Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 926 with returnees to Xiangjiang

Internet problems have been basically determined, and military procurement began to implement contracts. There is no other thing in the United States to do, and you will leave the family, when you go back. You must know that there is a mother in the family, which is very dissatisfied with this Li Yulin.

However, this bag is not a person, but bringing the US black cloud executives back to Xiangjiang. In 1983, it hasn't been summarized in 1983. It is not expected to be imagined for black clouds so huge.

The same bag is the first to return to Xiangjiang's vice president, Black Cloud Group President, Black Cloud US Company, General Manager of Black Cloud, Chang John Chambers; Black Cloud Group Vice President, General Manager of Black Cloud Computer Company; The actual person in charge of Black Cloud mobile phone is Oblak; Black Yunnan Minzu District head in charge Mike Hughes.

Yier - Ergl is still as stubborn, in addition to research and development, there is still no meeting. As for the previous South America, Li Changjin, who has been in the Amazon, has been stopped. It is currently returned to the Chinese mainland and served as Director of Shanghai Black Cloud Automobile Factory.

It is a middle-level cadre from the Queen, nor does it know how the attitude is. However, this mistake is very large, and there is no direct opening. Because of the Amazon jungle event, the entire Black Cloud Group has been passive. If you do not agree with Motorola, the reaction is fast enough; it is estimated that it is still in the tip of the wind.

The special plane of Baozi Xuan has been in the United States, this time the group executives ride for the first time. They questioned the aesthetics of the boss, which is too casual. Typical splendid men's style, basically can't talk about special plane, which is more relaxed than civil aviation passenger planes.

Inside the equipment is to make people look bright, high-tech electronic products that can be seen on the market should have. It seems that the road should not be bored, it is also a comfortable!

Mike Buron didn't expect the boss to bring him together, even if they took a rocket, he did not see if he was promoted quickly. From an ordinary engineer, it is promoted to a continent person in charge, and it is not enough to describe it. Even if there is not important in South America, it is also a prince.

In fact, this is also buns Xuan intends to make the following people look at it. The Black Cloud Group has never been able to make outstanding, and it will be broken. Mike Hughes Because of the Arctic's power; and decisive decisions when counterattaming Ford and general purpose. It has been proved to everyone, this is not a simple science and engineer; but a full-energy composite talent, it is reasonable.

On the first rich airplane, there is no, wine is still not lacking. After the plane entered the pine layer, the buns said with a few executives: "Don't be restored, what you want to drink. It is now a journey time, you will relax."

John Chambs and Hengjing Junfa understand the owner of the boss and takes out the wine directly to the bar. Seeing two old people,

Oblak and Mike Hug are not restrained, and they have drank with drinks.

Hengjing Junfa drank a slender: "President, media reports say that the US is ready to start the Internet program, and you also have to go to the White House before, is it a black cloud computer to increase research and development efforts, and you will definitely participate in the Internet. In the construction. "

Since leaving the game company, Hengjing Junfa enters the Black Cloud Computer Company. Suddenly I feel that the previous knowledge reserves are serious, and it feels that the computer is an important tool to promote human development. The game console is in front of him, and it may not be able to even be able to even.

The Headquarters of the Black Cloud computer passed the relationship between Jingqiao City and Yanjing. Get a qualification to listen to computer majors in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as long as there is time, it will appear in the classroom of MIT. For this year, I have listened to life, and I didn't care at first. Serious attitude, the implementation of technology makes it fly fast. After more than a year, it is also a small achievement in the computer field. is upgraded to the Internet, which is a popular news that these day media are reported. As a general manager of the Black Cloud Computer Company, of course, understand the past and present, and technical principles. If the Internet can achieve global transmission, then computer-related companies will definitely benefit. The most important thing is industrial computers, demand will inevitably increase. Most companies, colleges and scientific research institutions will increase orders, and it is bound to bring the black cloud computer to take off.

If you can be like a game console, the computer also enters thousands of households. Then the sales of personal computer will increase, and the lack of beauty is that Black Cloud only produces high-end models and cannot meet all consumer needs.

In fact, the progress of Hengjing Junfa, Baozi Xuan knows. MIT can be half a big camp, there are too many teachers and classmates working inside. Whether it is a call or a chat, it will involve some company affairs. The spirit of Yanjing Junfa is a serious attitude inevitably recognized by most people.

Baozi Xuan said: "I originally wanted to say at the meeting. Since I have revealed you in advance. I have a heart to prepare, and I can't get it."

"The US government is ready to upgrade the Apa net, and the name is the Internet. The purpose is to achieve global interconnection and can transmit various data and information in the first time."

"The Internet main body consists of a primary root server, 10 kiosgen servers. Stanford University has been eligible for the main root server, and the 2nd root server will put it in Asia, one of which put it in Japan; another direct in Xiangjiang Yulin Polytechnic College. "

"That is to say the future of Xiangjiang, you want to link the Internet, you must pass the Yulin Institute of Technology. As long as we do not agree, they can't access the Internet."

"As for the remaining eight-access root server, one of which puts it in the UK and places in the European continent. The remaining six will put them in major colleges and universities in the United States. Of course, MIT has also received a quota."

"The server will be connected to the cable, then access multi-protocol router conversion. That is to say, the server host, the optical cable, and the router Black Cloud Group can provide it; this is also the root cause of a root server."

"After opening the summary, return to the United States. Contact Intel directly, the next generation of industrial computing opportunities use their CPU. Not only the performance of Intel products is better, and there is to balance the interests. I hope to cooperate with Intel. Multi-learn a little. "

"The founders of Intel are very simple. They are top engineers. In the field of integrated circuits, no one can go beyond them. The Black Cloud Group wants to go farther in the chip field and must continue to learn."

"The fiber and multi-protocol router Oblak is temporarily responsible. I am ready to set up a new company; specializing in the production of network equipment. Wait until the company is brutal, you are choosing to return to mobile company, or continue to take on the network equipment company, decided by you."

"The United States, European fiber and router groups are not directly supplied, but authorized to Motorola. The meeting returned to the United States, and the first time handled this."

"There is a place where I don't understand the network equipment company, you can directly find Professor Leonard Posac. I will explain the situation with him, you will prepare."

"John Chambers president is responsible for coordinating the network construction of North America Black Cloud Branch and the store, so that all black cloud employees learn to use the computer, familiar with network operation."

"Mike Hughes is responsible for all branches of South America and the store network construction, and the early period is launched around Brazil, and there is left by you."

I didn't want to talk about work, but I don't know how, the rhythm is biased. Baozi Xuan is also a speechless, it seems that many habits are really not so easy.

I heard the Yulin Institute of Technology and Japan to get a root-root server, and the Hengjing Junshang is happy. One is your own motherland, one is a company service company. Of course, I hope that the two are strong, and this situation is currently perfect.

Oblak did not expect to have its own business, it is finally able to alone. It is always borrowed before, and the sense of achievement of the task is not very strong. Although the teacher is completely decentralized, it is not changed for one day. Always have some names, nothing. Which is like a branch of a branch now, and is still a prominent branch.

As a high school student from Bell Lab, of course, I know what the Internet means. Just operate online equipment companies, I believe it will become an explosive point of the group's performance growth.

As for John Chambers and Mike Houhes, there is nothing, as a regional person in charge, this is working in it.

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