Needo, I didn't think that Miyazaki had such a big change, it seems that the change in black clouds will have a change in the change. However, it is possible to develop 3D animation, and the layout is so early, and the future of the Black Cloud Anime Company will be bright.

Even if there is no new work, it doesn't matter, as long as you keep a lot of technical patents, the days will be able to fly. Of course, no one will not be so moving, this is just a joke.

Bao Zixuan: "Miyazaki's general manager's plan is very good, want to overcome Disney, traditional two-dimensional animation must not work. Anime company can send an invitation to computer company; and software company; develop a computer and software suitable for 3D anime "

"At the same time, you can recruit computer talents, and Yulin Institute of Technology will also open 3D design."

Still the boss has the courage, not just developing special computers and supporting software, but also 3D design in the university. If it is not very optimistic about this project, it must be not so much. The university is open to the course, but you can do it. No one is prepared, no one dares to take this risk.

Baozi Xuan is a business manager who knows adventure, but never fights unscrupulous. Besides, he can't afford that person, graduate is equal to unemployment, and I want to know the blow to the Yulin Institute of Technology.

The Hengjing Jun Mong Miyazaki said that there was no problem, and the meeting was continued.

Game companies, animation companies are the company's first branch. Although it may not occupy any advantage now, it is true that it is to rank all divisions of the Black Cloud Group, and I really don't know how to arrange.

The best way is to follow the time of the establishment, so everyone will not have any opinions. After all, historical precipitation is also a kind of inheritance, and everyone has to recognize it.

Bunzi Xuan is a gesture, what is the meaning of Yanjing Junzhishang Mat. The computer update is very fast, and if the Black Cloud Group does not continue to innovate. Then the existing technical advantage will soon be chased, it is difficult to occupy a place in the market.

Hengjing Junli: "At present, the most important project of computer company is the research and development of the next generation industrial computer. For this reason, some cooperation with Motorola, after all, their chips have no competitive advantage in technology and performance."

"IBM's latest model chip, calculation power is now more than 4 times more of Motorola providing chips; therefore, under the same conditions, the operation of industrial computers will also increase 4 times."

"The root is estimated, and the increase is 4 times far from the limit. Future industrial computers will be the host in the network world, there is no powerful computing ability, and fundamentally cannot support large-scale information processing business."

"Plan to complete all R & D within 1 year; the computing speed of the new industrial computer will be 6 times the black-1 industrial computer, and to ensure that the weight cannot be increased."

"It realizes mass production in 2 years to meet the large customer orders of the Internet."

"In addition, it will also develop small hosts, that is, the future needs to be able to drive 20-40 computers. At the same time, the small server can also be used as a workstation; can be used as a computer that is specifically used to make a 3D design."

"The desktop will only enter the high-end field, and the computer company will not enter the field of normal desktop."

"As for the laptop, the existing products will be upgraded. It is mainly to replace the more powerful chips to meet the needs of consumers on notebook tasks."

"At the same time, the software department will upgrade all software and do it perfect."

Many people don't understand; why the black cloud computer does not enter the civil desktop field. That is the largest market, with the technical strength of the black cloud in the computer, other households enter the desktop market is not enough.

It is clear that you can make big money, why should you give up easily. In fact, it is not only the other high levels of the group, and even the general manager of the Computer Company of Hengjing Junfa is not very understood. Perhaps you can guess probably, but you dare not completely determine.

Now I heard the grand plan of the computer company, everyone feels that this is going to be big. So many projects in the horse suddenly, not only have a big demand for funds, and talent issues are more fatal.

It turned out that there is no energy to develop, but the family desktop computer is not so complicated, and there is not too much resources.

In fact, do not enter the desktop household computer market, mainly Baozi Xuan worried about anti-monopoly investigation. Black cloud is already an industrial computer field, and the absolute overlord in the laptop field. If everything is done, it is not allowed to stay in other companies. Strong, such as IBM, the last bottom is very miserable, not to mention the black cloud. Americans will never let go of opportunities, estimate split or forced to sell business, is the best results.

Bao Zixuan: "Plan is very good, there is no difficulty."

I heard the boss to mention difficulties, and the horizontal army is like a herme. I very seriously said: "At present, although computer companies have high revenue, profits are also very considerable. But it is also the construction headquarters building, but also to engage in research and development. The gap gap is very large, I hope that the Group can give certain support."

"At the same time, it is also obviously insufficient. Recruiting engineers abroad is increasingly difficult, as long as it is a black cloud, other competitors may give higher salary."

Just said that the Hengjing Junfa admires, now it seems to be, this is the heart of the black cloud part of the high tube. Not so big, but you have to do so many things. Now, I want to ask the group for help. At this time, because of the relationship between the black cloud town, all branches are not very rich.

In addition, some people think that crossing the ability of the military, is not enough to serve as the general manager of computer company.

The Black Cloud Group is targeted, Bun Zixuan is clear than anyone. Especially in the United States, it is difficult to recruit strong engineers. Not only because of the competitors, there may be a government intervention.

It is said that it is human rights, and it will not intervene in the normal operation of your business. Americans can do their own people, how can they let go of black clouds; currently can only recruit or internal cultures from Europe.

Europeans are still weak in the computer field, and the Yulin Institute of Technology has been established too short. Students have not graduated, can't do very professional work.

Bao Zi Xuan wants to, feeling that things are not so complicated. Just think too much before, but some don't do your hands.

Looking at the expression of the group, I also know that many people have ideas to crossharming. It is considered that the other party does not self-strength, causing this situation to be self-taken now. If there is a problem, find a group, everyone is doing so, and companies should not develop.

There is a rivers and lakes in some places, and this is true.

Baozi Xuan: "Group does not have excess funds to support computer company, but you can find Yuan Zhuji to discuss it. Look at Black Cloud Bank can give you a loan, or go to other banks to think about it. In short, this is internal matter within the computer company. I need you to solve it yourself.

"Professional talent gap, you can contact Yulin Institute of Technology. Don't see that students have no longer enrollment time, but the computer level is definitely no problem. You can give them a simple job to them, so that you can save people's costs, and make students get exercise. "

In fact, the funds are handed over, where is the name of the black cloud computer company. Just the bank will give them loans, this is a small problem.

The talented gap, as well as recruitment costs is the existence of card neck. Now the boss means some unimportant work, or the low technical content, and outsourced to the students of the Yulin Institute of Technology. This is really a good way, it seems that in the United States, it is more complicated in the United States.

The Group's high-rise did not expect that the boss was so little written, and the problem was solved. It seems that he is not enough. And agree to the cross-way programs, prove to report to him before. This time is laughing at the computer company, that is, indirectly in the boss of jokes.

Baozi Xuan: "Science and Technology R & D is a systematic project. Not a breakthrough in a certain field, the general manager of the Hengjing Junfa is some adventures, even radical. Dare to think can dare to do it; black cloud does not need to make a class, ink Manager. Need more need to develop spiritual talents, I hope everyone should not look at the colleagues with different eyes. "

"The Black Cloud Group is a big family. Although I am young, it is also a parent. As long as the family is united, there is no suffering to be able to live us. I don't want to see this kind of eye, I hope that individual people are so good."

If you have hated, if you can't understand, you will be eliminated. This kind of person is alive, lest a mouse, a pot of soup.

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