Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 976 Bentley battle eight

It involves well-known brands, domestic companies acquired, there are many procedures to go. Moreover, it is necessary to report to the British business sector, at least the Black Cloud Group must promise, can't bring Bentley out of the UK. Otherwise, the relationship is good, the British government will not agree to the purchase action of this trip.

The reason why it is not only, it is very pre-preparatory work. More mainly is the Bentley family, and all employees want the Black Cloud Group to enter. This is a huge benefit to them, and at least Baozi Xuan has never been awarded partners and employees. Commercial reputation is unknowing, and the first rich will definitely belong to the benchmark.

The Black Cloud Group comes over, but the royal family and the prostitute are default. The acquisition of Bentley cars, the British business sector dared to block. They will celebrate the firecrackers, and the Black Cloud Group's large-scale entries means that the British economy will have a great development.

This is not a nonsense, but there is an exact case where it is. Whether it is Xiangjiang, Huaxia Continent, even if the Middle East is not pulling, as long as it is Bao Zi Xuan said that there is no error.

The Soviet titanium alloy is only more expensive than the metal and other metal, with the large-scale publicity and application of the Black Cloud Group, now only lower than the price of gold. In invisible, saving the Soviet economy, this is the power of Bao Zixuan.

Black cloud comes from British investment, definitely not enter the financial field. Then the high-end manufacturing will will take off, no matter how it looks, there is no harm to the British Empire.

So after the British Ministry of Commerce is not hesitant. Direct approval, the speed is unimaginable. The Black Cloud Group acquired Bentley and invisibly created a record. Whether it is negotiation, it is also approved, as well as the problem of employees; it is the speed first.

Most of the British have a lone pride that is incorporated with others. Solitary is the most obvious character of the British. They are not willing to talk to others, never talking about themselves, feelings are not exposed, and they will not like color. People in other countries are difficult to understand the inner world of the British

The British is still old and does not want to accept the conservative thoughts of new things. The British's conservative is known to the world, but the British believes that their way is best, most reasonable. Some said that British needs 20 to 40 years to accept the current new things in the United States. Although this is exaggerated, it is not reasonable. The British did not use the world's universal metric, still using the miles until 1971 will change the currency unit to decimal.

It can be said that in the UK, the average person is really unacceptable. But who can think that the British government department actually has such a smooth side, and it is really unpredictable.

It's a big event, no one thought it was a short three days. Baozi Xuan and the Black Cloud Group's office efficiency have a clear vision, but I didn't expect this British to force. It seems to be seen, and near Zhu is in black, it is not unreasonable.

Since all procedures have been completed,

As a boss, I must see the same staff. The first impression is very important, at least you can't let employees pick up the problem. Bentley can't develop according to the former trajectory, these British workers need to appease. Moreover, the black cloud group is preparing to have a big investment; at least let the British look at it; Black Cloud Group's doing style, and working attitude.

Bentley car employees are not a lot, only 2,300; after all, only thousands of cars are produced every year. It is not enough to produce the day of the black cloud car, which is why the main cause of serious loss in the 1990s.

In the future, no matter whether BMW is still the public, more in the early stage is relying on mass production cars to raise them. Until the rise of the China, two brands are really profitable.

Bao Zixuan is the ability and great, it is difficult to make Bentley profit in a short time. However, high-end brand cars, the Black Cloud Group must enter. Although it is not the best time, it is not particularly poor.

At least in the UK is still in honeymoon, and will not have investment tendencies. As a qualified businessman, you still have to see where you can get enough profits. Of course, in the same situation, it must be properly taken care of.

It is difficult to implement in China in China. It is difficult to implement in a short period of time. Not only, it is estimated that the aircraft manufacturing will face serious challenges. Therefore, the bag is already considering, do you want to put large aircraft projects in the UK. Now everything is based on cultivating teams, learning technology. Put in Huaxia, it is estimated that McDe will not take truth. Even if the McDenders consent, the US government will also be exclaimed.

Baozi Xuan said to the stage: "Hello everyone, I am Bunxuan, Black Cloud Group, is your new boss."

"You can stay in Bentley, is the honor of me and the entire Black Cloud Group. It is estimated that no one in the world does not know his existence."

"Although recently, Bentley's revenue capacity and well-known, this is not much related; I saw that Yesterday I saw that Bentley car workers were very fulfilled."

"The previous thing is not mentioned, we have to look forward. The Black Cloud Group is a big family. I hopes that every worker who follows my workers can live a good day. At least not to worry about the money, or that sentence The hopping is not working in working, but goes out. "

"For some of the employee rating of Bentley, there are many places not very reasonable. Later, they will be evaluated from new, at least to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of female technical workers."

"As for the salary of you, refer to the British Auto Industry, as well as the standard of Black Cloud Auto. In short, you will not give you a loss, but I have to see the results. No one's money is a big wind, I bun Xuan also No exception. Where is the value, you need to be reflected.

It is still a shortness, but the Bentley workers, especially female workers, listened to the blood. This man has fulfilled promises, and women can also enjoy senior mechanic.

This is enough, as for the increase in salary, the relationship is really not very big. After at least Johnson Group, there is no employee to say salary.

Employee problem solves, you can have a smooth transition. Baozi Xuan convened a management meeting, which was once again subverted by Bentley and the British cognition.

What is this man is doing, don't you have to take a break!

At this time, you will have a meal under the hand, or it is good according to the rule. At least you can't leave a bad impression on the new boss, which will be difficult in the enterprise.

Baozi Xuan did not host management meetings, John Chambers is the general manager of Black Cloud Auto. The Bentley car acquired, but he is directly managed.

In fact, I just got a lot to speaking, just in order to calm. After all, the attitude must be shown that John Chabor is still instead.

After seeing the personality, John Chambers said: "You have already met me, here too much introduction. After the black cloud acquiring Bentley, the management will not be adjusted in a short time."

"As for the CEO of Bentley, it has always been a Rolls-Royce to send people; it is obviously not suitable. Therefore, after the company resolution; Mr. Wenstee-Bentley, Bentley Car CEO, responsible for daily management."

About Wenstent - Bentley background, and the ability to send some detailed investigations. It can be said that the other party is also able to compete for this position, and Bentley Automobile Authority returns to the Bentley family and also a inheritance. The most important Baozi Xuan requires a smooth transition, at least not to save. Comprehensive consideration, Vincent - Bentley is the most suitable candidate.

And the other party also has 3% Bentley Motor Shares, so that it is CEO, it is not very good.

As long as it is controlled by R & D, sales, finance, believe in Vincent - Bentley can't afford to swell. And the other party is not stupid, and it does not dare to do it with the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan.

After listening to the appointment, Vincent - Bentley is very excited. At the same time, I also know that I am gambling, at least the management of Bentley car, returning to the Bentley family on the surface. This is a kind of progress, at least in the family is an explanation.

Subsequently introduced several managers from the headquarters to everyone, of course, mainly financial officers. In fact, this is normal. After all, everyone will not be realistic. Financial entry is normal, including Vincent-Bentley, there is no problem.

At this point, Bentley's acquisition commends in paragraph. The Black Cloud Group got 97% of Bentley Motors to complete the absolute control of the brand. As for the Rolls Royce, it has been valuable funds, and it is a long period of time to renew your parent. Of course, in the case of shareholders, there is no relationship with Bao Xuan, and it will pack them in the morning.

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