspects, becoming a problem.

As the US president does not matter, it doesn't matter, but you can definitely pay attention to people.

Xiaovusen also got a lot of benefits, and he saw that he saw that there was a difficultness in the roots. So said: "Asia has the most populous population in the world, the purpose of developing the Internet is China Unicom's entire world."

"You can put two kioli servers in the past, one put in Japan; one put in Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology."

Seeing everyone looked at him, Little Waden also knows some universities that will be sin. After all, put it in Asia, put less in the United States.

Xiaovusen won't make such a low-level mistake. After reading a person, he said: "You can add an auxiliary root server, which allows even if it is increasing to put it in the Soviet Union."

"As long as the primary root server is produced in the United States, chips and hosts, then everything is related."

Hearing here, everyone suddenly turned over. It is still a small landscape, and the President Rago is very satisfied with his proposal.

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