Since you have to link the world together, what is the relationship between the Soviet Union adds a root server. The Soviet Union can put a server, and the Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology will not have problems. Moreover, the Internet needs to use the technology and patents of the black cloud, and there is no one to play, and it is indeed some saying that it can't.

Seeing the President Reagan nodded, Joe - Douglas said: "Mr. Xiaovusen is very reasonable, before we are small."

"On Asia, two kiolin servers are placed in Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology. One is put in Japan. As for the Japanese, I want to give the server to anyone who operate, it is their own thing."

I heard that a root server that will put the Internet is placed in the Yulin Institute of Technology. Bunxuan is excited to jump. That is, now the Americans are not too understanding of the Internet means what it means. If you know that you will not agree to put the root server in Xiangjiang. This can control artifacts that can be controlled by a regional network.

There is a strong voice on the Internet construction, it is not as simple as a simple auxiliary root server quota. In the future, Southeast Asian countries, you want to connect the Internet, you must read the face of Bao Zixuan. It is worthwhile to pay any cost at this moment, and the future Americans will regret it.

Ragang smiled and said: "Where is the main root server, it is also necessary to determine today. This is related to the strategic issue of the whole country, it is necessary to focus on the overall situation."

This incident is really unable to speak. His support will make people feel dissent. It may have a chance before the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but the head is rich, it is clearly supported; with the Americans' guessing and be careful, it will definitely make it hope. It is better to look at it here. After getting the root server, it doesn't matter if you get the primary root server.

The main root server is related to future computer professional pattern, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford University have claimed to be the first university in the world. Place one of the schools means that the ranking has been determined; no one can give up.

MAC's historical visibility is an advantage, and the science and engineering is more in the world. Stanford is huge in the campus, and the Stanford couple have a lot of land. The University of Stanford has developed rapidly in recent years, and comprehensive strength is also among the best in the United States.

It can be said that both schools have their own advantages, and it is really good to say.

Professor Ranco, director of the computer department of Stanford University, stood up: "As early as 1969; California University Los Angeles, Stanford University Research, California Berkeley Branch and Utah University four main computers have been connected. This is the earliest Internet Total shape, it can be said that Stanford University has already went to the forefront of the world. "

"Network operations, there is a natural advantage than other colleges and universities. Put the main root server to Stanford University is the best choice.

You can save a lot of preparations, you can run the first time. "

The host of is also a very reasonable of Professor Ranco, and Professor Ranco. Moreover, Stanford University is the largest, and the future expansion is also more convenient.

I didn't talk about everyone. Professor Harry Roland knows that it is really not showing without expressive. He knows that Bunzi Xuan's difficulties and situation are not talking about love.

And Professor Roland understands that when it is just standing for Bao Xuan. MIT has lost the reality server, but he does not regret it. Helping Bunxuan is from the teacher-student friendship, and the success chance is very high. The main root server is on the top five five, and there is no victory at all.

I know that there are two consecutive speeches that have a damaged list, but they don't compete for the identity of the MIT's department.

Harry Roland: "Stanford University has indeed obviously vie the computer professional results, but everyone can not ignore the contribution of Massachusetts in the computer field."

"MIT has the most powerful industrial computer, and the campus network has long been completed. If the primary root server is placed in MIT, there will be many unnecessary expenses."

Harry Roland knew somewhat awesome, especially after they had just struggled to take the root server for Xiangjiang.

At this time, the scene was trapped in a quiet. At this time, the opening will definitely be sinned. The two schools are not so good, can't lose due to small loss.

Although the President I don't understand the technology, he knows balance. So I looked at everyone: "MIT has its own advantages, but the main root server has only one. Which colleges are not over, and one of the failures can place the root server."

"You are top experts in the computer. I will issue paper. M represents MIT, S represents Stanford. There are 43 people at the site, and everyone has a vote, and the votes have won."

The Ragang has a message, and everyone can't say more. This proposal is still very fair, that is, it is unfair to stand out against it. That is the face of the president. Unless you don't want to mix in the United States, otherwise, the current president is still to give enough respect.

The Secretariat quickly made a vote according to the president, and this requires a process. You can drink some water at this time and eat some food to relax.

The efficiency of the White House staff is still very high, and the ballot will be produced in a while. What equipment here is available, doing some small things is still very easy.

After the ballot is distributed, everyone will start voting. As for the choice of Massachusetts science workers, Standford will look at yourself.

Baozi Xuan knows that this is very fair to MAS, but the probability of winning is still not big. Today, I entered the White House computer expert, there are many of Stanfu alumni.

And expectations, Stanfurt won at 29:14. This makes Harry Roland feel very shameful. Is there a similarity of Mirace's computer professional Tongfu as so much.

Joe - Douglas open mouth: "Since the primary root server has been confirmed, then the Massachusetts Institute of Technology automatically obtains an auxiliary root server."

I don't help but he is not happy, after all, he has a computer professional background of Stanford University. The master of the alma mater, there is also light on the face of graduation. And under his leadership, Stanford University has got the Internet's server. In the future, in the history of the school, you will definitely leave a concentrated.

It is obvious that everyone has not spoken, obviously has agreed to this resolution. Joe - Douglas continued: "There are 5 accessories in the United States need to be determined; today you have to set all things, you need to give advice."

Previously planned 1 Asia, 2 Europe; 6 Cugenic servers in the United States. Because of the emergence of black clouds, Asia also got 2 places. Fortunately, Swalvan recommends adding 1 Cuonan server, making the US still have the number of 6 accessories.

The MIT has got 1 Cuifang server, meaning that there is still 5 for everyone to fight. It can be said that the real competition began now, the computer network has just started, and everyone is almost. I don't want to give up, I will laugh at the end.

Robert Galvin stood up: "Chicago University has achieved a score in the computer field, got a root server should be. At the same time, Motorola has unconditionally donated a modern machine room and related equipment, and never holds the Internet."

No one thought that Robert, Galvin, which is always university - Galvin, will be present, and everyone must give it. Besides, other schools can have no such air, after all, there is no promise to get the company.

Ragan also said: "Since Mr. Calvin is willing to contribute to research, we have to give him this opportunity. Can not let entrepreneurs feel cold, feel."

The president said it is possible, who dares to oppose. Professor Leonard has not responded yet, and the University of Chicago won the number of root server. This also makes him admire Robert Galvin, and I can't compare myself.

Now there are four places left, well-known colleges and universities do not want to give up. Harvard University, California University of Technology, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Colombian University, John Hopkins University, and several divisions of the University of California. All are striving for efforts to make each other.

Finally, there is no way in Rengen, can only continue to choose a voting method. However, this vote is relatively complex, and everyone chooses four universities, still a number of votes.

This decision made Professor Leonard was afraid, Robert Galvin was even more worried and admired. Just listening to his idea, or the University of Chicago really does not necessarily get the secondary server quota. Colleges and universities participating in voting, there is no provision of oil.

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