Professor Rubike is not short of money, no one will be too much. It is said that even if he has money, the following students have to live. The project has not been completed, it receives $ 2 million. Baozi Xuan can be as simple as it is just as simple, it can be said that they are very trusting.

The taxis is dead, not only in the Chinese circle, and other countries in the world do not have this tradition.

Today is the traditional Chinese New Year Festival, which is their Christmas. The whole black cloud is very lively and has begun to holiday and carnival. Seeing the black and confident expression on the face of the black cloud; this kind of happiness seems to be from the bones. Anyone in Hungary will not let employees have such love, at least can't let employees so happy.

This is the gap, perhaps just a small matter. However, the Black Cloud Group is also reflected from the side, and all aspects are crushing the existence of other companies.

About the Spring Festival holiday, before the Black Cloud Group is not implemented. Bao Zixuan also worried that the British is not satisfied, but later discovered that it is always afraid of the wolf, and it is afraid that the tiger is instead. It is bound to take you as a soft persimmon. But there is no too much, mainly because of the year 30 in the company, and the child came over the group to receive the red envelope.

In fact, the red envelope is more symbol, and the previous bonus has been issued. It has been used to Christmas for more than a hundred years. It is difficult to change the habit of cold. It can only change employees at a little bit, which requires a long-term process.

Although the British has some views on the Spring Festival of the Black Cloud Group, it is not to release reactionary speech. Respect national traditions and customs, is also their previous commitment.

Going home at night, Bao Zi Xuan has a year with his mother and Zhang Tiran for a year. After so many years, I have never said that I have never said. This made Li Yulin very happy, actually drinking some drunk.

Early the next morning, Bao Zi Xuan did red Tang suit, Zhang Ziran also prepared a red cheongsam.

The driver drives with them to the Headquarters of the Black Cloud Group, and its purpose is to send a red envelope for the black cloud employees and their children.

The New Territories have not been put into use yet, and the main employees of Black Cloud are still in the Kwun Tong. The number of black clouds here is most, more than 200,000 people. After all, the production and manufacturing base is still here, and the future is not intended to be relocated.

The first rich wife is more meant, but the black cloud employee knows Zhang Tiran. More than 200,000 people don't say a red envelope, which is from in front of it, and it takes at least 2 days. The head is not so idle, and he is not a giant panda, deliberately visiting.

Zhang Tiran is very nervous, this is his first time in front of employees. And it is still the same as the identity of the wife, and the performance is directly related to the view of the black cloud.

Mrs. Super Rich, is not as simple as the surface. Although I don't have to do what work, some must be attended. Otherwise, it will be very rude, long time, the location is not replaced by people.

It is seen that Zhang Ziran's mind, Bao Zi Xuan grabbed the woman's hand comfort: "No Terror, just an ordinary red envelope. You are the boss, to show the atmosphere, large side."

Bunzi Xuan did not comfort it, so it was more nervous. Although the two are already couples, the entire marriage process is too sudden, and it is really difficult to adapt.

In the face of Bunzi Xuan Mother, it is ok, after all, the two are very familiar. It is now facing hundreds of thousands of people, not tense.

The Black Cloud Group has developed to today, in addition to the opportunity of the personality charm of Baozi Xuan. As a boss, if you can't let employees feel super strong. Then, employees are bound to lose confidence in the development of enterprises. This situation is very common in Xiangjiang.

The hostess is not good,

Mothers work is bound to be questioned. Enterprise development, no matter how good, can not appear spendthrift long. This is also the reason Zhang leisurely concern, perhaps thinking too much. Hong Kong's richest man as his wife, she should take into account all aspects, or else will die ugly.

See the boss with his new wife appeared at Group headquarters, the staff began to boil up; dark moment of the entire headquarters broke into enthusiastic applause. Which makes this leisurely somewhat unexpected, I did not expect such a sudden come.

See employees Fuzz heart blessing, say buns Xuan inside the dark unprecedented prestige, today considered a real insight into.

Zhang is a large family in Hong Kong, there's a lot of company. But Zhang leisurely really can not find a business, employees would be so embraced his father. Of which there are many Chang alone holding companies, there is no such treatment.

No wonder the dark group is growing so rapidly, buns Xuan to win over people to do this one can be described as very much in place.

Zhang leisurely smile and waved off after dark with employees, must now take a wife of elegance to show up.

Xuan buns with his new wife, he came already prepared in front of the microphone. We smiled and said:. "Black cloud of all the staff, everyone Happy New Year to the Chinese today is a special day, before we have forgotten what it's like New Year every New Year's after dark Group, traditional things can never lose. "

"It through the media reports, heard about the things I got married. I can tell you that this matter is true. In my new wife was next to me, is your boss, Zhang leisurely."

"Starting today, the group was finally ushered in the dark mistress. I buns Xuan although not to engage in any family business, but also hope to give my wife enough respect."

"Otherwise, less bonus and a red envelope, can not blame me."

After everyone finished laughing, I did not expect the boss also humorous side.

Buns Xuan continued: "I do not say many words, the New Year is to have a festive atmosphere today to the New Year together, is our fate, hope that this fate has been able to continue.."

Finance began to leisurely buns Zhang Xuan and handed a red envelope, Group employees' children will send some representatives to come to receive. Over the employees' children have, but will choose dozens of aged suitable as a representative only.

Otherwise all over, is not the couple to death.

Before father to employees sent a red envelope, Zhang is also a small leisurely read head dyed ears. At this point the group as a dark mistress, of course we wanted close to the people side out.

Even as the boss, not lofty. This is everyone knows the truth, or else the employee does not work properly. Certainly by the loss of their home, it now has leisurely into the role.

Home to marry the boss who has no direct relationship with the employees; but almost all company employees, family members are concerned about the boss to marry the woman get married in Hong Kong.

Perhaps naturally inclined to gossip, you may be worried about the future prospects. In short tradition has been formed, and even some deep-rooted.

See the boss notice of management, plus the well-born. Zhang leisurely to the first impression is very good dark employees, at least be able to achieve good status.

In the process of issuing a red envelope, Zhang Glass will find it. The black cloud female employee is really like the legend, there is no good look. Although Baozi Xuan has been explained many times before Baozi Xuan, it can be found in the group's internal to find that his husband is really going.

After the red envelope is issued, Bunzi Xuan gives Zhang Tiran introduces the Group's high level. Seeing only a woman, and the long appearance is so ugly. Zhang Changsheng really don't know what to say, this husband is very relieved. At the same time, it is doubts about the aesthetics of the Black Cloud Group, it is no wonder that many people are ill.

Yesterday, I opened the high-level meeting, and the Black Cloud Group was able to rely on the upper number of executives in Xiangjiang. This time I got a full recognition and didn't fall anyone.

Zhang Tiran studying in the UK, the noble temperament is still cultivated. At the same time, the eyes are also relatively open, the black cloud high-level is very recognized by the big wife.

Even if you are not satisfied, you dare not say anything. After all, this is the boss's family.

The ancient emperor's most hate is that the foreign minister is in contact with the palace. Although Bao Zixuan is not an emperor. The black cloud group led by the led is not poor in the ordinary country.

For Bao Taiyi can be respectful, no one will take the initiative to show, and contact before the boss does not have a statement; unless you don't want to do it in your business.

Fortunately in the Black Cloud Group is a scientific and engineer, not too complicated ideas. In fact, Bun Zixuan did not think so much, called Zhang Tiran, more than compensation.

The girl is married to you. If you have no wedding, you will be so unknown. You must know that Zhang Jia is also a big family, but also face, if you can't introduce in front of the employee, Zhang Yuliang is not good. People don't say that people don't say it, I naturally be nature.

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