Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 952 Sports and Business Three

The Los Angeles Olympics have not started, which means that the General Administration of Sports, the Sports General Administration also can't see, and the sports projects have great economic benefits. Baozi Xuan can only instill a little bit, commercialization in advance, and will be more standardized.

As for what can develop in the future, it is not what he can care about.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Excellent sports event will inevitably have a viewer to watch, the Olympics is a sports event sweeping the world. But why so many countries and regions are reluctant to undertake, mainly for the preihood loss is too miserable. No country is willing to do it. So huge, there is no matter what is good. "

"The Los Angeles Olympics is starting to create a primary river, if you do it, you will inevitably make a profit."

Peter Yubros, chairman of the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, and the first private model of the Olympic business operation. "

"How much this person knows some, it is definitely commercial ghosts. And many practices are comparable to business model, profit is just a matter of time."

Yuberros did not be optimistic, this partner opened a bank account with $ 100 and then raised $ 700 million with a signboard of an Olympic Organizing Committee. In this 700 million US dollars, there is no government in the government, which is completely Yuburos relies on their unique business model. This basic business framework is also taken to date.

In "Uberros Mode", television transfer rights tendering and "select unique merchant mode" are part of the core. This has also become two major means of the last Olympic Nuggets.

Seeing everyone, Baozi Xuan continued: "For example, in the sale sector of TV broadcast rights, Yuberros broke the traditional way, the first time used the bidding method. Any television company with interested bidding needs to pay first $ 750,000 for deposit. And these deposits have $ 1,000 in the bank, and then through the long bidding negotiation process, these huge interests have become the "first barrel gold" of the organizing committee. "

"After a fierce bidding and Yubros personally lobby, finally bought a 16-day flourishing power with US Broadcasting Company, with $ 75 million of technical equipment. The previous Moscow Olympics TV broadcast power Just get 101 million US dollars. "

"Not only that, Yurros also sold the transfer to institutions in Europe and Australia, which is an unprecedented example, which allows the original 255 million soared to 287 million."

"At the same time, in the sponsor sector, Yubros broke the original small and scattered situation, concentrated on" fishing big fish ". Therefore, the sponsors must not exceed 40, controlled around 30, and the sponsor of each industry is only One, low price is 4 million US dollars. The development of this rule makes the competition in all walks of life, the reason, the first because the Olympic Games were attracted, the propaganda effect is strong, the second is because it is conducive to corporate establishment The only image in an industry.

"Finally, Yubros selected 32 sponsors, received a company sponsorship $ 385 million. The last Olympic Games sponsored that the merchant reached 381 companies, but the total sponsorship amount is only 9 million US dollars."

There is also a lot of ways. For example, in the 2004 Los Angeles Olympics, Yubros created a precedent for distributing the Olympic game tickets to facilitate the viewers to purchase in various ways of mail delivery, home delivery. And "the best position" sent out in the form of a gift is sold in different prices. At the same time, Uberros learned about the psychology of the US sports, significantly improved the price of the Olympic tickets, resulting in the purchase situation of the city.

That year, the total revenue of the Olympic tickets was $ 123 million, and the "Sponsored Plan Tickets"; any of the individuals with more than 250,000, you can get two best views every day. And let the merchants do business and commemorative coins, commemoration, and other methods in the Olympic Games, raising nearly $ 100 million.

Of course, tickets and souvenirs have not been launched, even if they say it, no one will believe. However, the transfer rights and sponsors are actually happening.

The torch relay will only be carried out between the excellent athletes, and Yurros sells at a price of $ 3,000, and the Olympic flame is passed from Greece to Los Angeles. The whole process is 19,000 kilometers, Yuburos sells 10,000 The company, only this item received an additional income of $ 40 million. Of course, the last torch relay is called, which may be that the International Olympic Committee feels some shame. Or there is a violation of the Olympics, but the torch quota that has been purchased before, it is good to experience the feeling of passing the holy fire.

At the same time, in order to reduce the cost of the Olympics, Yubros has used a large number of volunteers to work, including: stadium support, medical and health, technology communications, transportation, etc. In addition, it is also possible to reduce the construction of gymnasium and Olympic Village, using college dormitory instead of the Olympic village, build some modern stadiums with a sponsorship.

In the end, the Los Angeles Olympic Games earned $ 22.5 million, so he has said that it is extremely important in a good business model enterprise since the network warehouse Wins Pan Xingyu.

Now that the mainland Sports Bureau does not have this sense, listening to Bao Zixuan, it is also in the fog,

Foreign success cases may not be in China, but the first thing to open. If you don't think anything, don't implement it, no good solutions are useless.

Baozi Xuan continued: "For example, we hold a basketball game, there is a lot of people watching the game. You can sell tickets at all, so you can add some income."

"It can also sell the transfer to the TV station, which can add some income. At the same time, some billboards can be placed, I believe there will be many manufacturers willing to pay advertisements."

"As for the TV station, they can add advertising in the broadcast process. This is a rest in the middle field, or when the audience can be seen."

"Selling snacks, snacks, soda products in the stadium, don't underestimate the people's consumption. As long as you do it, the electricity bill will definitely earn back by selling food."

"The development of the surrounding products of the Sports is really countless, and how to choose the director."

It is no wonder that people can make a fortune, which is the prior consciousness. In fact, it is not only the director Zhang, even Huo Yingdong is very emotional. Baozi Xuan's control of the business, and the specific operation, it is too much than him.

In fact, this is Huo Laoqian, Baozi Xuan is just a head. Don't understand the domestic situation, Huo Yingdong is very familiar with the Chinese mainland, of course, knowing that some rules will not change easily, so they did not expect this. No one wants to be so big in Kyoto, which has greatly subverted past cognition.

Seeing a few people are still unpleasant, Bao Zixuan continued: "This Olympics can also make profits, seeing the Sports General Administration I don't want to think."

"Domestic TV station wants to broadcast events, there is no problem with reporting athletes. Each TV station needs to divide the advertisements in the broadcast process; which TV is mostly, let which TV is the most news' This is also a model of business."

"You can also invite Foreign Sports Team to come to play games, these are all gains. All sports associations can be found in China."

"Domestic table tennis movement is promoted, or the popularity is in the forefront. The Sports Committee can contact the provincial team to let the athletes go abroad, and they will be reasonable."

"Sports peripheral products should also be developed synchronously, such as the image endorsement. Assume that the company has the needs of the company, find a domestic sports star endorsement. Sports General Administration and the provincial team took part of the commission, and of course not more than 30%, then everything is rational. "

If Baozi Xuan's words make Zhang Director's open eye, if you can do this. Sports will not lose money, but they can earn a lot. I won't lie in my heart, and I don't have to go to each department as soon as possible.

Huo Yingdong said with a smile: "Little Bao will always give people a surprise, do things for the national sports, Huo Jiayi is unhusted. Zhang Director can take advantage of this Olympic Games, after coming back, we will negotiate, see how to promote Huaxia Sports are combined with business. "

Have a support of Huo, and the resistance of sports reform will be much smaller. It seems that this time, Xiangjiang is really too worth it, it is much better than imagination.

Subsequent Baozi Xuan also discussed the sponsorship details, when leaving Huo Hao, it can be said that the owner is happy.

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