Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 933, a few happy people worry

Ben - Austin has been working for nearly 20 years for the Rosenie family. Of course, this is just his personal, in fact, the Austin family has been working for the Rosielda family. If you really recruit, you may have to go up. That is to say, from the high grandfather, it has been planned for the Rosenie family.

It is definitely a very credible thinking group member, and Lao Rose is in order to help granddaughter. Specially intended this-Osdam to the Xiangjiang, the name is help, of course, also monitored. The Rosien family is very complicated, and outsiders are difficult to analyze. In fact, it is not just a single, that is, the family's children don't know who is the enemy, who is a friend.

In fact, Anjira-Rosierd does not want a stick to kill this - Osding, and now she doesn't have that capabilities. The Austin family has too many people to serve the Rosenie family, even if this makes mistakes, I can't put this - Osding. The most marginalized is not to be done. If it is otherwise, any family will scruple.

Ben - Aust Ding may be a grandfather, it is not allowed to start now. If you can take advantage of this mistake, this man will inevitably use it.

Ben - Austin: "The responsibility is mainly in me, no analysis of the black cloud group and Bunxuan. This is a man who can't look at it with ordinary people, and do things always Tianguo, which is not found. "

"But as long as people do things must have their own unique rules, as long as they are careful, they can find a little ni. Now, we are just paying attention to Bunxuan, and there is no transition to his mother. I think such a beautiful young man, mother The impact on his marriage will not be very big. Many of the proposals have no decisive role. "

"These are very normal in the UK, Bao Zi Xuan is a Chinese. The heart is very tradition, or it will not be far away from any woman."

"Huaxian woman is more in line with Li Yulin's appetite, at least he is more hopeful in the future, the future is Chinese. Before Zheng Jia's Zheng Jiajia, now Zhang Jia's Zhang Leedan. They are all favored by Baozi Xuan by giving Li Yulin. Only Zhang Tiran knows how to trial, know what he should do. Can be laughing at the end. "

"Zhang Changran left the Xiangjiang River in Bunzi, almost every week, with the male mother. The mother and son are hit from the little, and the mother's son will not have opinions."

"In addition, Bao Zi Xuan is relatively slow and will not take the initiative. Even if the girl will take the initiative, and this kind of thing happens more than once."

Ben - Austin's surface is responsible, and there is also a suspicion of the pot. Before it was suggested Miss Angel Ros, let her have a chance to visit Bunxuan Mother. However, it has been refused by the other party, and now there is a problem, even as a big lady, it is not full of weird teles.

Not we don't give you an idea, don't give you opinions. It is you don't listen, and the responsibility is pushed to the think tank and the intelligence department, which is obviously not suitable.

The intelligence group and intelligence part must be mainly responsible. In the two years, Baozi Xuan will not marry is the result of their analysis. This leads to the Rosierd Miss, and I can come back to visit. After all, a girl goes to see a man's mother, and still in the case of men. There are some embarrassment, the most important thing in Europe, is a man pursued her, and there may be some wipes on the face.

Of course, in the words, two sentences are not clear. The Rosenie family has been damaged by the fact that after World War I passed. There is no capacity to control the entire world economy situation. It can only be returned to the next, and the big home operates well.

Although Xiangjiang is the British in rule, it can involve too many interests. The Rosierde family did not dare to easily dyed, because of an Asian market, too much sin is not worth it. What can't be seen is that the development of Xiangjiang is so rapid, even more than everyone imagination.

The rapid development of Xiangjiang economy,

Baozi Xuan's foreign military protrudes to let the Rosenie family see the opportunity, and traditional luxury people have thousands of people with other families in Europe. Although the Rooselde family is not afraid of any challenge, there is no need to be sinful.

I thought I was able to control Bunxuan and the Black Cloud Group; with the understanding of the development of the Black Cloud Group, let the Rosenian family disconnect this unrealistic idea.

Bunzi Xuan is already a partner that can talk to their equality, even sometimes you need some interest to give each other.

This has a French meeting, and Anjira-Rosierd is personally to Xiangjiang. Although the family has thought about marriage, there is no specific implementation. Women in Rosenie family are basically not married; marry a Xiangjiang people, and it has never thought about the problem.

Angela Roschier said with a smile: "Now you want to remedy, you can seek breakthroughs from other aspects; as for you, returning to the UK may have any opportunity."

As a member of the think tank, the reaction is fast. Angel Rosieldone finished; if you know what the other party wants to express! This is to take yourself in Xiangjiang, and use it for life.

As a member of the affiliate family that serves Roshild's more than a hundred years, this is a lot of things to know about this family. I am incredible for some wonderful practices, and I am very relieved from Angela Roles that will take the initiative to send the door.

In Europe because of the power of the Rosenian family, there is almost no family dare to let the children marry Angel Roschone. Pursuit is on the one hand, and finally marriage is another thing.

Anjira-Rosierd claims that the first beauty of the family in the past 100 years, many people have coveted her for a long time. Family women are not married, but there are many powerful children in the palm of Mu, and I want to take Angela-Rosierd to hand.

I would like to think about my own posture, I will inevitably kill the Xiangjiang River Bunxuan. As long as it is the head of the head and affection, she is married, the family is other children, even the elderly people don't dare to oppose, and even if they are.

When you get rid of your family's shackles, you can register your marriage with Bunzi Xuan. Everything needs from new planning, people who want to find such a person, it is very difficult; it is almost impossible.

Angela-Rosierd will not be easy to commit, this - Austine is a good help. As a focus of the Austin family, if you can use it for yourself; then it is equivalent to the side of the horse. Baozi Xuan suddenly married is not necessarily a bad thing, at least let this - Oskin makes it difficult to shake a white mistake.

Ben - Osding thought about it: "Everything will listen to the big sister, never dare to have two hearts."

This answered Angela-Rosierde is very satisfied, although it is impossible to marry Bunxuan. Cooperation can also continue, as long as it is enough strength, then everything is not a problem.

Anjira-Rosierd: "Some of the families are better than anyone know, you know. You will never give up easily, as long as you can let me get rid of the fate of family women. I want, I am not a problem. "

It seems that this woman finally said to be honest, a destination of his own expression; obviously has already regarded him into a heart. Ben - Oskin doesn't know how to be happy or sad; the intelligence group does not seem to be a woman. My father knows that I can't die, but now he has no other choice.

Ben - Austin: "Please rest assured, do everything we must do our best. Although Bao Zi Xuan is married, marry him is unlikely; there is no problem with each other."

"And I have found it if it is broken, but it is not mature before."

This kid really stayed behind, so I didn't let him return to the UK. Otherwise, it is very difficult to rely on a woman. Angela Rosierd knows that he has a few pounds; except for the beautiful appearance, there may not be a special length of it.

Now I have heard the smart group has found a breakthrough, many problems can be solved.

Get a big name; this - Oskin continued: "The previous our plan is to enter the Japanese market, which is nothing wrong with it. Japan has rapid economic development in recent years, there are many opportunities."

"You can enter the Japanese financial market to face cruel competition, and Rosierd Bank will not have any advantages."

"Bao Zixuan is not developing in the so-called Pudong New Area with Huaxia Continent! We can follow the other's footsteps, as long as the Black Cloud Bank is set, Roschild Bank can enter the field directly."

"Not only can I close the relationship between Tongbao Xuan, but also increase the influence of China's mainland. As long as you do it, you will inevitably bring a lot of benefits."

"The Black Cloud Bank has no foundation in Europe, and major companies in China need to settle banks in Europe. Rose Neuride Bank in the world, especially the strength of the European region, no one can ignore."

This - Austin's eyes are very unique, and it is from this time. The Rosielide Bank opened a lot of outlets in the Chinese mainland, and made a solid foundation for the later rapid development.

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