Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 951 Sports and Business Two

Some people give you a free clothing and training equipment, which is already good. I dare to have any other requirements. At this time, the Chinese continent in sports, there is no problem, but the concept is at least for decades of Western countries.

The market economy has just begun, the department and individual departments are still implementing planned economy. Before the brothers, you can give you an internal price. It is already grateful to Dade, explaining people to your face. As for free, I don't want to think.

Zhang Yuliang followed: "As a Chinese, it is possible to make a small matter to the country. Zhang Director has any requirements, and the monks can move, must do; even if you can't do it, you will think about it. "

Zhang Yuliang's statement, Director Zhang may still do not understand what representative; but the old man as Bao Xuan should be recognized. In short, in the heart of Zhang, Bunzi Xuan is a gold signboard.

Secretary: "It is already very good to provide the best clothing and training equipment. As for other people who don't dare to force."

Donating problems have not excluded, after all, Huo Yingdong has made a form rate. Can you still find a person with a person, too many times, too much.

Zhang Yuliang did not expect to give money, it is really good to be moved by the domestic people.

How is Zhang family saying is also a famous household, what is not a small? So did not hesitate: "The sponsorship fee is in line with international practices, and the Secretary is not to resign."

"I am willing to take 500 Hong Kong dollars as the sponsorship of this athlete's clothing."

5 million Hong Kong dollar is not a small number, I didn't expect the other party to say it, I took it out. I don't know what to say, I am still grateful to thank you.

Director Zhang: "It's really grateful, I think that there are so many patriotic businessmen in Xiangjiang, I believe that athletes will be more motivated."

I didn't expect 5 million Hong Kong dollars to get it, it seems that the days of the Sports General Administration of this year should not be very good. Since it is possible to have a power, it will not stand by.

Bunzi Xuan: "Huaxia Olympics delegation members have passed the traffic issues in the United States, handed over to me. At the same time, in the US accommodation, I will bear it, and I am talking about the heart."

Seeing the expression of Zhang, knowing what the other party is thinking. So I continued: "Zhang Director should not refuse, everyone can do a little insignificant contribution to the motherland, do not have to care too much. This thing is so fixed, domestic foreign exchange reserves still use other places."

Huo Yingdong did not expect Bun Zixuan so generous, and did not ask for any return. Explain that this kid is sincerely considering national development, it seems that some things can be advanced.

This is the same for weng,

He can not be in addition to things. So said: "Every Huaxia athlete, coach, and other staff in the past, I have taken some of the funds, let them sell some souvenirs to bring back. Don't pursue, it is my little bit."

Although I know that these three people are not bad, I have never thought of such a big harvest. I still worried that it is not enough, and now it seems to be solved, but I still don't need a country to spend a penny.

Seeing Zhang Director's face, Baozi Xuan decided to give some suggestions to the State Sports General Administration, allowing them to create, lestage when they were allowed to participate in sports events, often because of insufficient funds, and grievan.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "In fact, Zhang Director is holding a small Jinshan, but has not used it."

In fact, Bun Zixuan wants to say, keep the gold rice bowl, but it is too derogatory, not suitable for this occasion.

After listening to Bunxuan, a few people can be said with different expressions. Huo Yingdong and Zhang Yiliang know that this kid must have any good idea. Otherwise, it is impossible to say this, and it is definitely the idea of ​​making money.

For the commercial smell of Bunzi Xuan, no one dares to doubt; Huo Yingdong and Zhang Yiliang are very recognized. Procozer is very excited because Bao Zi Xuan's idea means feasible. This is the Xiangjiang people to evaluate it, I believe this time no exception.

Although Zhang Director did not know why this young Xiangjiang is said, it would be so much like this, and it must have its truth.

Huo Yingdong will definitely come out to play a round field. Otherwise, the Secretary Zhang said that it will be embarrassed.

Huo Yingdong: "Zhang Director may not be particularly known, Xiangjiang Baozi Xuan is not admired by business judgment. As long as it is a small boy to be optimistic about the stock, tomorrow's stock will definitely crazy down. Now mentioning the Sports Bureau is a Jinshan, What is the idea, we have to study hard. "

Huo Lao said, obviously reminds them two people, listening well; there is absolutely unable to say any objection.

In fact, engage in sports, has always been a thousand people, and even there is no good way to solve.

Take the Olympics as an example, a country wants to successfully hold a Olympic Games and need to do foot classes at least four aspects. They are bidding costs, the cost of infrastructure construction fees and operational protection for venues and Olympic Villages, roads such as roads. Taking bidding costs as an example, no matter whether it can apply for the Olympic Games, it is necessary to spend more than 100 million bidding costs, which is a small loss for the country.

As the Olympic competition project has gradually increased, the number of participants is increasing, and the International Olympic Committee's requirements for Olympic Village are getting higher and higher. During the Olympic Games, Olympic Villages provide accommodation, medical, entertainment for more than 10,000 athletes, coaches and related security personnel. Under normal circumstances, the International Olympic Committee requested the Olympic Village of the host country to prepare 46,000 rooms, of which about 16,000 rooms were used as a spare.

As for the infrastructure cost, it takes a bigger. This is also friendly for developed countries, because the construction of infrastructure in developed countries is generally relatively perfect, most of which can be used. For developing countries, it has to be built from zero, which is often an astronomical figure.

In the 1970s, due to the lack of the cost and income data of the Olympic Games, the country held the Olympic Games was due to the loss or earning, how much is it, we don't know. The only thing that can be determined is that the actual cost of each Olympic Games since 1968 exceeded the initial estimated budget, and often exceeded several times.

In the 1970s, Montreal, Canada finally defeated the opponent 'Los Angeles, the former Soviet Moscow and Italy Florence, and won the hosted rights of the 21st Summer Olympic Games. Montreal City Changda Dada did not say: "Just like a man can't have a child, the Olympics is impossible to lose money," and claim that Montreal City will host the most simple and perfect Olympic Games.

However, how beautiful is the wish, and reality is more cruel. Montreal specially built an Olympic stadium built by the Olympic Games, a budget of $ 145 million, actual cost of $ 2 billion. A session of the Olympics, let Canada lose $ 2.4 billion.

The painful lesson of Canada is immediate. When I bid for the 23rd Olympic Games in 1979, there was only one Los Angeles in the bidding city, and other cities were scared.

The modern Olympics is trick, there are few countries that can earn money, the modern Olympics is a queue of money, the first design plan is the money, of course, you will pay more than you are also famous.

From the Los Angeles Olympic Games, the organizers of the sponsors have introduced a lot of advertising sponsors. As a result, the Olympic Games have made the Olympics of earning money.

The Olympic Games is still so, let alone other sports. Therefore, in the Chinese Sports General Administration, it is definitely a loss. However, some money must be lost, at least in line with the big country.

Now Bunzi Xuan said that it can make money, this kid can change the money.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Although the 1980 Olympic Games; is the last, the Soviet Union lost at least $ 8.8 billion. It can be thought of, that is because of the Western countries, there are otherwise delegations."

"The Soviets put huge in infrastructure, and there is no visitors to spend. It can be described as if they don't make it, and the money is inevitable."

"And sports is a long-term adherence, if there is no income ability; there must be a lot of people to stand out against, especially in the state and nation, it is not affluent."

Baozi Xuan could be said to the director of the Director, or the highest question was. It is estimated that the Los Angeles Olympic Games will not send delegations to participate; after all, the game is spending money, it is not there any economic benefits.

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