Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 941 Project Progress Six

At least half of the profits per year is used to develop, not an empty talk, but to be implemented in place. Of course, it is necessary to put an end, after all, who is not a big wind. The annual R & D of the Black Cloud Group is investing in the capital. However, Baozi Xuan has been aware of the problem at the beginning of its establishment, so there will be professional accounting companies to check the account every month.

Before it was just a family, it has now grown to 4. And each quarter is rotated once, and various problems have been excluded from the roots. Of course, the world is big, everything is; seeing so many funds every day, there will be some people who will take the world. The attitude towards this Bunxuan is zero tolerance, as long as it is a wealth that dares to take wages and bonuses, or things that do not belong to your own. Then it is spending a lot of money, but also sent people to prison.

Therefore, after grabbing several middle management personnel, no one dared to engage in the black cloud group.

However, a little Bunxuan is doing very in place, the salary of the black cloud employee is definitely the top of the industry. It can be said that there is no company, dare to say than the black cloud.

The role aircraft only needs normal development, after all, it belongs to emerging products, no one knows where the next step is going to.

The real technology of the Dark Cloud Group is a digital camera company Steven-Celi; even the mobile phone company is more than a lot of time. Yier-Engel is not a real inventor of your mobile phone, and in the field of digital camera, Steven Celi's achievements are recognized.

Seeing the boss, Shi Wen Ceitan stands up: "Digital camera company is attacking thousands of pixel products, the current lens has been successfully developed, mainly the software and other auxiliary equipment supporting tutoring still. But I have Confidence completed all details within half a year, and realizes production within one year. "

Black Cloud is in the forefront of the optical field, and East De Carlas Zeiss is almost duck. Of course, this buns are in the on-one, and it is more important to the East Germany. Carl Zeiss's engineers and technical workers hope to enter the Black Cloud Group. Not only because there are many salary, good treatment, more important is freedom. It is very secure here, as long as it is done on time. I have to do anything else, and some in order to stay in Xiangjiang, even ask my son to marry the Xiangjiang girl, my daughter finds a fragrance to marry.

There is this optical giant auxiliary, in addition to the understanding of Steven Ceremony to digital cameras, and there is no conditional support for Bao Zixuan; Digital Camera company is difficult to develop. If you enter 10 million pixels, the digital product is not so obvious compared with the traditional traffic volume camera, and it will inevitably speed up the pace of replacement.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Steven Celest is very satisfied. Prove that our research and development results are recognized, this is an achievement. Since the appointment of Bao Xuan appointed as the general manager of the black cloud, the general manager of the black cloud, and the last summary of the vice president of the meeting. Many of the groups have some opinions on the high-level, think that his ability and contribution to the company do not meet this height.

Digital cameras belong to small products, and sales is limited. Now people who can use digital cameras can be described as phoenix. Small contribution to the company, can have no existence. The general manager of the branch is not a vice president. He can take this heavy responsibility, of course, there will be no people.

It is not very pleasant this year, basically staying at the laboratory. Just want to fight for a sigh, you must prove to the world. He is a powerful and active person.

Steven Celegian continued: "At the same time, digital cameras has also been processed, and it can be developed in the next three years."

I heard actually to develop digital cameras, everyone is incredible. Although the principle of digital Xiangjiang is similar to the principle of the same digital camera, technical phase difference is not small. The space occupied by the photo is limited, but the video requires a large space to store data.

With the current storage of the chip, there is no much content. If it is just a chicken rib product, it is not developed at all from Steven-Sai Shang's character.

The father of digital cameras is not a wave of virtual name, and has not taken a product, a great blow to its reputation.

After all, the famous head is put, no one dares to question when I don't see the real thing. That is not in questioning Steven-Cerres, may also include the eyes of the boss.

Baozi Xuan: "Digital Camera and Software Adjustment Technology can be strengthened, see if you can integrate the camera with your mobile phone; Black Cloud is to develop a subversive product. Others have not thought about things, we have already made it; Very sense of accomplishment. "

Black Cloud mobile phone company Yier-Engel is always then let go, basically, but will come. Although Oblak has been appointed as the general manager of the Black Cloud Network Engineering, it is just an empty shell. This time, on behalf of the mobile phone department, report a matter of course.

Obrak stood up: "The mobile phone department is currently being promoted to color screen mobile phone, and it is expected that the inner sample can come out for half a year."

I heard that Bao Xuan is very pleased, with the significant breakthrough of black clouds in the LCD screen. Make all electronic products that require screens, they have not been improved. Although the mobile phone is small, it is high for the screen. When there are no black and white screens other companies, the black cloud phone can launch a color screen phone.

Not only is a quick occupation market, but also let the whole world remember the black cloud phone.

The mobile phone department has always been a group's most profitable business, and there is no one. It may be that the Blackstone Fund is competing with it, but it does not belong to the Black Cloud. In fact, including the Black Cloud Bank, Bun Zixuan wants to peel out.

The positioning of the Black Cloud Group must be clear, the banner of industrial enterprises cannot fall. Everyone knows that if you want a country or region, there is no industrial support. Perhaps the small country can use other human resources; can be supported by the big country, there is no high-end industrial support, and there is no super big country.

Since this year, the mobile phone department will have new mobile phones available every month. It is necessary to cover high, medium and low-end markets, and then enhance market share.

The mobile phone department did not produce low-end mobile phones because they worried that the anti-monopoly investigation was worried. But now the opponent has grown, you can't follow the original plan. Bao Zixuan is ready to go from Nokia mode, as for Apple mode, will be implemented after the smart machine appears.

Oblak continued: "The mobile phone sector hired many well-known designers from all over the world, and their daily tasks are drawing. As long as they can draw them, we can develop."

"Now I have formed a stable industrial chain, and the effect is very good."

I heard the high level of other branches as if it is clear, mobile phone companies can do this. They can also, although product diversification will increase the cost of single-piece costs, but also give customers more choices. Ability to meet demand as much as possible, it will inevitably increase sales.

And will also let the competitors crazy and will find out anyway, it will not be able to catch up with the footsteps of the Black Cloud Group.

Baozi Xuan: "Mobile phone company can achieve such results, there is a big relationship with innovation. I hope that other branches can get some inspiration, good ways can be applied to many industries."

"You should know that Oblak has been appointed as the general manager of the Black Cloud Group Network Equipment Company. The Group coexys with the United States. This is a big project, the prospect will be more than imagination."

"There are ten root-root servers in the world, and Yulin Institute of Technology has got a precious quota. This is a chance-to-face opportunity, which is directly related to the future."

"For network problems, what do you understand, please consult Professor Posacke. Company personnel must master network knowledge, which will enter the Group's employee assessment system."

"Oblak is now giving you the first order, that is, first connect all branches in the black cloud. Before the Internet has no Unicom, first build a local area network inside the group."

Although I know that the company should engage in Internet projects, the Internet is more concept. I didn't expect the boss to pay so much, and the entry of the employee assessment system is not a small matter. It seems that I have to study hard, so I will be dishless.

Oblak did not expect Bunzi Xuan actually did not mention mobile phone matters, but a layout network company. It seems that the mobile phone department is very satisfied, and it also reflects the attention of the network. Whether it is the result, it is a recognition for him.

At this point, it is only a stable foothold inside the black cloud, truly enter the group's high level.

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