I haven't returned home for a long time, and this time is so big. If it is not directly going back, it is estimated that Li Yulin will have a great opinion. In order to appease the mother, the first rich bag will go home directly. As for the four executives from the United States, there will be drivers to send to the Black Cloud Hotel.

Although the reporter is still unfinished, you can also know that the bag is just back. Even if you take a private plane, you will travel on the trip, and you haven't returned to Xiangjiang for so long. The family is definitely waiting for him and does not dare to transition.

It's just that I haven't come back in half a year, but the hair of the black cloud group and Bunxuan's speed is too fast. At this point, in the Xiangjiang divided according to asset, Bao Zi Xuan is a level, and the other rich is mostly two streams. If there is no need, no one wants to be the first rich, it is estimated that it is absolutely not good in Xiangjiang in the future.

Seeing Bun Zi Xuan back, Li Yulin is very happy, but still didn't give him a good face. It is no way to go to school, it is really no. This is also Shanghai, it is Japan, and finally I went to the United States to turn a circle; I passed a year. If you are a self-circulation; it is estimated that the family will not put your family in your eyes, and the mother and child meet will inevitably be less.

In fact, this is not asking Li Yulin, and the bag must be 25 years old. The marriage is not going to drag down, Zhang Leyan this girl is good, at least Yulin is very recognized. Moreover, the girl has been 26 years old, and it is always dragging to affect fertility than the son.

At this time, she did not pursue it, and her grandchild is a top priority.

Bao Zixuan also knows that this time has been out of time, the mother is sure to be angry. So I took the gift and said with a smile: "How is the mother, how is it? Who is not happy, I will quit him tomorrow."

Although I know why Li Yulin is angry, but can only be stupid.

Li Yulin: "You talk about you, it is half a year. Is it feeling that I have a good one, or I don't want this home."

I haven't seen it for half a year, my mother is obviously very old, and Bunzi Xuan really doesn't know what to say. At this time, I can only be comfortable, and her old man is the most important thing.

Bao Zi Xuan: "The guarantee will not be next time; this is not the recent thing, and one will be together! In the future, unless necessary, it will definitely not go out, even if you don't go out."

Li Yulin is not a person who is nothing, knowing that his son is working for work, and has not joined him. The Japanese media reported that he had seen it, Bunzu is not idle every day. This kind of work is indeed, but as a mother, I don't want my son. Others are worried that their sons are not excellent enough, and they will go out every day. It can be rounded to her, but I am worried that my son doesn't look for a girl. Even if I have a little flowers, it is very good!

Speaking that the girl can be pregnant, as long as the child is Bao Zi Xuan, who is who is speaking, Li Yulin will not care at all. The son has this capital, she can accept it from the heart.

For the guarantee of Bao Zixuan, Li Yulin never believes. I have to go to the drug, otherwise I will be dragging when it is.

Li Yulin: "In this time, Zhang Ten will come with me every week. Now this daughter-in-law I have recognized, what do you think."

In fact, this area Li Yulin also won his son's opinion, and after he had an answer, he took the same Zhang Tiran. If your son doesn't like it, she will not be a stupid thing.

Bao Zixuan: "There is no problem between us, we will call every week. This can be assured, at least I don't have time."

I heard the son said that Li Yulin is relieved; or else, I am really worried about her monster. After all, be a son's master, it is obviously not suitable.

Li Yulin took out an agreement and said: "This is an agreement signed by Zhang Tiran, at least a guarantee for our home."

In fact, in Bao Zi Xuan, Li Yulin did a lot of preparations.

Talk to Zhang Tiran is very thin, some things can't make your son, let him do this evil mother-in-law!

Seeing the contents of the agreement, Bun Zixuan is also a speechless.

If Bunxuan is derailed, the woman puts a divorce and needs to compensate for HK $ 10 billion. If it is a woman's derail, you have to have a penny. At the same time, it also stipulates that the two personality is not ending marriage; the woman will receive 2 billion Hong Kong dosage fees, but it cannot be requested.

At the same time, children have been married, whether they are men and women, once divorced are raised by the man. The woman has an exploration right, and can be handed over to the female zone up to one day.

But the woman does not assign any property of the child, no matter what circumstances.

Of course, there are still many details, constraints are very detailed, which also makes Bunxuan feel that the mother is serious.

If you don't recognize that Zhang Tiran will not have this agreement, Li Yulin has been signed for a woman after thinking about it.

But although it protects his son's interest, it is obviously not respectful enough for the woman.

Baozi Xuan ": Zhang Tiran will agree, and I don't know what to say."

I heard that Li Yulin really thought, his son is still stupid, at least in men and women. Don't you know how snorned in Xiangjiang Bunxuan, the world's first diamond king is not a white-called.

Li Yulin: "Sign is normal, as long as the two want to have a good day, these don't matter. Just prevent problems, it is unable to get it."

"There are many marriages in Xiangjiang, including the same requirement, including Zhang Leyan's mother, so there is no need to have a burden. As long as it is married, it is better than anything."

Hearing here, there are many balances. The past is just a bit of cultural reel, which is really not very understanding.

I didn't expect my mother to take care of everything, then there is no scruple. It is not a matter of marriage that can be greatly worse.

Bao Zixuan: "That's good, you will be able to say that our family is bullying; and will also affect the relationship between you."

I heard the son some cute answers, Li Yulin really didn't know what to say.

But some things are not good, at least let the son bring a breeze, and can be better to the girl.

Since Bao Zi Xuan agrees, it is a lot of things.

Li Yulin: "It's still early, do not bother me to put Zhang leisurely brought over, eat a meal together."

Buns Xuan just got home, hot ass not sit, his mother was sent to pick up his wife.

No way, can only bring gifts to Zhang. As long as the mother happy, stronger than anything else.

Buns come see Xuan, Zhang Yuliang very happy. This kid away for six months, regardless of whether his daughter completely. As a man he can understand, as a father could not forgive.

Buns Xuan know their own right, after all, in six months time actually did not mention Chang leisurely past, which in itself is not normal.

Zhang Yuliang:. "Just come back, since your mother let the past leisurely dinner, then quickly in the past."

"I know you want to come back, most recently Hong Kong tycoons often mentioned when the party you. Soon the New Year, you have to have a mental preparation."

Although the package richest man in a foreign country, how can Hong Kong tycoons circle may be less got the topic of his. After New Year we all want to see the continent, especially in the Shanghai Pudong New Area has become a business card. Although Henry Fok huge influence, relationships hard enough. Be in the Pudong New Area, or buns Xuan more familiar. We want to take advantage of the New Year's party time, some good advice.

Buns Xuan: "Zhang, my mother meant two days with both parents see a face I can not and leisurely things in care, to be put on the agenda.."

Hearing this, Zhang Yuliang, or very satisfied, as long as this kid is willing responsible enough. He did not directly answer questions wealthy circle of discussion, not the heart bottom, just do not want to participate. He has reminded that, as to how to do this, we must decide this kid yourself.

Zhang Yuliang: "Things daughter is a big event, we have a couple of time."

Buns Xuan Zhang leisurely down the left with a gift, be doing a lot of explanation.

In the car, buns Xuan said apologetically: "I'm sorry, so long did not come back the next time out will certainly bring you, after all, the two of us are one family.."

Zhang leisurely than other women in smart and know how to size up the situation. Smiled and said: "As long as you can have my heart, but fortunately my family aunt put a person can not stay at home, later there I was, you do not consider things at home I'll take care of the aunt, so you can. rest assured that work. "

Whether for really good, relieved himself worth mentioning! The answer can at least give out, people simply can not find a thing wrong.

Buns Xuan did not speak; just leisurely Zhang tightly in his arms. The silence speaks, these packages richest man still know a little.

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