It is impossible to always talk to chat, know that today's signing is the subject. And will also make partners misunderstand, I feel that Bao Zixuan has to have any benefits of the British, so she spares no effort to make a large passenger plane project to settle in the UK.

In fact, the bag must be low-key. After all, it has been reported in the UK in the UK. But with his identity and strength, it is low-key to low-key. With the longest exchanges with the queen, it is enough to explain the problem. The British royal family is also looking at people's dishes, no interests and benefits, and will not do it.

I didn't let everyone wait for a long time, and the signing ceremony in the morning is officially started.

The oversized passenger plane is a strategic project, of course, to be signed by the heavyweight leader. The British Prime Minister Thatcher Mrs. Thatcher is not allowed, and it seems to be the most suitable choice.

As for four companies, I have to select a representative. At four of the previous days have signed agreements, the frame box is allocated.

Aircraft factory, Macarva's most voice. There were many Bao Zixuan that had been moved before. At this time, I can't fight with this child.

Wheat Tangner is very excited, today is absolutely highlighting in life.

So many media, as well as the arrival of well-known people, and eventually he became the star character of the scene, this kind of good thing, can be met. There is a huge benefit to add awareness in the world.

Although the reputation in the United States is not very good, it is not so unbearable in the UK. And the Wakah Tangha is a good thing, that is, there is no woman to break up after breaking up. The money is in place, and the ability to control the ability is also very critical.

At least in understanding the problem of girl's mentality, Bunzi Xuan has not comparable in small wheat.

With the lady and Macon of Thatcher, the contract is officially entry into effect on the investment agreement. In the next five years, Four jointly established UK Luton aircraft manufacturing companies will invest 10 billion US dollars, used in the construction of oversized aircraft factories, and the improvement of supporting facilities.

Of course, it is 10 billion US dollars, and it will definitely not use so much. Several companies will inevitably transport their own machinery and equipment to save part of the cost. Four familys have their own factories, and it is impossible to cheaper.

But even if this is, it is also scary. What is the concept of 10 billion US dollars, at least until now, the United Kingdom still does not need to invest so much funds.

After signing the contract, you must hold a press conference. Moreover, the British invited a lot of well-known media, so it can play a good choice. Also let other companies have a look at the UK investment is a wise choice.

Black Cloud Group, Mitsubishi Corporation, Motorola, and Mai Dao company are big companies, they come over and build factories, but they can drive the surroundings.

The surrounding skin, and the supporting industry will inevitably boost high; do not hurry, and may lose the opportunity later.

In fact, it is so simple that the press release will be as simple as the BBC is broadcast on this signing ceremony. Most countries and regions around the world can see that they also include Xiangjiang, but also a focus on playing objects.

BBC, referred to as BBC; Founded in 1922, headquartered in London, England, predecessis British Broadcasting Company, is the world's largest news media.

BBC began to provide TV services in 1936, which is the world's first TV station. In 1967, BBC used color signals to broadcast Wen Bulden Tennis Open, which opened the color TV era.

As the world's initial, the world has the most wide coverage, and it is also the most influential TV station. For this signing ceremony, BBC has taken out his own skills. Even if the signal is not covered, you must also find a local TV station. This can be a free advertisement, at least let the world look, the British economy is recovering.

Black Cloud Group Bunxuan, a man who can point a stone. Nowadays, it is today's future development, or it will not come over the British local investment. Do you have to doubt, don't miss the opportunity.

The high visibility is good, the signing ceremony has passed the past half a month. The land price of Luton has doubled, and Baozi Xuan has also profitable 2.4 billion pounds. However, you can't sell the land, so the Luton land will become worthless; the British does not hate him.

The press conference cannot only let the small Mc, Donner, and the on-site reporters will not agree. This group of innocent kings, sometimes it is really impossible to sin.

In order to adapt to modern development, Bilain Han Palace also has a newsroom. But today is not used, people come too much. I have to build a place on the square for this press conference.

The area of ​​Buckingham Palace does not have to be suspicious, as for other issues, BBC will get it. Professional things are handed over to professionals. As for others, just work with it.

On the temporary building, five people left separately.

The British Prime Minister Thatcher is sitting in the middle, and the left and right sides are Motorola's Robert Galvin, Mitsubishi's Hikasaki, Bunzi Xuan and Xiaomi Donner sitting outside. This arrangement is still very reasonable, at least what is wrong.

However, in the UK, a reporter meeting is not very good, this is even more like this. All problems must be handed over to BBC reporters to ask, other media can only transfer the problem to BBC journalists. Then delete the problem before you can ask.

In fact, this is also a manifestation of the British, and they are worried that reporters ask some sensitive issues. The people on the stage have brought trouble, which will lose the meaning of the grand contract.

At present, the British Empire does not say thousands of holes, but it can be went there. The regression of Xiangjiang, the major colonies in the world have independently, and some columns of domestic economic weakness and more are urgently needed.

At this time, four companies can come over, Britain, will inevitably be questioned, will be embarrassed. He Yes, British, can make four multinational groups invested in investment, and they still have such a large scale.

Many developed countries in the world are busy establishing a scientific town. Although the current effect is not very obvious, you can do not want domestic well-known companies to invest in other countries. If it is a war period, it is not a crime.

Comprehensive consideration, all questions are given to BBC screening after deciding whether to ask. In this way, although other national media is dissatisfied, it is a Buckingham Palace here. Many rules are also unclear; the British is not very good for safety considerations.

It is estimated that this is dare to do this. The news media interviewed freedom, but it is not an empty talk and a set.

The BBC reporter is collected on the surface, but it is actually ready for the plan. They are the first to get news, and the preparation time is much more than other media.

Before you ask questions, the royal family still wants to introduce the rules in the Royal Palace. After all, this is the British Queen's residence, etiquette problems must be controlled.

The British royal family can exist for hundreds of years, and there must be some people. No one is envious, but since people's chassis, comply with the rules is the basic principles.

The total management of Buckingham Palace first opened: "First of all, on behalf of the Queen, all the people of the British welcome the arrival. The UK is a very good country, I hope that you can have fun in the UK and have a good time."

"Today is the day of signing the investment agreement with the British government. I hope that the media reporters can maintain the site order. Ask some questions about investment, future development and planning, as for other sensitive topics, or after passing, I hope that you can understand Thank you at the time. "

The British royal family is also reminding the reporter that it means obvious. I hope that the reporter should cooperate, don't make things that harm the British Imperialism. If you really don't stand, you have to bear the corresponding consequences. Although there is no understanding, no one is stupid, can you can't hear it.

The British did double insurance, set the rules, and they can't ask them directly. Otherwise, other media reporters are difficult to drill empty unless there is an accident.

Jenna Roy is the UK BBC News Channel host, in the British San Island. Arrange her to come over today, it is also a real time.

After reading the assistant, submit it. Jenna Roy is also a big head; after today, if it is not expected; the people, including other media reporters will inevitably have a question. This is a double-edged sword, just see how to deal with it. The pressure is reappeared, and the situation cannot be asked in accordance with the issues written by other media, everything is based on BBC. Waiting for a while, you can ask, if you are not enough, you can only say bad.

BBC is so tightened, who can let this are the British, the home of people!

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