One billion dollars is small money, the funds are not a lot, maybe most can understand. But I have to send people to Mars, really whims. You must know that it is now a live broadcast of the world, although I have long known that Bunzu Xuan is very large. At this time, most talents in the world find that the boss of the original Black Cloud Group is really dare to do.

Many people are not optimistic, but if they can understand, then Bun Zi Xuan has become a rich. The idea of ​​these genius engineers can only look up.

Mars is still very far, at least there is already aircraft reaches Mars orbits. But this thing is too far away, and it is more important.

Jenna Roy said: "Mr. Bao is not a genius that is difficult for a hundred years. The idea is really difficult. However, we will wait and see, I hope to see the day of mankind to Mars."

This is a very good transfer of the topic, after all, this blueprint is too magnificent. If you are chasing it, you may not continue to talk.

Jenna Roy continued to ask: "Mr. Viosaki, Mitsubishi as one of the world's largest industrial giants. It is the first time to invest in British investment. What is the cause of Mitsubishi to invest in British investment."

In fact, four companies are the first time I come over, I will find out the cause of the British economic depression from here. The Black Cloud Group has a short period of time and may be an excuse. But the other three have a long time, and it is a leader in our respective fields. Drainage is also a reason, so that the British is also aware of the previous mistakes and begins to gradually change.

The translation of Yokoi Hiyi and other translations have begun to answer.

In this regard, the Japanese people are very guilty, even if they can understand the translation. Not only is respect and self-confidence, of course, there is a big relationship with the strict. After all, it is not a professional, or I still have to translate into my mother tongue, and it is relatively safe.

" . .. .. . The field of field, with the field of local business advantages overlap too much. "

"However, this British is with Mr. Black Cloud Baozi Xuan. I think this is a cooperative invitation that anyone or enterprise cannot refuse. The oversized passenger plane project is four joints. And it is also the advantage of each family, believe in strong Strong combination must be able to kill a blood road in the international market. "

Mitsubishi Advantages are machined with machining, while a plane requires many parts. We can guarantee that the parts of Mitsubishi processing will definitely make everyone disappoint, and the safety performance will be the weight.

It is Bao Zi Xuan, so I also played an advertisement for the company.

However, people are getting used to, people who have a little understanding. Bao Zi Xuan a phone, letting another three corporate heads fly to British, or if there is absolute trust, no one will come over.

The press conference will continue to continue, Jenna Roy continues to ask. There is also an important figure nothing, and still standing in the C bit today.

Jenna Roy said: "Mr. Xiaoma, Hello! Mai Mai Company as an overlord level of the aircraft industry, has not established a factory in the United States. What is the reason for this? Mai Mai company has established production bases in the UK. "

During the cold war, the aircraft factory is definitely a strategic enterprise. How can I get to the foreign building, even if the United States and the UK relationship is good, it is impossible to agree. But now it is not the same, this construction is mainly based on the Black Cloud Group, and Boeing does not want McDee to build a large-scale passenger plane in the United States. It will undoubtedly weaken their resources. The US government and related departments will close one eye, close one eye, so it is good for everyone.

In fact, Macarona is still very interested in this beauty in front of him, but the girl is also divided into sitting and time. Here is a Buckingham Palace, even if it is installed. Now I have established a plant in the UK, and I have a big time to take it. For the pursuit of girls, especially reporters, small wheat is still very experienced.

Wakah Tangner said with a smile: "About establishing a factory in the UK, there is a consideration during his family in your family. However, the conditions at the time are not mature, and there is no realization."

"There are many air related supporting companies in the UK, whether Boeing, or void, of course, Mai Mai, has purchased a lot of parts from the UK."

"But you will find that there is no large passenger machine production plant in the British, which is not imagined. The aviation strength of the British is serious, and Mai Tao is looking at this point without hesitation to the British construction plant."

The world knows that the British industrial foundation is very good. The aviation industry can even be in front of the world, and there is no finished product to appear in the market, or people are still Now it is directly broken by the small chimdonal, and it can be said that this kid is still a bit young.

The British Aviation Industry has no finished passenger aircraft, which is because of several countries. This is involved in too many political factors, and the average person is really unclear.

Jenna Roy said with a smile: "Small Mac Donner is worthy of aviation world, it is very understandable to the development of aviation technology in the world. I believe that with the superplified passenger plane project to settle in the UK, the entire national aviation industry will inevitably go to the building "

"There are many reporters and friends in the scene, I want to ask Mr. Bun Xuan's question, that is where you think is the future of the British economy."

This topic is large enough, and there is no uncommon question in Buckingham Palace. But should not be asked to Bunxuan, you have to know that the British Prime Minister Thatcher is next to it. He is just a businessman, but it is still an outsider.

What do you mean, isn't it more? It is easy to misunderstand, even if the iron lady is high, what other people will think.

On the occasion of Bao Zixuan, the iron lady smiled and said: "It seems that the package is already a economist in the eyes of the media, don't have any concerns. You can talk from other perspectives, the side bystand, the authority is fascinated. I am the Prime Minister, It may not be very clear. "

In this formal occasion, call Bao Xuan as a school brother. It seems that two people are very private, and the Mrs. Thatcher makes it viewed. There is an old saying in Huaxia, and the prime minister can travel in the belly. No wonder people can become the prime minister, chest is broad than men.

I have said this, I saw the eyes of the on-site reporter expect. Bao Zi Xuan knows that he can't hide, and said directly to the scalp: "I am studying the engineering department, just doing business. For the economic development of a country, the research is not very deep. At least a professional is not right, usually not much attention. "

"If there is any wrong place, please forgive me. Or just simply listen, the right is a kind of pastime."

First, I will pick yourself, in case some people enter a certain industry because of his opinion, then a huge loss, even if you don't say anything, you will be happy. Every day is chanting, it is not a good thing.

Baozi Xuan continued: "The UK can rely on industrial foundation, develop high-end industries. Limpool is called the world factory, and now the status is gradually decline. According to the current development situation, it may not be used for a few years; Liverpool Industry will recession, even disappear "

"The UK is an island country, its own region is small, limited resources. You must take high-end industrial route, produce high, fine, pointed products, as for other public products, can be put abroad."

"Only develop high-end industries, because the current British power supply is very limited. Maybe there is no problem now, but with technology continues to develop. More and more equipment needs to appear; British, and even the whole world will inevitably appear electric shortage "

"Anti-hairy is not important, but the geographic location of the UK is not possible to build too many power plants. The power problem will not resolve, the future will inevitably have contradictory."

"In addition, the British tourism resources can be used, many attractions are very famous in the world. You can do this article in this regard, and you can let the world know more about the UK."

For Baozi Xuan said power supply problem, there is not enough attention to the British. Until the energy and electricity crisis truly approaches, people have turned out today's interview. No feelings, no wonder people can become the world's richest, it has long been very clear.

Some people really listen to the opinions of Baozi Xuan, but also earned a lot of money. In short, this time is analyzed in Britain, the head of the bag is not mentioned. How do you say that the prime minister is next to him, he speaks too much.

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