Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 943 Project Progress Eight

John Chaborz's first CEO in the next world, at which time, it can be positioned as the black cloud 3 characters. The one figure is unquestionable, it is inevitable to be the boss, and the second figure is generally believed to be Zhao Tingting.

Bao Zixuan trusts this long-in-law very common woman; if it is not because of the opponent's appearance, it is not in line with the public aesthetic, and it is really easy to cause misunderstandings. Lower than 100 million projects and procurement, only need Zhao Tingting signing, this is how much trust. Don't say that in Xiangjiang, I am afraid that any company in the world is hard to do.

John - Quebus is definitely stronger than Zhao Tingting, who is not in Xiangjiang Headquarters. But in the United States is also very good, the mountain high emperor is far relatively free.

And as the general manager of the United States, the general manager of the United States, and also serve as General Manager of Black Cloud Automobile. His man managed is up to 300,000. With the continuous expansion of Black Clouds, the rights will be larger.

Baozi Xuan put the last report to John Chambs, reflecting the attention of Black Cloud Auto.

John Chambers: "The Black Cloud Cars Currently, in addition to upgrading the existing products, it is attacking special vehicles. In the future, we can see a variety of black clouds on the road, and create a car industrial chain is the ultimate goal of the company."

Bao Zixuan has planned well, since it is necessary to do things. Do not leave opportunities for others, and research and development such a variety of vehicles, do not necessarily have to produce, technical reserves are also very critical. He does not want the fire trucks and ambulances used in the future in China, basically Mercedes-Benz production, which is related to a national industrial face problem, and the core technology must be in your own hands.

And it is relatively simple to produce all vehicles, even if it is forced to split. As long as it is in accordance with the type of vehicle, it will save a lot of trouble.

The automotive industry is very important for any country. I heard John Chambers' plan, everyone felt incomparable, after all, is strong, and it is also a honor for them. But it is also very worried, and the Black Cloud Group has caused the world to be jealous. If it is still unique in the car, it is not allowed to stay in the competitors.

It is inevitably subjected to severe sanctions and suppressing. Is the boss not know this kind of thing; can see Bunzi Xuan Zhengzhu, and John Chambers confidently a full expression. No one dares to make objections, since the boss and branch of the branch of the branch of the branch, they have no reason to oppose.

John Chambs: "At the same time, the inside of Black Cloud will be established. With the continuous maturity of lithium battery technology, electric vehicles will inevitably become a trend. Current countries are paying attention to environmental protection issues, and Petroleum is limited as non-renewable resources. "

"Electricity does not have many problems, but there are still many places in the prior art. There is no market in the next 10 years, only as the company's strategic technical reserves."

I heard that I want to develop an electric car and once again subvert your cognition. Existing electric driven vehicles is not a train, that is, bus. It has fixed lines, and the electric cars to develop by the Group will definitely be so simple. It is inevitably driven by the battery, just John - Quebus has been introduced.

However, one thing is still very pleased, and I will not introduce the market in the next decade. So, that is, the boss also knows that technology is still immature.

Even if there is no problem with the technology, it cannot be done. Before the Soviet Union did not disintegrate, the Americans had already suppressed oil prices, making it very stable in recent decades. In addition to the Iranian issue, and the special time period of the two Wars, it is basically in the control of Americans.

If the Black Cloud Group develops electric vehicles and can achieve commercial requirements. Then, it is undoubtedly helped the US people, and the Soviet Union didn't hate him.

Before the Soviet Union did not disintegrate,

Anything that is not conducive to oil prices; you can't push to the market, this is the bottom line of Baozi Xuan. In case, the old man is jailed, what is crazy, and the Black Cloud Group will follow bad luck.

Knowing the effect has reached, prove the value of the car company. However, John Chaborz is not satisfied, because there is still a surprise behind you.

After all, it is a man who has done the world's first CEO, even if it is still not. It will not be reduced to your own requirements.

John Chambers: "R & D is on the one hand, the black cloud car wants to be the world's first automobile company. Must have its own high-end brand, but the black cloud does not have."

The car brand needs history to precipitate, and the black cloud is still short. Volkswagen will think that Black Cloud is a new company, the quality of the car is very good. However, the same high end is not taking, and this one is hand-made.

In fact, it is not only a black cloud car, and there is no aristocratic blood in the entire US automotive industry.

Ford's first is the synonym of cheap cars. Seeing Ford earned a lot of money; other car companies will certainly follow. Cheap represents a large number of machinery, now this stage, is most expensive in foreign countries.

The black cloud car mainly based on Chrysler, Bun Zixuan has a fanatical pursuit of CNC machine tools. Although there is a custom department inside the group, it seems that the effect is still very good.

Cars produced by black clouds are generally just fierce, and they are not sneaked. The world's first car company, there is no high-end brand, isn't it a joke.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "It seems that John has already thoughtful, is there a goal."

In fact, these are Bao Zi Xuan to John - Queburs's recommendations, but at this moment, it is time to perform. It is not a good thing to return to the boss, and everyone else has no chances of performance.

John Chambers, of course, understand the meaning of the boss, and said very seriously: "There is no suitable choice for the US car brand, and there is no high-end brand in the United States."

"The goal of Black Cloud Car should be in Europe, exactly the UK. British produce objects, although the production is not going on. The process is very exquisite, and it retains the royal family; and cultural inheritance. Black cloud car wants to acquire high-end Brand, Britain must give an answer. "

"Screening through engineers and market departments, Bentley is currently the most appropriate choice."

I heard here, the Group's high level is very excited. They are all rich people. If Bentley is acquired by Black Cloud, buy a very card. Although it doesn't matter what car, but if you don't have money, you still want to comfort and feel some.

Before the identity, in addition to the black cloud car, it is really not good to take other brand cars.

Bentley, British luxury car brands, headquartered in Kru, England. In 1919, Mr. W-O-Bentley founded Bentley Motors.

However, in 1931, Bentley's debt was as high as 100,000 pounds, and it was unable to continue to produce, thereby declaring bankruptcy.

British Central Fair Trust Co., Ltd. became the owner of Bentley Auto Co., Ltd. Ironically, the company is actually the representative is Rawls Royce Motor. Mr. W-O-Bentley has changed its employees in Rols Royce. In the same year, the new Bentley Auto Co., Ltd. was established. At this time, Bentley is a subordinate company, in a period of time, the two car names of "Rolls Royce" and "Bentley" are actually the same car, from this racing lineage Bentley gradually Become a luxury sedan of a Rolls-Royce style.

At this time, Bentley basically has no difference with Rolls Royce, and even Bentley's engine is a Rolls-Royce logo. It is possible to take a fiscal crisis at the same time, while the Bentley is not paying attention to it, he has incorporated him into the sac.

After the 1990 year, Rolls Royce decided to strengthen the Bentley brand because they found Bentley more market. At that time, Bentley had accounted for 52% of the sales share of Rolls Royce, so the 1990s is also the most New 10 years of Bentley in the Rolls Royce.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Since Bentley is considered to be appropriate, then the negotiations. Other things can be put a place, and a Bentley car is equipped with each executive."

Although the richestness is short, it is very obvious. The black cloud itself produces a car, and it will not use other car manufacturers' products. Now you have to distribute Bentley cars for each executive, and its purpose is self-evident.

The boss is willing to get, John Chambers can only agree. Next, there is a big difficulty to complete the mission, or if people lose big.

And in his view, the acquisition of Bentley is not difficult. Black cloud cars are American companies, this is unquestionable. The British didn't dare to move anything, and even cooperated.

However, it is easy to acquire, but the operation is a big problem. It seems that you have to plan, so you can avoid it.

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