Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 942 Project Progress Seven

It's so far a day, Bunzi Xuan must go home to eat. It is no longer alone at this time, not good to lose the newlywed wife and my mom at home. The high-level group is also understood. After all, the boss just married, but it could not be cold.

And because of their relationship, Bao Zi Xuan did not go home. The boss is not in the mouth, even if the mouth does not say, there will be a grievance. If you count, you are not a good thing. Of course, this is just a hypothesis, maybe there is no existence. But it is still necessary to prevent it, so that it is unable to return.

Bao Zi Xuan returned home, mother and Zhang Tiran already ready for dinner. And the two also opened a bottle of red wine, it seems to be ready to drink.

In the impression, Li Yulin seems to have never drinking wine. What is it today, is it different?

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Mom, leisurely, I am so interested in drinking today."

The biggest hobbies in the bag are drinking, and many good wine have been stored at home. Before Li Yulin, it was too lazy to see, and now you have to take her with her. It seems that after you get married, the mother finally found someone to accompany.

Li Yulin: "Now you are married to you, my wish is half. Even if you don't go home, it will not be so lonely. Drinking some wine is soothing, it is just a person drinking is not excited."

Achieve half so that Bunzu Xuan and Zhang Ziran are embarrassed, and there is nothing in the family. The problem of married children must be put on the schedule.

In fact, Zhang Tiran is very clear that it can be born at home after marrying. Don't say to marry Bunxuan, marry ordinary people is also the same. And with the price and status of Bunxuan, you must have a son. Most of the rich rivers from Chaoshan areas, the concept is very heavy. Zhang Tiran is also growing up from the big family, of course, understands the truth.

Li Yulin also found that it is not right, can't force two children too tight. But I want to hold the heart of the grandson, make her difficult her mouth.

I know that I have already married myself, but I have just been married for a long time. Still can't be opened, it may have a big relationship with the family teaching. In order to make the atmosphere not so embarrassed, he can only answer your mother's question.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "With confidence already plan, it must meet all your heart."

After I chatted some companies, it was mainly buns Xuan to listen to it. After all, two women are bored at home, listen to the fresh things outside.

I learned that the Black Cloud Group did not publish the results of the branch, but reported to the R & D project and progress; Li Yulin is very pleased, it seems that his son grows. Knowing the money is not a white, although there is no previous front of the front, it can be a great benefit to the company's development.

Zhang Tiran still does not know the specific situation of the Black Cloud Group, Li Yulin can help read the account. It is incredible to the company's fund size, even some fear.

A woman never thought of my son would be so rich. The object is extremely reversed. For a mother, the son's money is enough.

Early the next morning, Bunzi Xuan came to the company from home; at this time, executives have been waiting for him in the conference room. Yesterday only half, today is the work is done late. According to the tradition of Huaxia, tomorrow is the New Year's Day. As a boss, it must give the employee to the red envelope, and there is a bit of a matter of work in the chat.

Yuan Tianfan of the Black Cloud Bank is more embarrassed, and the black clouds are industrial enterprises. Passenger bank is mainly financial attributes, and it is not very large to develop this piece of investment.

At this time, I haven't entered the Internet of Internet, and there is no network security issue. The banking industry is relatively tradition and mature, and I really don't know what to develop. But the boss requires reporting as the subordinates must be obedient.

Yuan Tianfan can only say sharply: "Black Cloud Bank is different from other branches, and the recent research and development investment is rare. Mainly to expand out, so it can only start from this point,

And report to the group; I hope to understand and support. "

Everyone understands this, and Yuan Tianfan is very good in the black cloud. Many branches will find Yuan Tianfan to help when the funds are not abundant. This is the god of the group, and it is nothing to know.

Yuan Tianfan continued: "The most important expansion of the Black Cloud Bank in the Chinese mainland, after the black cloud bank can enter the approval of the Huaxia mainland construction branch. All municipalities, provincial capitals, provincial capital, planned branches."

"At present, there are 70 black cloud bank outlets in Huaxia, which is expected to reach 120 left and right sides by the end of 1984."

"Secondly, it is the US market, from 35 outlets from the Morgan Bank; 7 branches have been opened in the United States, which is expected to reach 50 at the end of the year."

"The rest are mainly big cities mainly, and governments have different requirements for banks. After eating rules, they will enter."

The American banking industry is fierce, everyone knows. As a foreign household, the Black Cloud Bank will definitely have an influence; it can not expect to be exclusted. When the HKR crisis was last Hong Kong dollar, Black Cloud got 35 outlets from Morgan Bank. It is only to start now, and it will increase the year. It is to know that this is the first financial market in the world, it seems that Americans have never stopped the black cloud.

Industrial companies may not start because of other reasons. In addition to black clouds and black clouds to register in the United States, even if sales are high. As long as there is no monopoly; Americans will not have too much views.

Banking areas, black clouds can be a new soldier. Wall Street capitalists have the strength of the US political situation. They don't want the black cloud bank to be comfortable, so they can't compete with their existing strength.

The Chinese market is a lot of surprises, and I have never thought of so fast. Everyone is a smart person, plus bunxuan deliberately instilled. Most of the black cloud executives believe that the Chinese market is high, and the economic development is a morning and evening.

As a big country with a population, the economy has developed, meaning the huge market. At present, other multinational banks in the world have not yet entered Huaxia mainland, and black clouds can be grabbed. It is important to grasp the opportunity to get a generous income in the future.

Bao Zi Xuan: "We don't understand the bank's things, can only please Purchain. What is the requirements, or what other branches do, you can say."

As the first rich say, most of them learn the science and engineering, a little knowledge of the financial industry. But Yuan Tianfan did not dare to mission, with the smart talents of the boss, I really want to learn, he is not an opponent.

Black cloud has a professional intelligence team, and Yuan Tianfan deeply understands.

No one can think of Bao Zixuan is from the people, after all, it is too incredible. It can be grasped every time, if there is no powerful intelligence power, it is impossible to be so accurate in the collection think tank.

Yuan Tianfan from the Jiulong Cang, the operation of Huangpu to Bunxuan is admired. If the boss specializes in the financial industry, no one can go right in Xiangjiang.

Only the financial strength of Baozi Xuan is covered by the rays of the genius of the organization.

The boss is modest, he can't go on your face. Say you is an expert, just take yourself serious.

Yuan Tianfan: "At present, all outlets of Xiangjiang can be connected through the network, and there is still nothing in other regions. If you want the black cloud bank globalization, the network problem must be resolved."

"I want to take advantage of this issue, don't realize this issue."

I heard that Bunxuan is very happy, Yuan Tianfan is really aware of this problem, not to deliberately cater yourself. Then, the start of the black cloud bank will definitely be much higher than other competitors, and the development prospect is inevitably a bright.

Baozi Xuan: "It seems that Yuan Zhu is very optimistic about the network development, then explains the idea. The banking network is an inevitable trend. Existing bank exchange business is too cumbersome, and the efficiency is also very down."

"Computer company Union Black Cloud Bank, upgraded the bank network system. Not only the software is necessary to upgrade, hardware can not relax. At the same time, Black Cloud Bank also recruits his network engineer, usually maintained or requires professional."

"Easy, no matter which company, access to the Internet will definitely involve security problems. Of course, there is nothing to say, the network is not enough to kill people."

"The invisible knife is more terrible, stealing the company's information through the network; and the core data is also very possible. This is not a dramatic, but the future will happen in the future. Use the network very convenient, but the security issue is always going to the first Bit. "

At this time, Bun Zixuan's words can hardly understand that after a few years, there is a hacker in the Internet. The black cloud management is only realized, and can only admire.

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