Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 934, a few people, a few people worry

The head is getting married, not just the people of the rivers, and the whole world will pay much attention. Baozi Xuan really famous is in the United States, and the graduation school is also in the United States. Many people will see him as a representative of American dreams, except for nationality, may not find other places where others can be found.

And this kid just left from the United States, and returned to Xiangjiang. There is no preparation at all, what is this.

To say that Bunxuan married, there are still many people who are sad in the United States; but to say the most sad of Morgan Miss. Take a photo from Baozi Xuan University graduated; go to Xiangjiang to attend a variety of activities; send a special sports car on the birthday. All this is what men and women doing; but the man in the soul is now around, it is no longer her.

Rachel - Morgan is born in the top family, you can get anything you want from small. And different from other families, the Morgan family is not strong; the family members are very small. The Morgan family core members will be highly valued, and Rathel Morgan is the old Morgan's daughter, which can be said to be born with diamond keys.

Before the old Morgan disappeared her and bunxuan, did not care particularly. Because she felt that the strength of Bao Zi Xuan became strong, my father would definitely won't be so dead, and I would like to agree with the two.

I didn't expect Bun Zixuan to suddenly get married, and it can be not sighed before. All plans will become meaningless; more can't bear it, she will lose a good man since then.

Rener - Morgan cried in the room for a long time, and now I haven't figured it out, Bunzi Xuan will suddenly marry. This man has always been very good, it is basically a beautiful fan. Where is the problem, it is a problem he can't think of understanding.

I saw her daughter crying so sad, and the old Morgan was also very sad. There is relatively weak affection between the giants, and the sad people are their biological daughters; no father will not work.

Old Morgan: "Leon, called Miss to eat. Just say that we are waiting for her, hurt and sad, and take care of the body."

If the ordinary people, maybe the old man will call her daughter to eat. Old Morgan also wiped a face, how did he say that he is also a US business leader, the king of Wall Street.

Leon can only hit the head of the head of Rathel - Morgan, which can only do it. Looking at Miss, he didn't want Rathel Morgan so sad. However, he is only a service and family, and there is no decision-making right. A housekeeper is impossible to intervene in the marriage of family core children, then there is no difference between life.

Seeing is Leon, Rathel - Morgan as if it seizes a life-saving straw. I am eager to ask: "Leon, you say how he will get married."

For Bao Zixuan so rushed, Leon did not know how to answer. But now, the lady is so sad, and it is necessary to comfort in the love.

Leon: "Now, it is only to say Bun Xuan married, can be specifically because of marriage; no one knows. Everything is the report of Xiangjiang Media, as for the so-called marriage registration office, it is not possible."

"Through contact with Bao Zi Xuan, I feel that it is not a feeling of emotional doing things. I have not responded yet, explanation is not to be. As long as Miss thinks, everything still has a chance."

At this time, Leon just wanted to persuade Rathel Morgan, but he didn't expect that it was this remark. Let Ritcher Morgan already pay attention, leading Leon very regretted.

Rathel Morgan: "You are right, you can't give up. Bao Zixuan must not really like that woman, just have a hard work."

"It is necessary to make out the joke at this time. It is more powerful to have a good company. Let the world look at it, I am the best one."

Daughter over for dinner, the old Morgan was satisfied, it seems to know Miss Leon.

Old Morgan concern and asked: "Who in the end is so sad my baby, do not let me know that otherwise would not make him better.

Rachel heard these words - Morgan was moved, as if back to childhood. When his mother died, his father is consoled her. If everything seems to be yesterday. See my father already graying temples, heart began to appear strange fluctuations.

In fact, the old Morgan also some regret, if not blindly pressure, even out conditions insulting. Perhaps buns Xuan likely to be the son of the Morgan family.

If the Morgan family can bundle dark, then the future of the world economy will inevitably change. Even if they are not of the royal family, the royal family may be more than a deterrent. Now that everything late, and he did not want his daughter to marry Asians. This idea has penetrated the bone marrow, basic will not change.

Simple family after dinner, Rachel - Morgan directly to the company. At this point in his heart already had a firm idea that the mine Xuan Express bigger and stronger.

How many old daughter Morgan understanding of the character, not easily give up the people. How to become so determined, which in the end is how it was.

Leon heard the old Morgan told him, you know why.

Leon: "I say that everything is the same lady a chance, buns Xuan marriage certainly not so simple, may not own intention."

"Just wanted to give the young lady a heart to comfort, may lead to misunderstandings, but there is no better way but to go step by step."

Leon did not know, precisely because he was vague with their statements of Rachel - Morgan explained. Old Morgan is now very satisfied to wait until after the occurrence of the problem, people almost did not kill him.

Rachel - after Morgan came to the company, not as decadent. Direct layout work, staff puzzled.

Lei Xuan company has two major shareholders, Rachel - Morgan and buns Xuan. Why two people on the establishment of the company, people around the world are very clear. And after hearing the case buns Xuan married, Morgan Missy actually there is no abnormal behavior. Even more seriously than before, so that everyone deserves to feel born in the top giants. See very light on the feelings, everything interests first.

Of course, some people think Rachel - Morgan just turn grief into strength, for all to see; buns Xuan did not choose her what a stupid decision, to bring their own how much loss.

But all this is just speculation, regardless of the kind of result, their most recent period should not be easy.

Rachel is different - Morgan intoxicate themselves with work, others may not be so able to. One of the most surprising is actually Miss Rockefeller. Diana - Rockefeller buns Xuan not without ideas, but grew up proud and arrogant character, so she put it all buried in the heart. Even the richest man saw a little package did not represent, still thinking the same against each other.

Suddenly hear buns Xuan to marry, they're all of a sudden can not accept. According to the original plan, Diana - Rockefeller preparation recent visit to Hong Kong in the name of a trip. This will narrow the distance between buns with Villa to let the man take the initiative, it is estimated this life impossible.

Who knows at this juncture, actually hear the other side of marriage. This is simply incredible, is it today is April Fool's Day.

Luke Rock-Rockefeller said to Phil Hawkins: "The media report has been married, it is true. You are good friends, and people have come to participate in our wedding."

"When the wedding is held in Bao Zixuan, we must participate in the care."

This sentence seems to be to Phil Hawkins, more like Diana Rockefeller.

Phil Hawkins is also a little inexplicable. It can be not sighed before; Bao Zi Xuan has a girlfriend to see the media report. Since the point of interest in the Rockefeller family, the two have been countless than a friend. At this time, it is a good opportunity to repair wounds and eliminate the isolation.

Bao Zi Xuan married, the past Xiangjiang blessings; everything is fully chapter. It is also possible to look at the places where Asia can invest in the way; in recent time, Japan and Huaxia mainland are very hot, you can take the opportunity to intervene.

Phil Hawkins: "I still don't know what the situation is, but the media reports have a nose, unlike fake; the official will not make mistakes."

Rockfeller, of course, knows that the relationship is not better than before, and now you can get news from the media. They are all paying orders for the year, and now it seems to be worth it.

Their two sons are still marginal characters in the Rockefeller family, and they will not pay attention. In the near future, we must go to Xiangjiang to see if the relationship between the same buns is.

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