Since I decide to do, just the prime minister Thatcher is here. Time, land, people and people have already occupied, then don't have any concerns.

Baozi Xuan said to the lady of Thatcher: "Sister, I don't know how you look at the British aviation industry, or whether the UK is ready to develop a large passenger plane project."

For the thinking jump of Baozi Xuan, although the British is ready. But who can think of it, just getting the automotive engine R & D and manufacturing centers, now mention the oversized passenger plane. Is it to come over to British investment and building a supermarket manufacturing base; it is more meaningful than the automotive engine R & D and manufacturing center.

The big plane mentioned by the industry generally refers to a transportation aircraft that takes more than 100 tons of transportation, including 150 trunk passenger aircraft, directly reflecting a national civil aviation industry or even the overall level of the entire industrial system. In 1955, the US Boeing has developed large jet Boeing 707, and it is a great success. In the same year, Figure -104 of the Soviet Union was successful. In 1969, the European countries such as Britain, Law, and Germany jointly developed a large plane "Airbus" A300 with Boeing.

The typical representative of large planes has a 300, 330, 350, 380, and Boeing's 747, 777, 787, etc. The so-called large plane refers to a transport aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of more than 100 tons, as well as more than 150 trunk passengers. It is the most widely used main model of civil aviation. Due to the uneven development level of aviation industry, "big plane" is just a relative concept. Generally speaking, 150 passenger aircraft in China are called "large passenger aircraft", and the 100-seat airplane is called "branch aircraft"; and the international shipping system is used to referring to "large passenger aircings".

The large passenger plane said by Baozi Xuan is inevitably more than 500 people. I have also heard the Black Cloud Group Union Mai Mai Company entered the field of oversized passenger planes. Do you want to put this project in the UK.

That's great, let the British aviation industry will cover the next level. The British itself is strong, but there is no finished large aircraft assembly ability, which is always a regret. Now Bun Zixuan said this, is this regret to make up.

The iron lady is also a cold-in-law, and Bunxuan will understand what it means. Directly said: "Are you preparing to put the projects collaborating with McDeah in the UK; if that, the UK will fully support."

"Others don't dare, the aviation industry is supported, the UK is absolutely able to rank in the world. In many fields, it is not better than the US, but the large-scale passenger plane has not developed."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Super passenger planes do not only only Mai Mai and Black Clouds, including Japan Mitsubishi, and US Motorola. Today, I will contact us to contact us. Strive to let them repayment As long as the condition is suitable,

There is still no problem in the UK. "

Mrs. Thatcher said with a smile: "I have such a good news, the UK will never let four companies disappoint."

Mai Tao, Mitsubishi, Motorola come over, will inevitably drive the development of the industry. This is definitely a big good news for the UK industry that urgently needs funding and technology development.

The dinner ended in the mids of the Mrs. Thatcher, and Bao Zi Xuan did not have a good life; no matter what time is not suitable. The other three companies will call the phone directly.

Little Macarona is discussing life with the beauty of the new interaction, but the phone rang. I want to call him so late, but this private number, I know is not much.

I didn't get angry. If it is a subordinate, it is a good thing, and tomorrow will not give you a good face.

Bao Zixuan speaks very straight: "Arrange the company's things, tomorrow, come over the UK later. It always feels that many places are not suitable, just find a treasure; oversized passenger plane assembly workshop, put it it is completely feasible. "

The phone is still a little hang, after all, there is a lot at night. I heard the call at night, actually for work. Even if you don't want to be unwilling, you can only say sharply: "Bao, my friend. Your work attitude makes people feel more."

"I arranged tomorrow, the last day later."

Robert Galvin and Esaki Hong Kong also expressed no problems, they all arrived at the UK later.

A phone can let three major multinational companies, rush to another continent in two days. It is estimated that there are few people in the world to do it, and it can be said that Bunxuan is a few existence.

The three seem to have a good time, and the time of the UK is almost. Although the three are temporary UK, the government also gives high attention. The Minister of Commerce personally greeted the airport, and it is a face.

At the same time, Baozi Xuan once again subverted the cognition of Mrs. Thatcher; this young man, not only doing things, and actually even partners. Is this that the object is gathered and a population.

Three people did not stay at the airport, but they came directly to Bunzixuan hotel.

They are all temporarily, the time is limited. It must be done as soon as possible, everyone has a lot of incadvenation waiting for them.

Of course, wheat Tangja can be unable to get free, and there is nothing in the company.

After the lunch, Bunzi Xuan came to the meeting room with three people. As for other accompanying people, they are accompanying the municipal government staff to investigate the entire city.

Baozi Xuan first opened: "I am very sorry, let you have an urgent rush. Just a lot of things can't be delayed, I hope that the three can be understood. Some of the large passenger planes lag, so that I have been investigated, I'm thinking about the problem. when."

"My opinion is from the new buildings for the production and assembly of oversized passenger planes. I have considered that there is an unsuitable place in Mai Dao company."

"First, the hardware conditions of the plant's factory building have been behind, regardless of Mr. Kaxuna to admit, this is the fact."

"In addition, the property is not clear, after all, this time is four joint research and development, production aircraft. It should be the same as each other, and then the internal account is not very good."

"There are too many places where there is too much confidentiality in the wheatway, and the other three engineers have passed; it is easy to have problems, and they don't want to see."

"There is Boeing in the United States, our project has been supported. As for Japan, the land price cost will be an astronomical figure; I think Mr. Iwas should have a deep understanding."

"Other national industrial support, especially aviation industrial foundations are relatively weak. Comprehensive consideration, Britain is the most suitable choice. Of course, this is just the results of my personal opinion, and the black cloud strategic department analyzed the result. Final decision, everyone, everyone Vote to decide. "

Before I worked, I was worried about Bao Zixuan emotional use, let the oversized passenger plane settled in Huaxia mainland. I didn't expect this kid and quite reasonable, but so be good to everyone.

And as Bao Zixuan analyzed, the United States was first excluded. There is Boeing, McDey, a large passenger aircraft project, has limited support. As for Japan, the Hikasaki Hongyi is also very helpless. Now the Japanese high land price, high housing prices are killing their own manufacturing.

Everyone wants to have a fried land, a model; there are very few companies are willing to take the money to invest in an investment industry, and the manufacturing industry will be good.

A country without manufacturing, the future development prospect is inevitably limited. Although many people know this truth, I can't help but. Even the inside of Mitsubishi began to shake, let alone other companies.

Putting in the UK is also good, at least you don't have to worry about other ghosts.

In fact, this also puts the production and assembly workshop in the UK within the scope of Bunzi Xuan. It is not the respective home, and it can be said that there is no advantage. Cooperation is also assured, at least not to doubt.

Robert Galvin is the longest, seeing two people looking to him, knowing that it makes it. The old guy is also free, directly said: "As long as it is supported by the UK, Motorola has no problem."

I heard the state of Motorola, and the sound of Yosaki followed: "Mitsubishi will also cooperate all the best, please rest assured."

Although Xiaomi Tangja is reluctant, it can be agreed in the two two, and it is called the Bunxuan to call them. I can't compete for three unions. It is better to agree to avoid injury.

Wakah Tangner said with a smile: "Since there is no opinion, Mai Tao will work together."

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