The first question is sure to ask questions about the most important people on the spot. Queen did not participate in the press conference, then the Prime Minister Thatcher was deserved. And here is in the UK, in addition to Mrs. Thatcher is also women, according to international practices, it is true to respect women; in short, the first question throws her quasi.

Jenna Roy first asked: "The Prime Minister, Hello! First, I will introduce it, I am Jenna Roy, from BBC."

"In recent years, the British economy is relatively weak, which has been seriously behind. Although there is a improvement in the past few years, it is still not satisfactory. I want to ask, where is the way in the future of the British economy; Like Side and Japan, find the economic path for the United Kingdom. "

This problem is very big and more macro. Only a few people in front have given an answer. Therefore, there is no difficulty, and it is relatively moderate. This grand scene is so grand today, you must be happy.

Mrs. Thatcher smiled and said: "Thank you for your attention to the British economy, the UK as the initiator of the first industrial revolution. The high-end industry will be mainstream, it is indeed a rapid development of Japan and Sidens. No matter Acknowledgment, the British economic growth is slow. "

"But as long as you find out what is good, it is good to solve, painful, Britain must transform to high-end industries and manufacturing."

"We have the best universities and education systems in the world, and the talent reserves are rich. In the engine area, we are listed in the forefront of the world. Whether it is aerospace, ship engine, automotive engines have obvious technical advantages. Therefore, we must have technical advantages Industry focuses on support and cultivation. "

"At the same time as the industry, tourism and other related service industries should also keep up. The UK has too many existence of the world, and will also do key publicity in the future. At the same time, increase the service supporting system, and do our utmost to ensure the experience and safety of tourists from the United Kingdom. "

"The UK has transcended by France in the luxury industry in the luxury industry. This is not. Brand needs to sedimentally, I believe that there is no more advantage in this regard, so this is also the future of the future."

"British changes and innovation come from aspects, as long as I am in the prime minister, I must work hard and struggle with established goals. As long as it is unwavering out of the road to the UK's economic development, then our economic volume will never Like this now. "

Mrs. Thatcher said very much, and it is very specific. Low-end cheap products are not suitable for development in the UK. Relatively high land prices, artificial costs, etc., allowing it to advance towards high-end fields.

It is good to have some foundation, or it will be very headache.

The reporter recorded every one.

This may be a good time to make money. The national support and key promotion projects will inevitably be available. Do not say that entering, buying related company stocks, is also a good choice.

And the amount of information given by Mrs. Thatcher is very large, which is not impossible before. It seems that several multinational companies come over and have made their confidence.

However, today's protagonist is more than one, there are other four entrepreneurs. The reporter would like more to ask questions, after all, it will be the movement of him in recent days. It is good to have BBC, everything will follow the process. Otherwise, it will not be annoyed, will let him drink a pot.

Jenna Roy continued to taste: "Mr. Calwin, what do you think of this time in British investment. As one of the world communications and chip giants, Motorola is how investment countries and regions."

What do you think of the UK, over the investment were not enough it! As to study the investment countries and regions, it touches reporters at the scene to take seriously. Motorola have any requests, reported back to the country is also an information; and may even become a power in the future instead.

Robert - Calvin said with a smile: "In fact, Motorola have come to study in Britain 40 years ago, too, but when the conditions are not very mature and Motorola products are relatively small volume, low logistics costs accounted for this no. past investment in other countries, the United Kingdom, too. "

"Britain has many advantages, the communications industry and chip industry requires a lot of talent to join the British higher education level recognized worldwide, believe that this will not disappoint."

"As Motorola's investment criteria, involves a series of factors personnel, transportation, policy, really bad answer, but the most recent standard is very simple, as long as the bun Xuan feeling things to do, I basically will invest."

"At present, biotite and Motorola two companies worked out really well, but this kid buns Xuan to control aspects of the economy better than I even do not recognize there is no way. Like-minded people together mutual cooperation, mutual support, is also a good choose."

Robert - Calvin has long been famous, but also inherited his father. Motorola business in their hands more quickly than before development. Now commented buns Xuan, who did not think.

It seems this is the heart beat recognition, otherwise impossible to say. Cooperation with dark Group, Motorola must be earned bad. It seems mature businessman, gain face with respect to the money, it is not worth mentioning.

It is because word, Motorola shares rose another 15%, which is likely to influence the richest man in the package.

According to previous rehearsal, first of Mitsubishi Iwasaki Hony ask questions. However, Robert - Calvin mentioned buns Xuan. Then you can not go around, good reporter resourcefulness definitely not weak.

Jenna - Roy asked: "Mr Bao, hello Mr. Calvin has just mentioned that you pulled him over British investment, dark time in the UK last two weeks of action first big acquisition of Bentley Motors,!. then we set up the car engine development and manufacturing center, and now to invest in large passenger aircraft. "

"If the UK is not optimistic about the economy, it will not be possible. I would like to ask what is the reason, allowing you to spare no effort to invest in the UK."

While asking very subtle, but a bad back will be pushed to the cusp. Brits still do not trust, always looking for something. Of course, there is also a component of advertising, the current buns Xuan is a living sign; as long as he agreed, and the deal certainly can not go wrong.

Buns Xuan said with a smile:. "Miss Roy thanks questions, but I want to say the word is spared some deficiencies"

"The acquisition of Bentley, the establishment of automotive engine development, manufacturing centers, as well as the large aircraft project investment; biotite total cost not to exceed $ 10 billion."

"Maybe others would say that I show off their wealth, but at the moment the money throughout the dark outside investment, the proportion really is not."

"Before the United Kingdom is more like pearl dust, there are too many advantages of the project have not been excavated. I lived two years in England, would not say how much of the British Isles economic understanding, but at least a lot stronger than most people."

"A country that has a huge advantage in technology, there's no a leading enterprise in the field. Could not imagine, can only say that the center of gravity of British businessman not put industry."

"I first watch the world is in the UK, it is exactly to the Oxford reading; I learned that there are too many things that I don't know in this world, I have opened my eyes."

"However, it is to know that in Britain's investment can be, limited to fund issues, the strength is not allowed. You can only remember these people, thinking that there is a chance to come back later."

"This time, I will come over, more, improve the industrial chain of the Black Cloud Group. Although many business can make money, I will prefer industrial. The financial industry is very simple, but it is very limited to human civilization. "

"My goal is to send people to Mars, and this goal has never changed. The future will inevitably develop to the space field, the aerospace technology requires too many technological accumulation; of course, more funds."

"The UK has a strong technical advantage in the aerospace sector. I believe that there will be a tree under the support of a lot of money."

I heard Bunzu Xuan said $ 10 billion investment is a small money, others are really can't be worn. It seems that poverty does limit the imagination, I am afraid that the world is in addition to Bunxuan, the average person really does not dare to say this.

However, the other party refers to the development of the aerospace industry, then the British investment will be sympathy.

The rocket engine requires technical accumulation, and the UK engine field has technical advantages in the world. It seems that the ambition of Bunxuan is very big, and the goal of people is the star sea.

If it is the average person, it will definitely be said that it will not say self-strength. But Bunzi Xuan, the outsider is really not good.

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