Baozi Xuan has always been very peaceful, very few angle; use Confucianism to describe it. But it doesn't mean that I don't mean that I have no fire, but I have not touched the core interest and the bottom line. It seems that ridicule colleagues, it is definitely a high-voltage line. Whoever has died, you should pay attention to it. Of course, some people don't believe in evil, and the final result can be imagined.

Chip companies have never stopped for the development of chips, and Fushan Yong believes that their CPU will never be poor than IBM. Old boss is dragging, always, there is no time. It's really difficult to support so many people in the memory chip.

Fortunately, Bunzu has never touched any funds from chip companies, or the situation will be very embarrassed.

Fushan Yong has been rolling up in the Black Cloud Group, and there is a very low existence; very few comments. Mainly, the profit of the black cloud chip is really can't take it, so that this general manager is embarrassed. As a top integrated circuit expert, he knows the boss's big chess.

Although there is no CPU chip, it has never fallen in R & D. Now the black cloud's own motherboard chip is stronger than Motorola, which is more than Texas Instruments and Intel. In the field of mobile phone chips, it will even be stronger.

Fushan knew a sip of water and began to say: "At present, the main research and development direction of the chip company is on the memory chip, through effort. It is already the first; whether performance, or the finished product is the top. In the future, we will increase research and development , Keep the technical advantage. "

"The CPU chip is in the field of mobile phone. It has achieved significant breakthroughs. It is expected that you can achieve mass production in half a year, and performance will be 4 times the latest model."

"The field of industrial chips is also chasing it. At present, it is comparable to Germany and Japanese companies in the field of automotive chips, but there is no technical advantage."

"The high-end industrial chip has a big gap compared to Texas instruments; according to the current development, the chip company has confidence to catch up with each other within 5 years."

Texas Instruments are in absolute domineering in high-end industrial chips, and other manufacturers may have no chances. Now that Fushan Yong actually said that it can catch up within five years, not a person crazy, is confident in the development of chip companies.

Although Fushan Yong has a low, it will not easily sin; see who is very polite, make it very good in the black cloud. Even if you don't do it, you will not laugh, after all, everyone is for work.

It can be seen that the Fushan Yong is serious, and it is not as big. In this way, the boss must have a big investment in the industry chip.

Bao Zixuan continued to continue, the other party said: "The most important thing for chip companies is not design, but the processing accuracy. At the field of lightning machine, the group has already come to front. It has been able to achieve 112 nano processing technology, forward 56 nanometers The process is very close. "

Most people present in the field are all from the study of science and engineering, of course, know the components of Fushan Yong. The group also hides a huge giant, waiting until all the strengths will be shocked.

At the same time, I understand that the boss is tolerant, and even the chip of other companies. Its purpose is to paralyze your opponent, just don't want to see the Black Cloud Group really powerful.

The chip company gave the management very surprised, Bao Zixuan is about this effect. People who can't ignore pragmatic people, the Fukushan Yong is such a kind of person in the Black Cloud Group. The implementation ability is very strong, and there is no regrets. And it never comes to the name, not winning.

Bao Zi Xuan is watching in the eyes, but also wants to bring him.

It is important to say that the General Manager of the Branch of the Cloud Group has the greatest pressure of the year, and it is a home appliance company Ma Chenglong.

The home appliance company can say that it is a company that is the least competitive advantage. It is basically survived in Japan and Germany. These two national companies attach great importance to the research and development of home appliance products, after all, this is the advantage of their occupation of the global market.

In addition to the technical field of the LCD screen, Black Cloud

Horse Tiger Dragon comes over the black cloud is to prove himself, not let the old people look at jokes. And last year, the meeting, Bao Zixuan has clearly expressing, do not want to see the home appliance company is this situation, if not, can only change one person.

One year, Ma Chenglong did not dare to rest. It is not staring at R & D, it is in Shanghai. The work efficiency of the Chinese mainland workers makes him shocked.

The working attitude has nothing to say, basically no problem. With the Huaxia Huaxing Plant put into production, Black Cloud appliances can finally be able to share with Japan and Germany companies PK. Although it may be weak in performance, but in the price, the advantage is very obvious.

Not all families are so rich, home appliances are the must-eat of every family; although black clouds are qualitatively a mid-end product, but will wait until the occupation market, who will care for the product.

Ma Chenglong said confident: "Black Cloud Appliance Company has developed next-generation liquid crystal display technology, it has already achieved a certain effect. However, if you want to achieve mass production, you must wait until the blue light-emitting diode is completely mature. But will not exceed three years I have absolute confidence in this. "

From the Japan brought back three future Note award winners, finally played a role. At least in terms of liquid crystal displays, Black Cloud has put competitors far behind.

Ma Chenglong continued: "Apply to the various home appliances of the next generation of displays, and its visual enjoyment must be able to increase more than one step. In the next 10 years, black clouds will definitely become a well-deserved hegemony."

"Technical advantages in the TV field should stay, other aspects have not been relaxed. With the launch of the Shanghu Plant, there will be adequate funds on the books of the black cloud appliances. It has already proposed the US General Company refrigerator and air-conditioning department to propose a request. It is expected to take 15-20 million US dollars to acquire General Company refrigerators and air-conditioned departments. "

There are three companies in the United States called General, namely General Motors, General Electric Appliances and Universal Power.

The general company mentioned by Ma Chenglong refers to a general electric company. You know that this is not an ordinary company, in the United States and even the whole world, is a famous Hepher's existence.

General Electric's history dates back to Thomas Edison, founded Ai Di Dynasties in 1878. In 1892, Edison Electric Company and Thomson Houston Electric Company were combined to establish a general electric company (GE).

General Electric is consolidated by John Pier Pont Morgan in 1892 to consolidate Edison General Electric Company, Tomson-House International Electric Company. After two World Wars, this company has got a rapid development.

After the First World War, the company has dominated the role in the emerging electrician technical department - radio. The Second World War has grown sharply in the yield and profit of General Electric.

General Electric Corporation has been in various ways in more than 80 years, in a variety of ways, the shares of many companies, in 1939, there were only 30 industries, and in 1947, they increased to 125. At the end of 1976, there were 224 manufacturing plants in 35 states in China.

In foreign countries, it gradually merged electrician companies such as Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Spain. In 1972, the company has a subsidiary of foreign countries: 33 European, 10 Canada, 24 Latin America, 11 Asia, 3 Africa, 1 Africa. By the end of 1976, it has 113 manufacturing plants in 24 countries, making it a huge multinational company.

General Electric is a major industrial company controlled by the Morgan Wealth. It has been run for decades, snaps huge profits, strong assets, large scale, in 1976 and 1977, are ninth in US big companies. According to the statistics of "Happiness" magazine in May 8, 1978, US General Electric Company has reached $ 13.696 billion in 1977, with a total sales of 17.515 billion US dollars. The pure profit of this year is US $ 1088 million, in the United States The big company accounts for the fifth, and the total number of employees is 384,000. The company has started to build a factory in 1956 and provide nuclear weapons to foreign countries. For example, in Japan, atomic energy, atomic fuel and naval torpedo. In 1976, in cooperation with France, the turbine is developed and can be equipped with fish thunder or carrier. In 1973, he received $ 142 million in US military order, ranking second in major companies.

Now Ma Chenglong will start relative to general appliances, but it is also very understandable that electric refrigerators and air conditioners are in the entire universal appliance, which is not honest.

Ma Chenglong reported to Baozi Xuan, although I didn't want to deal with the Morgan family. But this is really a chance; just say a sentence, think it is necessary to do it, calculate it to eat a fixed pill.

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