One of the Lantern Festival, the traditional Chinese festival, also known as the Evergreen Festival, Xiaoyue, Yuan Xi or Light Festival, the time is the 15th day of the lunar calendar.

The first month is the jury of the lunar calendar. The ancients said that "Night" is "Lan". The first month of the year is the first month of the year, so it is said that the first month is "Lantern Festival". According to Taoist "three yuan", the first month of the 15th is also called "Shangyuan Festival". The Lantern Festival is mainly based on the celebration of celebrities since ancient times.

The formation of the Lantern Festival has a longer process, rooted in the folk lights and pray for the vulgarity. According to the general information and folklore legend, the first month of the 15th Han Dynasty has been attached, but the 15th day of the first month is truly as a national folk festival after the Han Dynasty. The rise of the fifteen burner in the first month is also related to Buddhism, and the Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty, the official people are generally "burning in the Buddha" in the 15th day of the first month, the Buddha's light is in the folk, from the Tang Dynasty, the Lantern Festival Legal thing.

After the Governor's House is ticked with Youde, Bao Zi Xuan came to Huaxing East to go to the Huaxian Continental Lantern Festival.

To put the truth, Bao Xuan's past Governor's house, Huo Yingdong still knows one or two. Xiangjiang is so big place, what is the wind blowing grasshopper, I want to know, it is still very easy.

But for this young, so sudden move. Although Huo Yingdong can not understand, but still promise.

Baozi Xuan passed the Chinese mainland, not to mention how much investment, at least can drive some consumption. And this young man has never disappointed; every time the Chinese mainland, it will inevitably bring some different things.

The bag must not be a person, and the same Zhang Tiran marriage has not returned honeymoon. This time, the trip to Huaxia is another experience!

This Huo Yingdong is also hard to bring his wife and family, regardless of another recognition of Zhang Huli.

This time is to go to Huaxia Continental vacation, so it is not so serious.

For the sudden visit of Huo Yingdong and Baozi Xuan, Huaxia Continental surprises. Huo Yingdong is absolutely an old friend. Bunzu is more foreign investment in China.

When Zhang Tiran came to Kyoto Baixuan House, it was shocked to his appearance.

Before I just heard how big, Bunzi Xuan lived in Kyoto residence, but it was imagined to be rich, and it would never think of it. It is actually larger than the Palace of the British Queen. It is incredible.

Peng Yifei has the meeting in Xiangjiang, of course, I have seen Zhang Leel. The boss came over with a wife, and it must be arranged.

Kyoto Baofu can live 800 at the same time, and most buildings are also a layer. It can be seen that the area is wide, so the cleaning is required, and the management personnel are not in a small number.

Fortunately, Peng Yifei knows that the staff of the Kyoto Office of the Black Cloud Group will be arranged directly to the internal work of the house. This will let Bunzu have some popular housing in Kyoto. Otherwise, no one has lived, it is estimated that it is not used for a few years, and the good house must be abolished.

Zhang Hairan identified the staff of Peng Yi's employment of the mercente, for this super big rich. They are relatively familiar, I have heard that even girlfriends have not. Although this era is not so impetuous, it is a good choice to marry Xiangjiang. At the same time, no one is not recognized to Bun Zixuan's character, and modest attitude.

Working in the owner, there is no hostess to do anything. There are more women now, and many things should pay special attention. In particular, it involves the sensitive matter of the male boss, so people are careful. I am afraid that Zhang Tiran this hostess will pick out the problem, no one wants to lose this difficult job.

Working in Baozi Xuan House, not only work is easy. The income is absolutely enough, it is considered a high income population.

Huo Yingdong saw Bunzi Xuan after the Kyoto Prefecture, and also purchased a property in Kyoto. Before it is concerned about the impact, it is good to let go of China's many aspects.

Just don't care so particularly.

Therefore, I didn't live in the house of Bunxuan, and the two were close. When Zhang Glass felt boring, he can go to Huojia to turn around.

As for Bunzi Xuan, although I just got married. Can Zhang Ziran is not a stupid woman. The husband came back from the Governor's house and decided that Ji Huo Yingdong was on the north. If it is nothing, it is impossible.

Zhang Ziran: "It is really a residence in Kyoto. It is too hard to imagine that all this is too dream."

As long as you don't have your own eyes, no one can imagine Bunxuan, this is the richest in Xiangjiang, and it is so magnificent in Huaxia.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Not my residence, and we are in Kyoto. Now the family is not prosperous, of course, it seems to be cold, after having a child, you will not think so."

Zhang Tiran did not say anything, but the heart began to commit a cropping. How many children have to be born to see less cool.

After everything is safe, Huo Yingdong came to Bunzi Xuanjia.

After two people sat down, Huo said and said: "You are always fascinating in Xiangjiang, ask you to say anything. I also know that you are worried, after all, the wall is ear. Now I am now in Kyoto, I should be relieved!"

"At least the British still dares to make a look at the spy people here, if it is found, the consequences of the average people can not afford it."

At this time, Huaxia and the United Kingdom have a little bit of swords. If this time, I found that the British actually dared to insert intelligence personnel in Huaxia Kyoto, and will definitely trigger the contradiction between the two sides.

Kyoto's high level inevitably will not be good, and the problem will become complicated. The British also thought of continuing to ruling Xiangjiang, certainly can't grab the handle by Huaxia.

Bao Zixuan: "To tell the truth, you haven't thought about it before you have handled these bad things. After all, the Britain has given the black cloud group. Xiangjiang problem has not been solved, many things are not convenient; come over Huaxia Not help, and it's just a nausea of ​​the British. "

Huo Yingdong did not expect that Bao Zi Xuan actually called him to come over. Although it is a bit uncomfortable in my heart, Huo Lao is also an open-minded person; he heard the British people, or accept it.

And it also understands that Bao Zi Xuan called him to make himself love. Previously, the Xiangjiang Hua Shang has struggled, and finally Bao Zi Xuan took the initiative to return, or did not hurry. This is a lot of faces, and the gift is still normal.

If one is always asked, then in a good relationship is not long. Now this feeling is very good, Huo is very don't like to be owed.

As for the use of his influence, it is not so concerned. Come over Huaxia Mainland, has become a must-have course of Huo Yingdong. This time I just took my family, I can let them feel the hospitality and enthusiasm of the Chinese people.

Huo Yingdong: "If you know that your kid is something, the Black Cloud Group is the largest enterprise in Xiangjiang. British should know the attitude of Huaxia, and must let you transfer some of the assets."

"Because of your relationship, Xiangjiang is one of the top ten economies of the world. This fat do not want to give up, but Huaxia is no longer a hundred years ago. This attitude is very determined, there is no more business. "

"It should be the core industry needs to be relocated! As for the British, although the British is lacking; but compares the core technology, the money is secondary."

Huo Yingdong did not expect the industry to make money so much, especially after seeing the financial statements of Bao Huo's Mining Company. There is a new awareness for the industry, and it is the frog in the bottom of the well.

The real estate profit is very considerable, but it is nothing more than the money as the monopoly industry and the high-end industry.

And what kind of real estate can do, but some people disdain. However, the industrial is in Xiangjiang, there is no second person in addition to Bunxuan.

The British as long as it is not stupid, and also wants to use technology to block China. It is definitely to start with Bunzi Xuan and the Black Cloud Group, which is a thing.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The British did not dare to be so eye-catching, but they asked the Black Cloud Group to build a world, the most advanced, largest automotive engine R & D and manufacturing centers in the UK."

"In accordance with the idea of ​​the British, at least we must invest at least 3 billion US dollars."

"The key is not the problem of money, mainly because of the driving of the Black Cloud Group, plus the technology advantage of the British itself. The automotive engine field, they will form a industrial chain, the next few decades, even in hundreds of years will not Have an opponent. "

Huo Yingdong did not expect so many things in it, it seems that the high-end industry is really foreign man. It is still ready to compromise, after all, I want to mix in Xiangjiang ground, the face must be given.

It's just uncomfortable, actually normal; young people don't like being forced by people.

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