Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 954, the British economy

Past buns Xuan living in the UK for many years, how many understand British history. Even if do not understand, but also clear their own course of development, as well as large events experienced.

After World War II, the center of the world economy began to shift to the United States. The British Empire no longer have been heroic, the economy is plummeting. Even the British economy suffered from the so-called "British disease"; slow economic growth, the sterling crisis frequently, concurrent inflation and unemployment, resulting in decreased strength of the British economy.

In 94--979 years, three years, average annual GDP growth rate of only 2.5%; much lower than Japan, West Germany, France and the United States. The proportion of the capitalist world industrial production fell 4.3% in 1997 from 0.2% in 94 years; the same period in world trade rose from 2.4% to 6%.

957 years half of the world trade is paid by the pound, but only 20 to 977%; the late 1950s, accounting for one third of the total pounds capitalist world reserve currency in the late 1970s, but only a little more than%.

When Iron Maiden real force was in 1994, which is this year. In its ruling more than nine years, the British economy has improved significantly; the implementation of a steady growth in consecutive years. 9 Year - 1996 real growth of GDP average annual 3%, 4.5% in 1997, ranking first in the countries of the West; the highest since 1973.

Iron Lady by a series of economic reforms, rather effective. But Rome was not built in a day, all of a sudden want to reverse the situation, was not so easy. UK domestic enterprises, let alone come up with the extra money, self-help is very problematic. Foreign investment is the best choice, but people all know at this time last British investment, and fall into a pit no difference.

Iron Lady of British domestic situation certainly know, else it will not be invited again and again buns Xuan past investments.

While going over the British investment group clouds, but the core industry and the company will not sell. For example, previous life worked for Rolls-Royce engine manufacturing company, in any case will not be sold to foreign companies.

Buckingham Palace, the Queen of England is to sell, I guess we will not sell the company, and its importance.

As for energy companies, the British government will not sell. Compared to other industries; energy income is relatively stable, there is no problem of shortage of funds.

Number to the number that is the car company might sell, though high-end British car. It can yield it is not flattered, plus behind the marketing concept, sales can be described as a mess.

Past British car brand, largely German takeover exhausted. That is, from the beginning this time, along with Germany, Japan, the rise of the automobile industry, the British car plant life becomes very difficult. This life because of the sudden rise of the dark car, the British automotive industry, is even worse.

As the world's most popular car company, it is in Hong Kong with our own business. In fact, he says it is funny, though dark car registered in the United States, may all countries including the United States, all that dark car belongs to Hong Kong enterprises category.

Of course, the same publicity off of a great relationship, after all, US companies would be too much to take care of. Hong Kong is now characterized as direct business, it will naturally be marginalized.

Yoder said with a smile: ".. Mr. Bao is a well-known entrepreneurs, the economy is to control the world-famous today as it is a chat between friends, you ask Britain to private economic pain where needed on how to adjust."

"I'm Although Hong Kong Governor, can work not too long in this position. You should know that I am a born diplomat, Governor of Hong Kong has become the main task is to negotiate with the Chinese mainland. Hong Kong is bound to solve the problem, that time my mission will be over. "

"The United Kingdom does not need too much diplomat, but it is necessary to understand the solid officials of economic development.

If you don't want to return to the UK, you can only find a breakthrough from anywhere. "

"But I know that I have a few pounds, it is not sensitive to the economy. I will see the opportunity to see the opportunity. There are too many economic people in the economy. I will always give me a face!"

"Especially in the Drive of the Black Cloud Group, the entire Xiangjiang economy grows in the naked eye every year. In contrast, the British is too much behind."

"The workers here are more difficult than the British native, and there is no complaints. It is not as good as the British native, relatively low. Both compared, the British is already in a comprehensive backward point."

"Although Thatcher's prime minister, there are many buildings for economic development, and they can solve problems from the root cause, everything will become futile."

"In the political field, I may be a master in diplomacy; but you have to talk about planning and developing an economy. You will definitely be an expert level. In order to return to the UK, you will not invite you to come over, talk to me about your English economy. "

Looking at the old man is sincere, if it is the past, I don't know if I have been sold. This life Bao Zi Xuan saw too many politicians, of course, knowing the small nine nine in their hearts.

But what is it, Yude is also a governor of Xiangjiang. The face must be given, this is the most basic polite problem.

Bao Zi Xuan: "I have not qualified to evaluate the British economic policy. After all, the people developed must know more than I know in the direction of the United Kingdom."

"Since the Governor said that it is private communication, then I will publish my personal opinion."

"After the Second World War; the British welfare system is from the whole, it is an emphasis on the government's dominant welfare orientation system. It has an outstanding contradiction; that is, the principle of using national power, maintenance and equality. Make the British economy and society and the people The thoughts have serious distortion; especially the heavy financial burden, it has become a huge obstacle to the government's reinvolution economy. After the Thatcher government gave the government, privately became a reform of social welfare system, a fundamental idea and direction. Reform mainly involves housing, education, Three social security systems. Among them, the housing privatization policy is the most successful; the education system reform is high; the social security system is not big. "

"This is also looking at the British change, and economic development has not reached the root cause of the expected effect."

As long as you have been in the UK, or you have learned that this historic middle school students know. But now it is definitely the existence of advanced, let Yudewang Turon open. At the same time, there is a strong crisis and worry, and this young man is too terrible.

If the other party does not understand the situation in the UK, it is impossible to analyze so in place.

The problem is here, it is definitely to master the results of multi-information and intelligence, comprehensive analysis.

Baozi Xuan really placed commercial spies in the UK, or has a commercial spy with the Black Cloud Group. In fact, this is all normal things. After all, the UK also has many intelligence personnel in the world.

But Xiangjiang is just an overseas colony of the British Empire. Bunxuan is just a businessman. I dare to insert commercial spies in the UK, and I don't know who gave him the gut.

Youde is the bodies of the diplomat, which has already met the hidden movement. So in Bunzi Xuan's view, there is no special manifestation. However, the old kid has already remembered things in their hearts, and there must be a chance to remind the relevant department of the country.

This also brought not small trouble for the black cloud group in the UK, it is definitely that Bao Zi Xuan did not expect. A simple sale, add a lot of workload to the Black Cloud Group. Still too young, compared with this old fox, it is too much.

Yude said with a smile: "It seems that I really ask people, if it is you, how to solve these columns."

I heard that I always asked the British economic problem. At this time, Bunzi Xuan is also a cropping. Is this old kid really want to return to domestic ruling, nor without this possible.

Since it is said, then there is nothing to hide. It is better to be directly when dragging it.

Let Yude see own sincerity and follow a good deed.

Baozi Xuan: "Reduce some social security allowance standards; some practices of reform social security system make it more reasonable. Change the principle of universality of the social security system, implement the principle of selectivity; promote social security privatization."

Although just a few simple answers, you can say that each sentence is on the point. It seems that the Black Cloud Group is not just in the UK, and it is also seriously studying the British economy.

If this kid is a British, his talents; the big British Empire has no impossible. He belongs to Xiangjiang; this for more than ten years, it is about to leave the British colony.

Youde's five flavors in the heart, I don't know what to say in a moment.

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