Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 927 does not stop each time to the airport

In fact, Bun Zixuan has thoughtless; let John Chambs or Leonard-Posak, one of them is responsible for Black Cloud Network Equipment. After careful analysis, it is not appropriate.

Professor Beonnard - Posac, although the inventors of Cisco founders, multi-protocol routers. It can be very bad in business management, or you will not leave the company created in one hand.

John Chambers is to bring Cisco to the first throne of the global enterprise market, but now let him be responsible for network equipment companies, obviously a small use of large materials. If it is just the purpose of being hired to Bunxuan, this is decided to give Oblak an opportunity. Of course, I also negotiate with Yus-Egniers, and the other party expressed support, and also participated in the management of mobile phone company.

For this guarantee, Bunzi Xuan does not believe it at all. People who do not participate in the Group's high-level meetings may manage the company. In order to prevent the University of Harvard University, Maggie Lauren, who graduated from Harvard University, tested to the mobile company auxiliary operation. I believe this Harvard high school students with boss experience will not be disappointed.

Baozi Xuan said: "Say it is not a chat, how old is made by it. Now no one can mention things on work, want to rest, drink, drink, you want to drink."

The boss has already spoken, and they are not good to continue to talk about things. Just assignment, it is enough for them to think long. At least there is something to do, it will not be so bored.

On January 28, 1984, Saturday; Bunzi Xuan took four executives of the Black Cloud Group to Xiangjiang. Departure from July 17, 83, it has been in the past half year. It has made a little crazy in the Xixiangjiang Media in the last half of the year, and there is no report on the head of the head.

With the rise of Baozi Xuan, the overall quality of Xiangjiang Media has improved. It is not before, just mention the beautiful star wearing something, the gorgeous gossip can attract enough eye.

In recent months, I can only reprint the news through foreign media. I watched the head of the bag to attack the city outside, but they did not know. When is this situation, when it is a head, I have begun to miss Bunxuan.

Although there is no gossip that can break the news, you can do it every time. Not anyone likes gossip, at least the vast majority of Xiangjiang people began to pay attention to the development of technology.

The US media has reported the Internet for two consecutive days, which makes the Xiangjiang media curious. Learn about the head of the head of the bag, I have seen the White House, and I am happy. I hope that the bag is now rushing back, so I don't have newspapers.

In fact, the media is happy because I know that Bunzi Xuan is about to return to Xiangjiang, and a few days is the traditional Chinese New Year Festival. As a filial son, I will definitely leave the mother alone in the New Year. And according to the recent years of information feedback, the head of the bag is still very recognized in Huaxia Festival. Even if people are not in Xiangjiang, they will also arrange financial staff to prepare red envelopes.

Since there is no disappointment, through the airport relationship. They learned that the head of the head is about to return to Xiangjiang, and the opportunity to increase the sales of newspapers is finally coming.

It is also not to blame the airport staff, the conditions for the media are too rich. As long as it is to provide a message, you can get 10,000 HK $, almost equivalent to a quarter salary. No one will be indifferent, and the airport staff should also eat, and we must raise your family.

I don't know if it is intentional, I'm refusing to burn the VIP channel each time. In fact, it is difficult to be on the one hand, it is more important to use the major media to use the relationship and money. Be sure to let the bags appear in the public vision, can't let him run away.

Although I have been prepared, I will be underestimated by the madness of Xiangjiang Media. Baozi Xuan time is over half a year to return to Xiangjiang, which can actually cause so much sensation.

All the media in Xiangjiang is more than being alone. No one wants to give up, I want to interview Xiangjiang's rivers in the first time.

What is the Internet, look at the whole Xiangjiang, no one can give an answer.

When Bao Zi Xuan came out, Xiangjiang International Airport was already a mountain sea. Although the Black Cloud Security Department is more than 100 people, it is still far away compared with the media reporters. At this moment, I was very not a taste in my heart, and this is an incompetent manifestation in the boss.

Fortunately, the security personnel can block the media, and at least Bao Zi Xuan can continue to travel.

Seeing this situation, Bao Zi Xuan knows, don't say something, the king will not easily let him leave.

Baozi Xuan station to the center of the hall said: "The reporter is really a heart, I thought I haven't been in Xiangjiang for so long, everyone will forget me!"

"It seems that I am very popular now. Don't squeeze. I will answer three questions, then leave."

The reporter has a task, and it is impossible to go back to the cross. It is estimated that it will not pay, and it is convenient to make it easy.

The first question, Bunzi Xuan gave Oriental Daily reporters. This makes the other party very excited, directly said: "First, please give back to Xiangjiang, and recently speculatively booked the Internet incident in the world. And I heard that the birthplace also participates, I want to ask if the bag can explain what is the Internet. "

This is the topic of the reporters, and the presentation of the Internet is concerned. At this time, there are not a few people to explain clearly, and it is clear that Bunxuan is warping in this regard.

Bao Zixuan: "In the common sense, the Internet refers to the huge network of the series between the network and the network, which is connected to a set of general protocols to form a logically single huge international network."

"White point said that the method of connecting to each other with each other can be called" network interconnection ", and on this basis, the global Internet network covers the world's global internet network, ie, network structure that is connected to each other."

"It is to connect the global computer chain together, and one network can be exchanged between each computer."

Although it is very straightforward, most people are not very understanding. It is a great interest in it, and it can only be appreciated by yourself.

The reporter then asked: "Hello, Banheng. What benefits are available on the international community."

Bao Zi Xuan said: "To give a simple example, now you write a letter from friends in the United States. When he received this letter, it may take a week or even longer."

"You can write a letter on the Internet, you can receive a letter in less than a second. This is the benefits of the Internet, only slowly apply to experience his convenience."

"Different from traditional letters, letters on the Internet are called emails."

"The so-called email is the communication method for providing information exchange using electronic means, which is the largest service of the Internet. Via the network's email system, users can use very low prices, very fast ways, any one in the world Corner network users contact. "

"Email can be a variety of forms, images, sounds, etc.. At the same time, users can get a lot of free news, special emails, and easily achieve relaxed information search. The existence of email is very convenient for people between people. Communicate and communicate, promote the development of society. "

It can only be explained to relatively straightforward, so that it is possible to understand the awareness of reporters and people.

The last issue gave the Times. More than ten years from Xiangjiang return, there is no need to tear your face with the British.

The Times asked: "Mr. Bao, hello! I heard that this Yulin Institute of Technology gets a root server quota. What root is the root server in the Internet."

This is a technical problem, it seems that the British also want to know the answer. Although Americans give them a root server, I really don't know how to apply it. Baozi Xuan consumes an intention to get a secondary root server, you will definitely understand the mystery here!

Bunzi Xuan: "The root server can be used as a host, or an access platform. As long as the surrounding countries and regions are connected to the root server; only this can achieve global interconnection."

"What role is still not good, it can be understood as a regional host."

The problem has been answered, it is obvious that it is not necessary. Bao Zi Xuan's eyes, the black cloud security personn began to advance forward, this time, no one stopped; after all, the bag richest is very clear, not good in the transition.

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