Bao Zixuan did not expect Xiangjiang food and this effect, it seems that you can play. Young engineers or technicians can slowly cultivate, and well-known professors need time precipitation. That is, the age is large, the physical quality will inevitably fall very powerful.

Before Europe and the United States has not paid attention, it can be used to attract old professors to work in Xiangjiang. In particular, well-known professors of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Baozi Xuan's teachers. Come over Xiangjiang work is not only to help students, but more importantly, I want everyone to live for a long time.

Sometimes Bunxuan admires yourself, this world's reaction is much faster than the past. If you have this principle, you will not be this.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "It seems that Professor Rubike is still very enjoying, then I am relieved. Xiangjiang people are indeed worthy of diet, you have to enjoy some."

"And there is not so complicated in the black cloud, and the family will come over. If necessary, you can communicate with the administrative and logistic personnel, will meet your requirements in the first time."

"How is the progress of the black cloud town project, no one does not cooperate. I have said before, as the chief designer of the black cloud town, you have absolute power. Anything that hinders the construction of small towns, or people, don't polite."

I didn't expect Bao Zi Xuan to think so thoughtful. I would like to know that people are one of the world's richest people. Many media reported that he is the world's richest, actually thinks about his family, and not mentioned once. It seems that this kid is really meticulous, it is no wonder that there is such a achievement.

As for the black cloud town project, Professor Rubike didn't know how to describe it.

Before the old man, I also took over some projects, of course, mainly in Hungary. You can not be so smoothly, and you will not be able to ask yourself.

This time, in Xiangjiang, he was shocked by the strength of the Black Cloud Group, and the power of Bao Zi Xuan. Of course, he is most implied that Huaxia workers, the enthusiasm of work.

Workers coming from the Chinese continent are taken as possible to work overtime. And it is particularly hard to suffer, never complain. The only short board may be a little lack of expertise, and it is not so familiar with the use of various construction machinery.

Have a self-cultivation of work, hard work, and workers who have come to Xiangjiang are not stupid. Learning is still very fast, and now the Chinese workers are not in the same day.

In fact, these Huaxia workers who came over in Xiangjiang, not only to earn more than a few times in China. It has been valuable experience, some even think of professional knowledge, but also choose to go to university training. These 100,000 engineers and workers have become a leader in the relevant fields in the future, saying that it is not for the half of the Huaxia Construction Industry.

Professor Rubick: "There is still some uncomfortable in the beginning, of course, mainly the language. In addition, the operation of the Chinese workers' professional instruments is not very proficiency, and of course, there is also the main meaning of Huaxia engineers too strong. Not suitable for international engineering construction requirements And processes, but their changes are amazing. Every day is progressing, the most important thing is the working attitude of Huaxia workers. "

"Although there are many people with European and American countries, it is also generally understanding Western national workers' work attitude. It can be said that there are no workers in the world, more people who are more admired than Huaxia workers. They are like machines every day, never complain. Tired. "

"It's all working hard work, never use other people to supervise. Even if the weather is hot, it will go out. The black cloud town project takes at least 10 years. At that time, the plan was 5 years, I thought it was a joke. But I saw it. After the Huaxia workers, I found seriously undergoes their strength. According to the present progress, most of the buildings can be completed within 3 years. "

"This is simple, I am an old man engaged in the construction industry for nearly 30 years.

But in the Chinese workers, I saw a lot of deficiencies. Although they wear simple, they are not good at communicating. As soon as you give it to them, you will be carefully completed. "

"And it is also very humwed, as long as it is necessary. They can rework at any time, and there is no complaint. I will be humbly asked to ensure that the next time I absolutely don't make similar mistakes."

"This is really too rare, I don't know what language should be described."

Bao Zixuan did not expect Professor Rubike to the mainland workers and evaluate this high. You must know that the other party is a famous professor in the world, the Hungarian national treasure expert. This kind of person can be recognized, it is enough to explain the problem.

In fact, it is not only the professor of Rubick, and the people of Xiangjiang also look at the eyes. Before I felt Bao Zixuan recruited 100,000 Huaxia mainland workers, it would definitely let Xiangjiang become confusing. There are many people who have a heart, how to go to the Police Agency complaint.

It can be destined to let those people disappoint, and the Chinese workers are not unleaded. All lives with the life of the world, I don't want to see it, let alone disrupt social security.

At the same time, Black Cloud Town is formed in the speed of naked eye, which is a real achievement. The building will not change, only a little bit is set. Then the only explanation is that Huaxia workers are not lazy, it is serious.

A garment with water, no one wants to be ruled by other races. The Chinese mainland has many conveniences, and workers can suffer from so hard; developing is a morning and evening, returning is not acceptable.

Bao Zixuan did not know because of his move. Make some people return to the Huaxia mainland in Xiangjiang, and even some yearning.

If you know this, you can start it a little later.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Other aspects! How do you have a well-known designer in Europe and America. Is there anything to find you? The black cloud town project is completely handed over to you. Just see the effect, that doesn't listen Command directly let it leave. "

This is said that Professor Rubike is also a person who knows the shadow. Board decentralization is on the one hand, how to use power, but a knowledge. Hungarian domestic environment is very complicated, Professor Rubike can survive, there must be some people who have passed.

The top ten design firm in Europe and the United States is not very cooperative, and each other is As the existence of the design ceiling, it is a proud of the sky. Of course, there will be various problems, and it is not normal.

Professor Rubike is smart and anything is not right. Never make a small action, all things will be placed.

Any flaws involving design are afraid only one thing. There is absolutely no room for more, resolutely rewind. Not only is to European and American designers, this is even more like this.

And it is really not too high for the outside, as long as it is completed. Every day, I can sleep at home at home, but it is just for European and American designers. If it is his student, then I am very sorry. It must be treated on the site and is responsible for guiding various work.

One thing is not smaller than you, the ability is not bad more than you, and the subordinates are required to be higher than one. Such leaders can be uncomfortable, and it is one aspect, more is more than that of ordinary people.

Of course, it is mainly due to hard professional qualities; and understanding the architectural design. It is possible to invent the Rubik's Cube, which proves that Professor Rubark is absolutely online, which belongs to the top of the world.

In the architectural design field, 30 years, experience is very rich.

Before the regional discrimination against his designer, now see the old man without thumbs up. It is completely to conquer the ability and character, and the black cloud staff has a lot of hearts.

Of course, there is also Enwell, some bald, and stubborn, consolidated elements, are all sent out of the project group, and buy tickets to return to China.

Appointed Professor Rubike as the chief designer of the Black Cloud Town, Bao Zixuan did not expect the old man to do so. It was because there was no suitable candidate, and he also agreed to the old head, let him design a distinctive building.

It seems that it seems that there is no heart to add Liu Ying, the effect is much better than I imagined. And the old man is so recognized to Huaxia workers, in combination with its huge influence. In the future, the World Architecture, Huaxia Continent is definitely a force that cannot be ignored.

Afterwards, Professor Rubick also introduced the Group headquarters to Baozixuan; and the construction of various branch buildings. The effect is much more than expected and is very satisfied with this package.

When Professor Rubike left, there were a $ 2 million check. It is an accreditation of the Hungarian team for recent time and working process. As for how to assign, it is completely determined by the old man.

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