Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 958 Rysius will encounter

In fact, Bun Zixuan just wants to express the meaning through Huo Yingdong to the Chinese mainland, not I want to transfer assets. But there is no way, and this word is better than himself.

At present, it is a sensitive period, as the most influential person and businesses in Xiangjiang. Bunzi Xuan and the Black Cloud Group's one move will be focused on the outside world; with billions of dollars in the UK investment. For the China Continental issue, it is definitely unfavorable news.

In fact, in the past, the UK investment construction engine R & D, manufacturing center, Baozi Xuan carefully considered, it is not acceptable. And you can use the British local technology advantage to exercise the returnees of the Black Cloud Group.

At this time, Black Cloud looked at the technology advantage in the engine. Could Bao Zi Xuan knows that it is ahead of advance; there is no major relationship with its own technology.

Pass the information through Huo, although it is a small person. Sometimes there is no way, when the scorpion is standing in Bao Zi Xuan, I didn't expect to turn myself today; it is estimated that it is nothing.

Huaxia Lantern Festival is still more lively, at least compared to Xiangjiang. Moreover, there are also many places that will hold riddles and bring Zhang Tiran, and let him feel the meaning of the Chinese mainland holiday atmosphere.

It is a kind of compensation. After all, it is so married such a hug, and it feels that it is not that.

Donghuamen is the east gate of the Forbidden City, which was built in Ming Yongle for 18 years.

Donghua Gate, Donghuamen East, corresponding to Xihuamen, there is a slight stone stone in the door, the gates of the gate of the door, the gate of the stone bridge, 1 stone bridge, bridge is three doors. Donghuamen West is the Wenhua Temple, and San Nan is the Queen Guard. Donghuamen is the same as Xihuamen, the planar rectangle, the red city, white jade must be painted, and the 3 coupons doors, the vouchers outer circles. There is a city building in the city, and the top of the temple is on the top of the temple. The base is covered with the Hanbaiyu railings. There are 5 facial facilities, 3 invested, surrounded by outlets, Liang Hao painted a big golden spiral color painting. The "Donghua Gate" plaque under the east is the full, Mongolian, three kinds of words, and then minus, two of the people, the 1911, after the Revolution of the 1911. Chinese characters.

Bao Zi Xuan came to Donghuamen with Zhang Tiran, but they didn't come to admire the Forbidden City. But come over to participate in the riddle, this is a tradition of Kyoto Yuanfen Festival.

Looking at the majestic treasure, Zhang Ziran is very emotional. Before it was just learned from the book, Huaxia was 5,000 years of civilization, with a lot of majestic buildings. It is a book after all, I have not seen it, you can't imagine his greatness.

Donghua Gate riddles can be traditional programs, at least in Kyoto, it is difficult to find a good Lantern Festival than it is also an authentic Lantern Festival.

The riddle is also known as the Wenhu, guessing the riddle, also known as tiger, bulletin, business light, shooting, solution, demolition, etc., is the unique national style of Huaxia, a folk cultural activities, is from ancient Lantern Festival Special Events.

Every fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, the folks must hang the lanterns, flame fire, and later have a good thing to write the riddle on the strip, and attach the colorful light of the five-color color. Because the riddle can enlighten the wisdom and catering the festive atmosphere, there are many people responsive, and the post-guessing has become an indispensable program of the Lantern Festival. The riddle adds a festive atmosphere, showing the intelligence of the ancient working people and the yearning of a beautiful life.

Zhang Tiran or the first time I feel that the people's folk life in Huaxia, although crowded, but it feels good. At least more lively, it is more festive.

Fortunately, there are many security personnel around Bunzi Xuan, or it is also worried that there will be a problem. Although Huaxia Kyoto is very good, it is still very careful.

Come over Huaxia mainland, all the security people are Chinese. In this era, Kyoto has a foreigner or is too conspicuous.

Two people guess riddles like ordinary couples, but it is very pleasant.

However, Zhang Ten is not very understanding of the Chinese culture, even if the simplest riddle can't guess. Although the gift is very small, I can't spend a few money. However, it is also a sense of accomplishment by wisdom.

The Chinese continent is used by Simple characters, Zhang Ten is not aware of some words. It is good to don't fall in this area, you have to know that his first life is starting with simplicity.

Seeing Zhang Tiran with anxious expression, Bao Zixuan wanted to laugh. Maybe in front of the game, any woman does not want to lose.

The first fortune can only go to himself, at least to win a gift for the newlyweds.

A staff said: "Don't do it,"

Bao Zixuan: "Swing is not."

The staff will then say: "Bone bones"

Bao Zi Xuan: "The demon."

In this way, the bags and staff began a question and one answer, as long as the staff said the riddle, they can give the answer in the first time.

Seeing this young man wearing fashion, the reaction is so fast, it is really a touch of tongue.

The speed of fast response is not clear, and it is in combination with a decent, itself has a sunshine image. Baozi Xuan almost attracts everyone's gaze, of course, is mainly a large woman. As for Zhang Leen, because I am worried about the cold climate in Kyoto. Wear is very thick, naturally being ignored.

Liu Shanshan was originally not going to come out today, but he couldn't stand several at the same time. In addition to the airline has a deputy, you like her, and arranged Donghuamen guess riddles.

But the plane may be in the line, as for guessing riddles is really outside the door. Air attendant, the combination of pilots can't guess, so I have not got a gift yet.

I suddenly saw someone so out of the limelight, of course, I wanted to see what is sacred.

This era can become a pilot and flight attendant, all people pick one. There must be a bit background in the family, or it is not played at all.

Bun Zixuan's wear let them know that this man is not like a mainland. It's all the mainmenities who have seen a wide range of people, and I know that clothes are produced abroad.

Liu Shanshan saw that the buns Xuan will be bright. Once the depths of the heart, I have been pleasing to the scene to meet this man, I didn't expect to be so point.

According to the reason, the rivers of Xiangjiang came to China, and it should be reported to be. There is almost no news on TV, what is the operation.

Baozi Xuan is after a private identity, of course, does not want to be too official. And the same Chinese, I don't want to report it every time, it seems too outside.

And I will become a normal state in the future, or it is still good at quiet. Before you come over, Bunzi Xuan has explained the situation with Huo Yingdong, as well as what you want to express. So in the Chinese continent; except for individual high-level, and outside the main security personnel. There is not much person to know that Xiangjiang first rich bunxuan came over Huaxia Kyoto.

Liu Shanshan is just a small flight attendant, I don't know normal. Seeing Bunzi Xuan will become a focus, and more curious about this man. Looking at the man who is like the dog skin plaster, there is no harm.

Since you see, you must say hello to the past. Otherwise it is too rude, and you don't want to let go of such a good opportunity.

After almost answering all the riddles, the staff said. Bao Zixuan can take any of the wanted lanterns, it is tribute to him.

No one is stupid, wearing so pay more. And so talented, it is inevitable that ordinary people.

Zhang Tanran just wanted to pick a gift in the past, and the result was interrupted by a voice.

Liu Shanshan said with a mood: "Mr. Bao, it's really you; I thought I thought it was."

On the past, a sweet girl is over there. Looking at wearing is quite fashionable, at least relative to the people in China in this year, it is already very avant-garde.

Zhang Teiran also looked at the wonderful eyes, and this girl was beautiful than himself. This makes her are not very happy. After all, as a buns Xuanzheng wife, of course, I don't want too beautiful girl to sway in front of her husband.

It is a good time to say hello, at least to show the big sides of the bag. Next, I read the Bun Zixuan how to introduce, I haven't come to her.

Bao Zixuan did not expect to see acquaintances in Beijing, especially when he gathered. After all, people know more in China, and most of them are aged government staff.

It is said that Liu Shanshan has served his flight attendant, and it is still bought a silk in people's home. I have to say a greeting in love, or it is too much to be too mad. Bao Zixuan is not so mad.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I didn't expect to see Miss Liu here, how can you come over to participate in the riddle."

Seeing Liu Shanshan's enthusiasm in front of Bun Zixuan, as well as smile. There is a person looking very angry in the back, knowing the girl, but he is coming out.

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