For the United Kingdom to establish Xiangjiang Office, Huaxia Xinhua News Agency Xiangjiang Branch has reported to China. It is highly valued for this Kyoto. After all, Bao Zi Xuan suddenly, so large-scale investment in UK, will definitely let Xiangjiang people float. But you can't say that people don't have, after all, the black cloud is private enterprise, where to invest, it is not thick.

But you must make changes, you must not let the British people succeed. It has once again started again, but the opposition of this national level, others can not participate, and as ordinary business people do not participate.

Mai Hao began to go to the horse, after all, is a new department, and there is no foundation. The recruitment to buy horses are the first step, as a self-reliant assistant, Joante has entered his vision again. So the first thing to take, that is, Joante has returned from Xiangjiang to the UK. Of course, just temporary, the future Joante is still in Xiangjiang, just a position change.

At the same time, Tuton Mayor Charlie-Xiao Kezuang is riveting, after all, this is, I don't want to think about it before. No matter what factor, it is possible to take care of the city. Otherwise it is your own dereliction of duty, but also more sorry for more than 10,000 Ton people.

Seeing the contract, Charlie - Xiao is still very happy. At least the high-rise and Bunzi Xuan, who is close to the Black Cloud Group, have a good start efficiency, which is a good start.

But there are some people who don't give faces, saying is the land sent by the ancestors, saying that nothing is refused. And these people have a little background, not good to use strong.

In fact, everyone is watching and see what Robert Earl.

The Earl of Robert is the highest existence of the Luton's title, an aristocrat. There is still three thousand nails, however, is also an old aristocrat.

On the land planned by John Chambers, there is approximately 20 acres of Robert Earl. It is the largest landlord, of course, the amount of funds needed.

However, the old guy actually opens the lion, and the land is 2 million per acre land. What is this, the land is not much in the core area of ​​the London. It is not difficult to sell at the idea that is not sold.

Charlie-Xiao Mayor is not working with the count of Robert, how can you not see the situation! It is no wonder that the people can make such people to make friends.

It seems that I don't give each other, I don't know what the mayor of this mayor.

Before the reason for the count, it was very different from other residents in the town. Seeing John Chambers' land plan, guessing various problems may occur. So I have long thought of the policy of cying, although it is not very high, it will definitely make Robert Earl.

Harryfax Bank is the largest mortgage loan bank and savings bank in the UK.

From 1853, Harryfax founded that Harryfax has gone through more than a century, now Harryfax as one of the largest financial service providers in the UK, has become a household name, large Many people in Harryifres are more than many of the other banks in the same industry. Harryfax offers a wide range of personal financial services, including: long-term deposits, houses, starting car insurance, and credit card business.

Earl of Robert is owed by many loans in the Bank of Harry, as for Charlie - Xiao. That's because his wife works in the bank, or you don't dare to get tickets in Bao Zixuan.

Charlie - Xiao put the situation with his wife, as a wife, must fully support the work of her husband. Unless you don't want to be together, or you will not see your husband's unlucky.

After all, live in a family; one glory, one loss.

To say Charlie - Xiao Mayor's wife, there is still some relationship with Bao Zi Xuan. Graduated from the Oxford University Economics, which belongs to the category of a strong woman. After receiving the husband, there is no hesitation. Direct use of legitimate rights and interests, requiring the loan matters of Robert Earl.

At this time, it is not only a family land, and even the Castle has been mortgaged to the Harryfax bank. This is better, if Robert can't provide a favorable repayment, then the bank has the right to recover the loan in advance. This is a method of wind control, and in short, banks will never lose money.

The husband did not seek her, and now I have finally have the opportunity to prove myself in front of her husband. Women are more terrible than men.

Conference on the night, the name is to explore bad loans; in fact, for the Robert Earl, it is ready to start.

What is the meaning of this female boss, everyone knows. But for Robert, this is always guys living with old aristocrats, everyone will not look at it. Now I have the opportunity to pack him a meal, of course, there is no problem, even I am happy.

Charlie - Xiao's wife is the name of Jieqiana - Xiao, and listening to the name, I know that there is a Soviet line.

In fact, there is a Soviet descent, which is exactly the sabble. When the Soviet Union was established, his grandfather took a family because of his identity relationship; it was also in the UK to settled in the UK. In fact, there are a lot of this kind of person, as long as it is not going back to the country, there is no way to the Soviet Union.

After all, the other party did not sell the country, at least without damaging the interests of the Soviet Union. A lot of things, close one eye, it's good to everyone, no one can be too true.

Jie Qirina - Xiao said to the people below: "I have no problem. I have to report to the head office later. Absolutely controlling the risk, can't happen."

Some people have followed the female boss for a long time. Of course, I know that their ideas and purpose, so I stood up: "President, after we carefully account, and comprehensive analysis. Discover the most prone to problem in our line from Robert Earl."

"Now we have owed to our banks nearly 3 million pounds, not only, there is a loan record in other small banks. And its land, manor, and other industries are very limited; it is difficult to pay for loans in a short period of time, and have already Apply for late payment for two consecutive months. "

It is this, and Jie Karina directly calls the head office. And put data analysis very detailed, at least a little problem is not available.

Banks are not charity, there is no problem on the browning, and the charcoal is delivered, don't think about it. There are so many loans before, because there is a shareholder is a friend of Robert; but friends are friends, business is returned.

Continue to pack the ticket, Robert really bankrupt; he does not help, no one dares to take risks.

After receiving the summit, Jie Karina-Xiao took people to Robert Manor. It is obvious that it must pay attention to today. If it is not returned, it can only be monitored to the mortgage, and the auction is evaluated.

The Earl of Robert is what is going on, and it has just reported the land price. The next day, the bank requested repayment to the door, this is nothing to do, no one believes.

When you see a team, you will understand the road.

Staying is that I want him to let the land come out and the price is reasonable. Otherwise, it is definitely not explaining today, and it is estimated that the final land will directly auction to the Black Cloud Group.

And I want to say no way, the first is that he defaults to the first, and it is indeed a lot of money. Default payment, the sky is justified.

The Second Black Cloud Group came over to invest in British, and the queen is warmly welcomed. Now because of your own relationship, the project can't land, then no one will help him.

Before I just thought that Bao Zi Xuan had money, I can take the opportunity to knock. I didn't expect to steal the chicken, and I turned a meter.

I am late now, I can only go to the city from the new staff to communicate.

Finally, with the help of his wife Jieqirina - Xiao; Charlie-Xiao Mayor took the price of 20 acres of land transfer contracts in Robert 20 acres in the price of 120,000 pounds per acre; coup with other people.

Don't hold your luck, don't try to raise land prices.

In this way, under the support of the municipal government. It has been used in just three days, John Chambs on the map, has been taken by the city.

This kind of work efficiency makes Bunzi Xuan's incredible. The British land is not owned by the country. It seems that Charlie-Xiao is also a person. It is still very comfortable to deal with such people.

The Black Cloud Group also has no hesitation, with a 220 million pounds, purchased 2000 acres of land in Luton Town, equivalent to about 12,000 acres, and the future three phases is absolutely enough, and there are still many surplus.

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