Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 925 Construction Problem

Although voting with subjective factors, it can also be a fair practice. Finally, after voting, California University, John Hopkins University, Harvard University and Princeton University won victory, gaining the number of secondary server.

Stanford University gets a root server, the UK and the European continent you get a root-root server, as for which university put it, needs their internal decisions. Japan, Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology gives an auxiliary root server. The United States is the University of Science and Technology, University of Chicago, University of California, Harvard University, John Hopkins University, and Princeton University, a root-root server.

At this time, this cake is initially distributed, and it is very satisfied with the result Bunxuan. Yulin Institute of Technology gets an auxiliary root server, happy than earning 10 billion.

Joe - Douglas followed: "Since the server has been determined, the problem now is to link them together. To ensure that each auxiliary root server can connect to the main root server, only this can achieve global intercom."

"At the same time, a new generation of industrial computers should also put a schedule, and I hope that Black Cloud and IBM will pay attention to."

There are no other two ways to connect the server. In the early people, they will be connected to the sea, and now there is satellite assist. Satellite's transmission data is limited, and it is not suitable for connection and data transmission between the various servers of the Internet.

Seeing everyone does not speak, President Reagan smiled and said: "Whether it is the laying of fiber, or interface conversion, and server application. Black Cloud Group has R & D and participation, and Mr. Xiao, you can introduce it to you. "

In fact, Reni is also helpless, wants to develop the Internet, actually to find a Xiangjiang company to participate. And the views given by the think tanks and experts, without the participation of the Black Cloud Group, and things are not enough. Unless it is rogue, you don't care, and the patent law. It can have a country image of the United States, and will not be recognized by the mainstream society.

The opinions given by experts, if Bun Zixuan is willing to make an internet. Americans must not tolerate similar things happening, this only puts the Apa net.

I heard the President Reagan personned in person, Bao Zi Xuan knows that it can't get rid. So stood up: "The server is so resolved that the Black Cloud Group has reached an agreement with Intel. The two will jointly develop new industrial computers. The performance is definitely more than three times the existing most advanced computer, and the price is almost no growth."

"As for the connection problem between the server, the seabed cable transmission technology is required."

"Compared with land fiber optic cables, the seabed cable has many superiority: First, the laying does not need to dig the port or support with the bracket, therefore the investment is small, the construction speed is fast;

Unscrupulous, the damage of the natural environment and the interference of human production activities, so cable safety and stability, strong anti-interference ability, good confidentiality. "

"As for the construction method, the seabed cable design must ensure that the fiber is not affected by external force and the environment. Its basic requirements are: adapt to subsea pressure, wear, corrosion, creatures, etc .; suitable armored layers prevent fishing wheel, anchors and sharks Injury; when the cable is broken, minimize the length of the seawater penetrate into the cable; prevent hydrogen from being penetrated from the outside to the optical cable to prevent hydrogen from being generated; with a low-resistance remote power circuit; can withstand the laying and recovery Tension; service life is generally required for more than 25 years. "

"Deep sea; depth at 1000 meters to use non-steel armored structure in Shanghai bottom cable, but the structure and reinforcing components of the optical cable core must protect the fiber to prevent high pressure and laying of seawater, high tension in the recovery. In order to prevent shark injury The screw wrapped two-layer steel strip should also be spirally wrapped in the deep sea cable sheathed in the shark out of the sea, and a layer of polyethylene outer sheath is squeezed. "

"Shallow Sea; Water depth is the same as the cable core of the seabed cable within 1000 meters, but the shallow sea cable should have a single layer or double wire armor. The number of armored layers and the outer diameter of the steel wire should be based on the sea cable route. Water depth, can be buried, fishing, etc.

"At present, Black Cloud Group has developed a special construction boat that can be used for seabed cable. In the shallow sea, such as water depths of water is buryed, while in deep sea, it is laid. Hydraulic jet is mainly Buried method. "

"The bottom of the embedding device has several row spray holes, parallel distribution on both sides, when each hole is injected into the sea, and the seabed sediment is turned off, forming a cable hole in the equipment; It is used to guide the cable to the bottom of the sea cable. The fills are automatically filled by the trend. The embedding equipment is towed by the construction ship and makes various instructions through the work cable. The cable machine generally does not have underwater embedding equipment, relying on the sea cable It is placed on the surface of the seabed. "

"The ship is constantly open, then use underwater robots to put the cable into the cable, then use underwater robots to turn back, cover the cable, and continue to move forward, when needed, it is necessary to complete, Then seal, then continue to lay it. The seabed cable is all fiber, the cable has been rare, and all layers are buried in the dirt, that is, use underwater robots and then put it in the ditch and then bury the dirt. "

"As for the underwater robot, it is actually used with a high-pressure water pump, and the water is pressurized to a high pressure, thereby rushing out of the trench. As for maintenance, this is not maintenance, usually does not need to be maintained, only regular If you use underwater robot, it can be revealed. If there is, it will cover the sediment. In addition, if you break, you can get the specific location with the attenuation detector, then go to the fishing, divert or other way, Usually cut the damaged section, replace it with a new paragraph. "

Bao Zi Xuan said that it is not only the President Ren, and even the expert in the computer field experts are a little dumbfounded. It turns out that this little child is considering everything, does not have people to play.

Harry Roland did not expect Bunzi Xuan ready to prepare, seeing the expression of Ragan, let him worry. Wood Show is in Lin Feng, and the front is not a good thing, especially in this occasion.

Joe - Douglas knows that there is no technology, this time can only come to open. So said: "Mr. Bao is ready, it can be described as heroes. Server, router, seabed cable, and construction boats can be solved. It seems that Internet programs can be implemented immediately."

The surface is compliment, but it is actually what it means, it is self-evident. If you can't hear it, you may not go to the United States.

Bao Zixuan: "Server Black Cloud needs to borrow Intel's latest CPU. As for the optical cable and router, the black cloud is still produced. After all, the body is really too big. It is already a preliminary agreement with Motorola, and the Black Cloud will authorize Motorola production router and fiber optic cable. The fiber and routers of Europe and the United States are produced by Motorola, and the black cloud is only responsible for the market in other continents. "

I heard a lot of people here, if you all use black cloud products, you will not meet confidentiality requirements. It seems that this kid knows how to pay, things will be better. The chip supply is also a US company, as long as the core technology is grasped, it doesn't matter.

Everyone now has envied the eyes of Robert Galvin, and Europe and the United States are routers and fiber consumption. Different to such a big cake, financial data must be very beautiful; Motorola stocks can purchase more.

Ragan: "Since the server and construction method have, the Internet plan began to implement it!"

"Computer Association has to play a role, do well well. The government will also grant the Internet project. I have to see the results within two years."

After the meeting was completed, everyone left the White House.

Baozi Xuan personally drives the Harry Roland Couple to go back to the hotel, regardless of the teacher's respect. As for the cooperation with Intel and Motorola, the following people will deal with it.

In the car bunxuan apologized: "Teacher, let you be difficult, harm the school lost such a valuable opportunity."

As director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I saw Stanford University to get the Internet's server; what is the state of the heart, it is imagined.

Although it is not possible to help Yulin Institute of Technology get the opportunity to get the root server; there is a great relationship with the US government and computer associations. If Harry Roland is not in the Yulin Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology will not lose such wolf, and the number of votes is less than half of the other party.

Harry Roland: "Nothing, I have no relationship with you. Stanford has been developing too fast in recent years. It seems that there is a need to pay attention to it. If there is any relationship between the Root server, as long as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is strong enough, Stanford does not necessarily account for Cheap. And the contacn of the European server must be in the future. "

No matter whether it is comfort, this love bag Xuan will always remember it. The key moment is really this teacher, compared with others, teachers and students more purely.

If you have a grace, you should remember that you can't let Harry Roland and your future generations, you must find a chance to repay your future.

After the expert in the computer, well-known professors, the heads of the major companies left, Ren said to the assistant: "Focus on the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan, his growth is too fast."

Baozi Xuan did not know that President Rena has begun to pay attention to the black cloud group, and future development may not be as smooth as before.

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