Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 953 Yude's invitation

On the way back, Bunzi Xuan did not know that Huaxia Sports entered commercialization in advance was wrong. However, many things should be too late to expose the issue in advance, the problem is strong than dragging.

Zhang Yuliang has different ideas. With the more familiarity with Bao Zixuan, it feels more and more attention to this son-in-law. I don't know if it is a daughter's luck, or the sorrow of the old man.

Moreover, the Secretary of Zhang and Li Zi Director's attitude toward Bao Zi Xuan, the heart suddenly understood. As long as this son-in-law wants to do something in Huaxia, it is not illegal, not illegal, and it does not need to pass Huo Yingdong. In addition, there is no way to drink with the Soviet Union. In addition, some of the Middle Eastern royal family, and he has a lot of emotions.

This is really a young man with only 6 years, Zhang Yuliang still feels very dreaming so far.

Didn't stay in Zhangjia, after returning Zhang Yuliang back. Directly took Zhang Lease, although the three ladies were some. I can also know that I can stay at home for one night is very good, and my daughter is in Xiangjiang, and I want to see it at any time.

Although Bunzi Xuan home is not a high door, there is not so much rule. But now no one dares to ignore the influence of Xiangjiang bag, can't be broken because of her mother-in-law.

It didn't have long before Bao Zi Xuan, and I actually received a call from the Governor's House. The Governor Youde is looking for him, it seems that it is in the monopoly in the Xiangjiang.

In fact, Bun Zixuan really looks highly, he is very rich, and the Black Cloud Group also has its strength. However, it is far from the extent to which people who need to send people. After all, there are many bodyguards around him, and they don't have turned face, the British also pays attention to the impact.

Huo Yingdong with a distinctive position is impossible, and the British is increasing every moment. In addition, PHEGE is also a focus on monitoring the target, and it is still brought by Huaxia mainland, and it is difficult to know by the British.

They are all put things in a statement, and the British don't have any way even if you know. Calence can't do legitimate things, behind, but standing in a country with powerful force.

Since the force does not work, you can only solve it through other channels. Although Bao Zixuan is not a stubborn molecule, it can be went there. Before at least in China and the United Kingdom, the former will inevitably choose. In this way, it is better to get the benefits from the other party, the prime minister has a task to give him.

Since Bao Zixuan does not transfer assets, you can complete it to the UK to buy some companies. At present, the British domestic economy is very poor, at least compared to Xixiangjiang Xiangjiang, is not a star half.

Bao Zi Xuan passed the UK and affirmed to invest. Instead of making him mad money in the Chinese mainland and Japan, it is better to invest some funds to the UK. Perhaps you can account for some inexpensive, as long as you can drive the UK's economic development, improve employment rate, who will care.

It is this purpose,

Youde is ready to lobby the head. This kid knows the depth, everything is very good; if you want to perfun, it is not so easy.

You Gerid invites him, and must have to go; at least now, you must also give the face.

Early the next morning, the driver took the head of the head to the Governor's government. Surface work is still done, at least make people can't pick any problems from the etiquette.

For Bunzi Xuan, the British is a lot of effort. But this kid is not moving, and I have been stupid when I have been stupid, and I have not taken some way.

The British aristocratic girl took the initiative to come to the door, the prime minister personally invited, the Queen was even willing to give him a wish. These honors and good things, put them in any person, will fight hard, but our heads will be unknown.

As for the two governments, it is nothing wrong with it. It is not much about it.

Bao Zi Xuan came over, there is no Mi, at all, at least Yude has no courage. If you give this kid, you can do it. At that time, it is not good, he is a great responsibility.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan, Youde personally greeted, and smiled and said: "I heard that your kid is not married, how can you say notice in advance? I would like to invite your husband and wife, it can be very uniform. The lady just returned to the UK. "

"But she has already said, waiting to return to Xiangjiang, you must invite you to join dinner. She and the bag and the wife are alumni, and the two are very talked."

Mrs. Yude is the alumni, which is not a secret. Baozi Xuan also strangely, and I know that the two are married without inviting the lady to participate, it turns out that people are not there.

Baozi Xuan: "The inner people often mention the lady, saying that it is very care and attention to her."

"Wait until the lady returns to Xiangjiang, must inform us of the couple. When two people go to dinner, they will take a dusty dust for the lady."

Bao Zixuan said that it is undoubtedly the relationship between Tong Yude, although there is not too much to use, but the face is absolutely given.

I didn't expect this kid to have a good thing.

Youde: "Then, it is said, wait for the lady to come back to eat a meal together."

Now you are a governor, people may give you a face. Waiting for when it retires, then things will inevitably have reversed. As long as you know how to do it, you may don't matter, the future generation will inevitably follow bad luck.

Bao Zixuan: "I don't know what the governor meets, what is the command."

This is very low, let Yude have a little bit. It is like Bao Zixuan's status today, it seems that there is no one dare to tell him to do things. This is not compliment, but is killing.

Yude said: "Don't say this, I am appointed by the Queen to appoint the Governor of the Empire in Xiangjiang. The basic principle is to serve Xiangjiang, this is the first premise. Therefore, there is no command to say, next time Say this; I have to be angry, and everyone will not do it. "

It seems that Youde knows the depth and does not feel high; it is mainly afraid.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The Governor's pavilion is heavy, you can have the highest executive of Xiangjiang. And I am a scented, I can have a chance to do something in Xiangjiang, and I'm unshirkaid. I think the governor is invited to come. develop."

"As long as it is for the development of Xiangjiang, it will be fully committed."

Yude heard the Bun Zixuan said, it was obviously very embarrassed. After all, it is called this kid, it is not because we must vigorously develop the development of Xiangjiang.

Huaxia Continental Recover Xiangjiang, it seems that it is not reversible. Xiangjiang has a good development, but it is only temporary. Although he is the Governor of Xiangjiang, pay attention to the development of Xiangjiang. You can be a British, where is his home.

However, this little child can't pick up, although it is better to develop British development. At this moment, he is still in Xiangjiang, and the surface is still to maintain the interests of Xiangjiang.

As the rivers of Xiangjiang, it is also the biggest business manner, and discuss the future with the Governor. If this time, it is obviously not suitable.

But for the core interests of the British Empire, Youde also can't take much. In only a few years, the Governor's term is for a long time. If the construction of Xiangjiang is so good to Huaxia, it is also unwilling to say that in his heart.

Although that is the Xiangjiang people built money, it can be mainly their credit in the British heart. People are like this, the interests of their hands, no one is willing to give up.

Even if Bao Zi Xuan brought the topic to the development of Xiangjiang, Yude can only turn back in the head. The iron lady can still have news there, and there is no effect. His governor will not do it. Even if the Governor expires, it is estimated that returning to the United Kingdom will not have any good position arrangements.

Ude: "Xiangjiang has developed very well, especially after the rise of the Black Cloud Group, it is not too much to use a day."

"Today, I will come over, mainly to discuss the British domestic things, I don't know what to do with the British economy."

Bunzi Xuan Limao understands what it means, this is to go to British investment. Before the Tiema had an invitation, but he was refused by all the reasons, it seems to be anxious.

From Yide, I only invite him someone today, I can see some clues. It is assumed that the Black Cloud Group has invested in the UK. It seems that the British also knows that the regression of Xiangjiang is inversely.

It is now limited energy to Japan, Huaxia, and the Soviet Union. In the past, the UK investment, although it is cheaper, the resulting benefits are not a first-rate than the three countries.

It is difficult to say, Yude has already said this. If you continue to evade, you will not give you your own face in the future. Refuse is a learning, and the head of the bag may still be worse.

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