China's mainland will reach an agreement with the Xiangjiang issue aspects in the UK. Xiangjiang will tend to make it clear. When I arrived at that time, I couldn't let the hands. The transfer branch will be utilized by people, and it is difficult to explain it clearly. Passive with it, it is better to start layout in advance, so that some companies will transfer in advance, which will not be suspected.

Bunzi Xuan: "Black Cloud Group wants to achieve the global strategy, you must let go of your hands and feet. You can't be limited by the region, you need to go out. Denmark is a country with a fairy tale background, where toy is very suitable. Not only the toy company, other branches can move the headquarters from Xiangjiang if necessary. "

Before Bao Zixuan, it was very recognized to the Chinese mainland. Now, even if the Huaying two sides have no public statement. However, it is known that the River is returning to the morning and evening, no one will stop. At this point, I agreed to move the headquarters of the branch, is it not optimistic about the future development of Xiangjiang.

But why should we build a black cloud town, a real person can't understand.

However, the relocation company is not so easy, even if you want to go, you have to find the right place.

The aircraft company is now divided into two departments, of which the military aircraft is responsible by Frank Hordon, and the civilian aircraft is handed over to Wang Quanming management.

Compared to the civilian market, the results of military aircraft are undoubtedly more bright. Single HH-01 ghost fighting force is enough to allow the Black Cloud Aircraft Manufacturing Company to enter the world's first-class level. A drafting warfare has successfully developed, which has made all military universities to see the power of the Black Cloud Group in the field of military aircraft. As long as there is a new aircraft, it will inevitably attract enough attention.

Frank Hordon only wanted to play some of the heat and completed the dream of the father. I didn't expect to come to the Black Cloud Group, and they were infected by the work atmosphere here. It is very pleasant to exchange with young people, at least more than the dead days before mixing.

Frank Hordon: "The Black Cloud Army Aircraft Department is stronger to attack the third generation of fighters. Currently, some results have been obtained, and some technical information of the McDende F-18 will be based on the F-18 Bumblebee. Research."

"At the same time, he will also go to the Ma Wan Helicopter project. Previous group has obtained all technical information of the AH-56 armed helicopter. At the same time, in the field of recruitment helicopter, it is expected that the first flight can be achieved in 1 year, and it can achieve mass production in 2 years."

The military aircraft department is not long, and the foundation is not very stable. It is already the limit that two projects can be simultaneously, no one can eat a fat man. If it is too dispersed, it will cause indigestion.

Germans are still more stable, and more pragmatic. Baozi Xuan is not very anxious. After all, the world famous military aircraft engineer can be a national strategic resource, no one will let go of it. There is no suitable technical expert, and it is not so easy to speed up your footsteps.

Compared to military aircraft, the black cloud civil airplane starts later. Although Wang Quanming brings some people from Boeing, most of them are marginal characters. The real core talent will not come over, and the black cloud is not so big, at least in the airplane design field.

Fortunately, Baozi Xuan's past life is to learn aviation majors and is very controlled to technology. During the research and development process, it will not bend, and even the test results are known. In addition to giving some technical information from the Soviet Union, the black clouds have basically stabilized their heels in the field of civil aircraft.

However, just standing, it is not recognized by the mainstream market. Now the civil airplane market is mainly the situation in Mai Mai, Airbus, and Boeing, and other companies have a big gap. Black cloud has only a plane, market share is not enough.

Wang Quanming: "The civil aircraft department is mainly developing to develop over large passenger aircraft. It is currently in the same example of McDe, Mitsubishi, Motorola. Black Cloud is basically no reserves in oversized passenger planes, can only with other companies R & D power. "

"Although it is a joint research and development of four companies.

The two heads of the aircraft company, and the results of the report are still very satisfied. The aircraft has high requirements for integrated industrial strength; there is a breakthrough in a single area, it is impossible to let the plane fly. Although it is through the link, everyone knows that as long as it is a sufficient technical reserve, the Group must develop a larger passenger plane with more advanced performance.

A long-term process is needed in the aviation field. All air manufacturers in the world are all made. The Black Cloud Group's own advantage is obvious, but it also needs a step.

Compared to the aircraft company, the role of the role is much better. There are currently only two places where the production of the aircraft can be said in the world, that is, the Black Cloud Group and the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union will sell this product, they are worried that the operation after sales will be mastered by Americans. The role aircraft can be the weapon of the country, that is, Bao Zi Xuan is not serious.

Therefore, Mike Brryfen has passed quite moist, after all, is a unique business. Basically, the customer is actively, and even asked the Black Cloud Group to buy.

But the old man knows that the time exclusive market is inevitably short. The technical strength of competitors is not weak, and Governments will not allow.

Only it is so strong that it can stand in an invincible place.

Mike Brifen: "The root aircraft is developing toward miniaturization and ensures that it can be used on land. At present, the Saudi base has entered the experimental stage, except for the individual details, it is basically the design requirements. Expect. It is possible to set up in half a year, and it can achieve mass production around the year. "

"At the same time, upgrade existing models is mainly concentrated in power and electronic systems."

It is not very satisfied with this progress Bunxuan, but it also knows that some things can't completely blame McCbripine. The work efficiency of the Saudi people is not flattering, and the degree of delay will exceed your imagination. Who let the whole country so rich, it is nothing, and the salary of one year is not low.

No wonder so many Middle Eastern countries don't be Israel, people are all soldiers; at the same time, it is very high, and the fight is brave, not afraid of sacrifice. It can be revealed that the Arab countries have thought about their own happiness; no one is willing to be too hard, not willing to go to the life.

Mike Brifen, of course, knows that the boss is dissatisfied, after all, the groundwork of the United Airlines is very good. It's better to envy the world, even if it is no exception within the black cloud.

It is really a bad manner now. Regardless of the situation, it must face it, this is his part.

Mike Brryfen continued: "The progress is a bit slow, but it has been adjusted from Huaxia to Saudi. I believe that there is a lot of Chinese workers to join, and the project progress will speed."

Because Bao Zi Xuan's relationship, Saudi has become a huge site. Saudi has made funds earned by oil trade, most of them invested in their construction. Can Saudi people live for a long time, no one wants too hard. It can only be exhausted from the outside, and the population dividends of the Chinese mainland are reflected.

At this time, the Chinese workers working in Saudi exceed 100,000, and they are increasing months. The cheap labor, of course, in the heart of the Saudi royal family thinks. In the heart of the Chinese worker; can come over, and salary is a few times the country, it is already very happy.

Because Bunzi Xuan's relationship, there are many workers in Huaxia. Of course, the number of people in the Middle East is the most, followed by Xiangjiang Black Cloud Town Project.

These Huaxia workers have entered a lot of foreign exchange, making great contributions to the national economic development. They are hard-working generations, while they have been in China, they feel extremely happiness. At least you will not get salary, this is something that the bag is not allowed.

Bun Zixuan: "Although the role of the aircraft is still a big big, it is unique to the black cloud, but other countries can catch up. Don't care about R & D, the profits of technology companies, at least half of the research and development. This program will never change I hope to have actions. "

The investment in R & D is already the world's first. If implemented according to Bun Zixuan's standard, even if a general country, there will be a lot of black cloud group invested in research and development.

There is a boss to be the luck of the engineer, but at the same time, it means that it must progress every year. Otherwise, it is inevitable that the situation will not be able to be eliminated.

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