Baozi Xuan guess it is true, Rolls Royce is so huge funds. The two families have begun to fight again, but it is still much higher than the previous strength.

Richard Ross means to take out most of the funds for shareholders' dividends. After all, it is different from the Les family, and there are too many industries in the Rolls family to invest in. Such a good opportunity, of course, can't let go. And got a recognition of most shareholders, there is money, no one will oppose.

As the CEO of Lessles, Dawson is a Rolls family, but this time it makes him very difficult. Rolls Royce urgently needs funding development, and it is difficult to sell Bentley's funds. Now Richard Ross actually wants to take a dividend, this will seriously damaging the interests of Rolls Royce.

Bentley sells to the Black Cloud Group, with the character of Bao Zi Xuan, will definitely invest huge investment. It may not affect the Rolls Royce in a short time, and it must be a heartbeat. And the strength of the Black Cloud Group itself has to be too much Lesles. Market channels, as well as promotion, Rolls Royce is can't drive.

On the side of the army, seeking technology, products, and sales. While it is in the current situation, just want to focus on your eyes. In the two-phase comparison, Rolls Rolls will inevitably be eliminated by the market.

It is good to fight in Ferdinan Germany, saying that nothing agrees with the funds. This year's profit is inevitable because of the sales Bentley. However, this profit is not desirable, more less than a long time.

At this time, what opinions are asked, it is very difficult to make it very difficult.

Dawson: "Otherwise, take half used for shareholders' dividend, and half of the other half invest in the company's operations and developed."

This is an old man's practice, no one can sin.

However, Dawson's words, let Richard Ross are very uncomfortable. In his opinion, this behavior is a root, is it a forgot what you are.

In fact, Richard Ross is dare to participate in specific affairs, and Tongson has a big relationship. As a son of the Rolls family, Don Sen is equivalent to his homework. At least it seems that it seems that there is no such call.

It is such a person, actually dare to violate your own will, is it desirable to cause

Seeing Richard-Rolls, Dawson knew that he did a wrong decision. But he did not regret, at least this decision gave the identity of the Rolls Rolith CEO.

Even the slaves opposed, plus Ferdinn German Less, strong demand. Finally, it can only be used in a compromise, half of the funds is used in dividends, half of the funds are placed on the company. As for what is used, all shareholders are needed to vote.

This has buried a hidden danger,

Finally, this fund is basically used for shareholder dividends and other matters. Allocated to R & D and operational investment, minimal; more Rolls Royce buried a film.

Of course, what is the idea of ​​the Rolls Royce, Bao Zixuan will not pay attention. Bentley has been in hand, and it is still so smooth. Then you will determine the engine R & D and manufacturing centers, this is the main purpose of the UK.

Luton, England, England. Located 48 kilometers northwest of London, the top of the river. The area is 43 square kilometers. Population is 165,000.

From 1964 to 1974, it was the capital of Bedford County. Long-term preparatory straw hat is famous. Automobile manufacturing center. There are also industries such as ball bearings, precision instruments, machinery, motors and clothing. There is railway trunk Tong London, there are international airports nearby. There is a medieval church, there is also a technical college.

At this time, Lu Ton already has an industrial substrate, at least a car company has already established a factory here. However, there is no size, most of which are not particularly important components.

If there is no Bao Xuan appeared, it is estimated that Ford will build the engine assembly plant. However, because all countries in the world are engaged in technology towns, Ford does not dare to build such an important plant to the UK. The relationship is good, but it is also necessary to ensure that the country can be extended out.

With the strong rise of Black Clouds, Ford is in the United States. If it is not the US military to start military replacement plans, Ford does not have a very good closure; which is also energy and strength to develop abroad.

This is also true of other countries. At this time, Lu Don is like a white paper. Black Cloud Group wants to do anything, the land is well coordinated. Of course, there is still a lot of advantages, and it is very close to London, convenient transportation, and no problem in technology talent reserves.

The next day, I will take the team directly to Luton directly with the Bentley Management. Baozi Xuan's work style, the people of the Black Cloud Group have been habits; it seems to be as tired. The boss is so spelling, what reasons are there not worked.

The Mayor of Luton certainly knows that Bunxuan comes from the UK, and it is clear that people come over. Just did not expect this kind of good event to fall on him, there are many cities that Bunxuan and the Black Cloud Group have invested in the past. No matter how it is around the Lutun. Compared with many cities, Luton is not available.

In fact, Bun Zixuan came over Lu Don and another purpose, that is, visit to retirerate the Retirement Harbor. What is the old acquaintance is also an old acquaintance, and you have to come over. And also want to show an attitude, Bunxuan is absolutely not forgetting. As long as you have helped him, you will remember.

It is also strange to study in the UK for two years. I haven't been here, so I stayed in the past to the Impression of Lu Dun. But now Luton has a very large difference, at least Baozi Xuan can't believe it.

Black Cloud Group acquired Bentley, the news has been opened in the UK, and it may be aware of the whole world. It is serious that Bunzi Xuan came serious and realized.

The acquisition of Bentley Motors is just appetizer, engine research and development and manufacturing center are big. This is a project that is concerned with the entire UK. The Mayor of Luton may not dare to neglect.

Seeing Bun Zixuan, a middle-aged man said with a smile: "Hello, Bao Jazz, I am Tuton Mayor Charlie - Xiao. I am very glad that you can come to Luton, I believe it will not let you down here."

Looking at this middle-aged man, there is basically no impression. Note that the future of the United Kingdom will not be high, just don't know that with the black clouds, will not change fate, boost boat.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Thank you for your enthusiasm reception, I heard that Lu Don is very good. This time I came over, of course, I have to test it."

"Actually, it is not that I am, the whole Xiangjiang businessman knows Lu Don's existence. Mai Haohao has done a lot of advertising, I don't know how he is here. This time I wanted to visit, as an old friend, Shouldn't you ask us to eat meals! "

After Mai Hao returned to the UK, the Queen of the British was a lifelong noble. This is the same as Baoxuan, and the other party also entered the House of House to continue to participate in politics. At this time, there are nearly 1,000 people in the British House, and there is almost no right in the old man. More, it is a kind of comfort.

I heard Bun Zi Xuan came over and was the propaganda of Mai Hao. Moreover, I have introduced Luton, Charlie - Xiao Zhenzhen wants to give himself a palm. Mai Hao's old man actually has such an influence, how can I not think of it!

Even if people have no influence, so many years of government experience can be used as a good teacher. It's really not to hold such a thigh.

Charlie - Xiao: "Mai Hao Hao Jaja has been living here, just occasionally in the past, I have no problem, I can visit it at any time."

In fact, you can't blame Charlie - Xiao, after all, the British situation is very different.

There are too many British nobles, and Mai Hao has hit the aristocrats. And retirement is retirement, without any rights. No one can often bother one, retirement, and then there is no need.

Now Bun Zixuan refers to Xiangjiang businessmen to think of Mai Hao's different. As long as this is the old guy, it is very willing to come over to invest. After all, he is the longest of the longest time, but it is not that simple only. There is a lot of friends in Xiangjiang, but also a lot of richest classes.

Regarding the establishment of engine R & D and manufacturing centers in Luton, Bunzi Xuan has long thought. The advantage here is the most obvious, but it is only borrowed a scorpion. To put it bluntly, I can leave a good impression on the British, but will not be more active when I finally negotiate.

The Black Cloud Group is not necessarily coming here, but it is recommended. Luton citizens don't dare to have too much demand, if you go to the buns, you can't get anything. It is definitely true and false, a stone bacterium.

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