Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 932, a few people, a few people worry

Two people started a break, of course, what to do today is sympathetic. Although there is still some embarrassment, but what is it is a legal couple, but don't worry about the gossip. In the evening, I did a lot of hard work to Paojia, Zhang Glass also knew that the identity at this time. If you can't breeding, then you will definitely don't have too high status at home.

Early the next morning, Baozi Xuan started after bedding. Zhang Tiran didn't get up, and it is really hard in these two days. To this end, Li Yulin did not say anything, even in his heart; only so she can hug grandson soon.

When breakfast, Zhang Tiran is very embarrassed. I just got up when I just got married, this is a very rude behavior.

Baozi Xuan: "Mom, leisurely; Today you go out and stroll, see what objects need to be added at home. I have to meet in the last two days, and all seniors of the Group have returned to Xiangjiang. Summary this year The work plan meeting has not been held. Time is somewhat nervous, not good to delay. "

Zhang Tiran did not answer, and at this time, he must give Li Yulin enough to respect. You can't just marry into the package, you can show the identity of the hostess, especially in front of your mother-in-law.

Li Yulin: "You don't have to worry about your family, but you have to come back. I just get married can not be cold. The rest doesn't have to be touched. Now I will accompany me, I am sorry to be homogeneous. Some items, there is always some atmosphere. "

Just when the head of the head is full of her mother and the newlywed wife to eat breakfast, the people of Xiangjiang have already bombed the pot.

The headline of the head is reported; Xiangjiang Rich is rich, the Chairman of the Black Cloud Group is married yesterday, and the matter has been confirmed.

Before the people have been guess, who can be the first lady of Black Cloud. I didn't expect to have an answer today, Xiangjiang traditional giants, Zhang Jia Miss Zhang leisurely laughed to the end.

For this result, many people feel unbelievable. After all, Zhang Tiran has no longer communication between the same buns, and there is not much time. And the woman is not a fairy, and the top is more beautiful, and it is far away from the peerless. What kind of woman in the bag is not enough, how can I marry her.

Is this woman with what magic, and the Bunzi Xuan gave it. With the smart talents in the bag, it is not an impulse who is not an impulse, how to marry will be so hormible.

Even if you don't understand, you can put it in front of you. And marriage is a personal personal affairs. As an outsiders, it is not good to evaluate, it can only be blessing.

Baozi Xuan has always been very good in the mouth of Xiangjiang, giving employees, the treatment of the subordinates; even if there is no pit to make partners. Absolutely calculate the model of business, at least difficult to pick out the problem.

But some people don't think so, Miss Zheng's family is very uncomfortable. It is to know that he is the first giant giant gold in the same bunxuan. Now people are watching her, as if they become jokes. What is the problem in the end, even if you don't understand it now.

Li Yulin is sick. She is taking care of it, and the daughter-in-law is alive. Bao Zi Xuan is another filial son, how could it be indifferent. I am late now, I can still fight before, it is now a dust.

I don't have to like to Bunxuan, and I can't talk about love. Just a little a bit ambitious woman wants to conquer, this is also a sense of accomplishment.

Seeing her daughter's mood is low, Zheng Draft is of course knowing what is going on. In fact, some things have not fully wanted to understand until Bao Huo's mining company splits, she will understand where the problem occurs.

In the beginning, the daughter should not go to the Bao Zi Xuan mother to ask, let Zheng Jia buy Bao Huo Dong Mining Company Shares at a low price. Although you get a lot of benefits, you can lose more daughters.

Bao Zi Xuan mother will definitely think that the daughter is a girl who only takes care of Zheng Jia, unidentified. Who dares to marry this woman to enter the door, change itself to himself. But now I don't think of these, do you want to blame your husband to be greedy.

I can only find a good person to give my daughter.

Zheng said, watching her daughter: "Jia Jia, if you are not happy, go to Europe vacation. You don't want to go to the Alps ski! Just I have to go out to walk around, I will go out with me."

I know that my mother is comforting yourself. This time, Zheng Jiajia did not play the temper, but very happy.

It is also a long time to leave, at least you are bored. No matter whether it admits or not, Baozi Xuan married, will definitely become the hottest topic in Xiangjiang recently,

Miss Zheng Miss may be just a moment of atmosphere, more is not willing.

It can be the same as the lady in the Rosolide in Xiangjiang, but Baozi Xuan will marry so quickly.

The smart group of the Rosielda family is not married at least in two years. This is a scientific basis, and there is a large amount of data to analyze the results.

Rich marriage needs to sign a lot of agreements, especially Bao Zi Xuan, this white hand is a generation. After divorce, wealth is likely to be scaled, and if there is no constraint, there is a problem with the problem of marriage. Does the woman take a part of the property, and no one will be willing.

Although Xiangjiang is biased toward Westernization, it can be compared to the traditional. Many men are not so embarrassed when they are married, or they don't dare to ask the woman to sign the pre-marriage agreement. In the Chinese man's view; it is very disrespectful to the woman.

At present, several girls in contact with Baoxuan have not had the conditions for Mrs. Mrs.

In addition, Baozi Xuan is very cleaned, at least no practical progress with that woman. And whether it is in the Chinese continent or in Japan; even in the United States, it is just a little gossip, more is the media speculation.

Now people have legal couples, the smart group and intelligence personnel of the Rosen family, really responsible for this dealer.

Angel Roschild has been very ambitious, and even thinks to find Bao Zixuan separately. It's just that the bag must not agree, this makes her very unhappy.

The woman is like this, and the beautiful woman is even more. The more you can't get it, the more you want it. Often to pursue them, they will basically turn it.

Miss Anjira-Roose Ros is definitely a dream relationship in the heart of the European aristocratic child. Good home, beautiful face, countless in Europe. Now I am actively attacking Xiangjiang Bunxuan, people are still unwilling. This makes the lady, Rose, is very uncomfortable, thinking that the buns will be worshiped under her pomegranate skirt.

Just thinking that the other party returns to Xiangjiang, there must be actions. Who can think of returning to Xiangjiang, go to the Marriage Registration Office for the next day, but it is not a certain sign. According to her knowledge, she has never left Xiangjiang, and there is no intersection in the trip of Tongbao Xuan.

Life is in the Rosierde family, sometimes the woman is hard to determine their own destiny. Baozi Xuan appeared to let Anjira-Rosierd see hope; if you can conquer this man, then she doesn't need to look at the family's face at all; even from the newly created a Rosenie family.

It's late now, and that man is married.

Angel Roschild angered the smart group: "You are not saying that there is no loss! What is the report of the Ming Pao is what is going on, the publicity of the Marriage Region is also explained."

Xiangjiang registers marriage, it takes half a month. Even if it is expensive, it can't be exception, after all, the rule is the rule. Moreover, Baozi Xuan will not break this rule, not only the tramples of laws and regulations, and will make the people of Xiangjiang misunderstood.

One person does not dare to say, prove that this person will often do some people who are not seen, but also to the woman's greatness. Instead, the people of the rivers feel that the buns of the buns, and they are not as good as generous.

The smart group of the Rosenie family can be said to be named He Hep, and there has never had such a major mistake. It is necessary to know that they start from the Napoleon's era, so far, it has been more than 200 years.

I didn't expect to have a mistake in this place in Xiangjiang today, it should not be. But it is late at this time. Miss Miss will report this situation to the family; shame is small, not reuse is the most serious consequence.

And they know too many secrets, plus not being reused; the final ending can imagine. The family has also happened similar events, basically not seeing a smatched group member who has decided to make mistakes. It is really unacceptable between yourself.


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