Originally planning to stay in Luton for a few days, I didn't expect Charlie-Xiao's efficiency. It is completely unisected, then the project landing Lu is listed.

Although it is suspicious, it is still a happy to buy such a big land for the Black Cloud Group. Various proves that Bunxuan will take advantage of Britain to invest in British, which is definitely a strong heart.

The British suspected is normal, after all, Bao Zi Xuan's idea is not so simple. More than 10,000 mu of land is not for the development of automobile engines, the manufacturing center, which has a large part of the aircraft.

Through these days, the memory of the past, the Bao Zixuan feels that the big aircraft project can be built in the UK. It seems that this is the most reasonable choice, and it is estimated that the United States will not be too opposed.

The UK does not neither the Boeing aircraft, the civil aviation industry giants like the Airbus, and has no advanced fighters independently developed, but its aviation industry strength is absolutely row in the forefront of the world.

The British aviation industry is not as weak; the aviation industry chain is increasingly global, and large aircraft companies do not necessarily have core parts production capacity, Boeing, and Airbus. On the contrary, it is equivalent to the core competitive advantage. From this point, the UK is one of the two major powers of the World Aviation Industry, which is mainly based on the following two points: First, from the overall scale In view, the output value of the British Aviation Industry accounts for about 13% of the world, second only to the United States, ranking second in the world; secondly, the UK has secondary aerospace engine manufacturing capabilities.

For many years, the British aviation industry has been seriously underestimated. The main reason is that the UK does not have an independent aerospace system, gradually away from the location of the large aircraft manufacturing center. Taking the Airbus aircraft as an example, although the empty passenger is considered a common crystallization of the European aviation industry, its core production capacity is mainly in France and Germany; Airbus has up to 27 production bases in Germany, including Hamburg's assembly base, Bremen's wing uplift system design and manufacturing center, Stad's vertical tail manufacturing base, etc. Airbus has only two factories in the UK (Bristol, Brutton), mainly producing wings and landing gears.

The true strength of the British Aviation Industry is not on the big plane, but is the powerful aviation industry. There are too many air parts support companies in the UK, and the strength is called around the world.

Martin Baker, the world's largest ejection seat manufacturer, more than 90 countries in the world are using this company's products.

Meitt, a well-known air parts, electronic sensor experts. It is also the world's largest aviation brake system manufacturer, and products are widely related to brake braking, aviation valves, ignition systems, engine detection, landing gear detection and other fields.

Jikhenne, a well-known aviation structure producer, the 19th century is the world's largest steel company.

Nowadays in aircraft structural parts, aviation composites, new alloy powder in the field of the world; it is the outsourcing business of Boeing, Airbus, and Loma Giants.

Japan's high house price, the land of building aircraft manufacturing base will definitely be a high price. It is estimated that in addition to Mitsubishi will agree that the two of the United States will absolutely.

In the US Baozi Xuan really worried that after all, the future development trend, will have a villain with the Americans. The land area of ​​Xiangjiang is too narrow, it is impossible to take such a huge land for the manufacture of aircraft. Moreover, the supply of parts is also a big problem. The black cloud C919 passenger is limited, and it is helpful in Soviet Union. But the big plane is four unions, and the other three of Xiangjiang will certainly disagree.

As for the Chinese mainland, don't think about it. The large passenger plane is a very good modification platform, and European and American countries are absolutely reluctant to see China's mainland to master large aircraft technology.

China's own industrial foundation is weak, and the small aircraft may be successful. But oversized passenger planes, short time is not considered.

The big aircraft project needs to deliver a few other thanks, or first consider the automotive engine development, the manufacturing center is more appropriate.

At this time, the British did not expect that the efficiency of Baozi Xuan would be so high. Come over the UK less than a week, not only completed the acquisition of Bentley, but also let the engine R & D research and development, the manufacturing center landed.

While feeling, it is also reflective. No wonder that the Black Cloud Group can develop, and it is so fast. This kind of power is single, as well as executive power, domestic enterprises in the UK, no family can be better than. This is the gap, people have been finished, and you still think about it.

In order to express respect for the investment of the Black Cloud Group, the United Kingdom attaches great importance to it. Prime Minister Thatcher arrived in Luton, indicating support for the project.

Not only the Mrs. Thatcher, Charlie - Xiao Mayor also put his wife; that is, the wife of Robert's almost disadvantage, Jie Qirina - Xiao took it. This time, it is a good opportunity, although the Black Cloud Group has a bank, there is no branch in the UK.

Come over the UK investment, and must have to pay the bank. Then Harryfax Bank is a good choice. Moreover, the wife is not only the alumni of Baozi Xuan, but also plays an important role in the land transaction process. Although the Earl of Robert is to help the husband, but Bao Zixuan will still look at these.

In the case of choice of Harryfark Bank, it is a suitable choice. Of course, the Rosierd Bank is a strong enemy, but it is still not too big to divide a cup.

As for HSBC, although it is the first choice for Xiangjiang Enterprises to invest in UK. However, the relationship between Shen Yibao is not a secret, and two companies cooperate, almost impossible.

At the signing, Bunzixuan is definitely focus. The legendary figure, wherever they come to traffic.

Zhang Ziran still didn't come over, and in recent time, he also played with Diana Wang Hao. There is a feeling of meeting the evening, Bao Zixuan has no strive for this.

Mrs. Thatcher said with a smile: "Baochu, how to pay attention to Luton's work efficiency!"

In fact, Mrs. Thatcher did not expect Luton Mayor Charlie - Xiao actually there is so capable of doing things in just a few days. You can enter the key inspection object, and the old child is also entered into the high-level field of view.

Bao Zixuan: "It is very good here, not only has a complete industrial support system; the most important government work is high, it is much more than expected. At least for the current cooperation, it is satisfied."

I heard the evaluation of Bao Zi Xuan, Charlie-Xiao He is very excited. Baozi Xuan is really a person, it seems to have a good exchange. It will not be doubtful to visit Macar Hao, the British media has a rich character. There is now that it is very difficult to say.

Charlie - Xiao introduced his wife to Baozi Xuan, the three Oxford alumni still talk about it.

Moreover, Jieqirina did play an important role in the land transaction process, whether it is the ability, or the identity.

Bun Zixuan: "Jie Qilina's school sister, I heard that you work in the Bank of Harryfax. The Black Cloud Group has been working with Rosierd Bank, but the eggs cannot be placed in a basket. Black Cloud engine R & D, manufacturing The center's funds have been put in your bank, believe that the cooperation between us will be very pleasant. "

This is a typical launch of Torrans, Jie Karina didn't expect Bunxuan to give face. It is not agreeable, and it is estimated that you will not mix in the bank.

In fact, Bunzu Xuan wants to dig the Jie Kelina and let it build a black cloud bank in the UK. Think or count, at this time, the time is not mature.

Come over the British investment industry, people raise their hands welcome. But if you enter the financial industry, it is the enemy. In the UK, the financial control is very strict. After all, this is how many advantageous industries. Before 92 years ago, Black Cloud Bank will not enter the UK. Waiting for Soros tossing, there will be variables, is the best time to enter the UK.

Jie Kairina - Xiao Xiao said: "Then thank you for your school brother. Harryfark Bank will definitely provide the best service to customers. Regarding professionalism, don't worry."

This is a very happy scene, at least everyone has obtained. But Bao Zi Xuan is not satisfied, since the UK; then do things at one time, do not leave any tail.

The oversized passenger plane has decided to put it in the UK, and there is not so much scruple. The speed of the speed is always the best style of the head, but also let the British look at the sincerity of the Black Cloud Group.

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