Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 989 Americans' response

The press conference was completed, and the British royal family was deliberately prepared. It is important to pay attention to investors, of course, to thank officials and entrepreneurs who come to join. Not only is a guest, even the reporters can participate. It may also be to highlight the people 's image of the British royal family, and no one can ignore the propaganda of the reporter.

However, countries around the world have invested in the Black Cloud Group, Motorola, Mitsubishi, and Mc., which have a lot of views. Especially the countries and regions where four companies are located, the people don't seem to buy it.

The greatest response is of course the United States, after all, they have two companies in the past. Moreover, Mai Mai and Motorola are well-known domestic companies in China, actually go abroad to do so big projects. Although the British and the United States have a good relationship, you can also make accounts. Domestic two companies have invested in British in the past, how did you have any messages and winds?

Now everything has been a foregone, the United States has always advertised business freedom, and involves the UK. The Soviet Union is still there, and in terms of contradictions with the UK, it is estimated that the Soviet people can smile.

But all don't do anything, and there is nothing in my heart. President Reagan directly puts the Minister of Commerce Howard Malcolm - Puertoiri to the White House, I want to ask what is going on. What preventive measures in the future cannot always be so unknown.

Although the technology town project has already established for a long time, the US enterprigner is still less than the Soviet Union. After all, American companies are private holding, no interests, who can't see hope, who will go to invest.

The Soviet Union is a state-owned enterprise, as long as Moscow wants to do. There must be unconditional execution below, and still do not dare to discount the kind. In contrast, the US science and technology town of the United States is of course behind. Super Machine Manufacturing Base is actually settled in the UK. And Americans still account for half of investment, and they are definitely very unhappy.

Any national head, if you don't consider domestic economic problems; then he doesn't have a long time, and people must be prioritized. With the rise of Japan and the West Germany, in addition to the Hong Kong Black Cloud Group, the country's domestic economic development is not good. At least the public is not very satisfied, the unemployment rate is high.

The two industrial giants are now invested in UK, and the President cannot be indifferent.

Howard Malcolm - Puertoirich, of course, knowing that the root calls him for what is it, in fact, he is also a black. It is not clear until the launch will be clear, McDey and Motorola have invested in UK.

But now, what is it used, it is not aware that it is dereliction of duty. The president must have an explanation, and the people also have to give a statement.

Reagan did not give this love to a good face, and the petition is clearly the compulsory course of the host. As a US president, one of the world's two national leaders,

It can be said that this set of fire is pure.

Ragan: "Motorola and McDo have been in the past UK investment, I hope you can give me an explanation, but also to the public."

Anyone in any country in the world requires a high-end industry, which is an indisputable fact. Now two American well-known companies do not sound in the past, British investment, and there is no previous wind. The US unemployment rate is so high, and if the $ 10 billion investment in the United States, it can solve a big problem.

Howard Malcolm - Puerto Rigch is not very clear, this is what he must answer. It is better to have a good understanding before you come over.

It can only be said with a sharp scide: "This Motorola and the Mc Deco company temporarily decided to invest in the UK, and did not have this plan before. It is also my dereliction of duty, I didn't expect them to decide so soon."

Black Cloud United Mai Tao, Motorola, Mitsubishi jointly developed a large passenger plane, and the US Department of Commerce has long got news. Before it was just a feeling of assembling in the wheatway, four companies were reported by Motorola, which was responsible for chip and communication system, Mitsubishi, responsible for parts processing, and black clouds were responsible for engine development; finally made from Mai Mai.

Arranged is still very reasonable, and the advantages of several companies can play. Moreover, the McDee has a ready-made workshop, which can be put into use.

Who can think of it, suddenly a large passenger plane project is so moving. It's late now, it's late, after all, wood has become a boat. Is the US Department of Commerce to prevent Motorola and McDe to build a factory in the UK, then the relationship with the British period, don't want to know how will it be.

Raggang looked at this hard work, at least so far, the Minister of Commerce, still very satisfied. However, this thing must have a statement, but also to ensure that similar events cannot appear.

Malcolm - Pudori's ability does not have to doubt, know that he has got a huge surprise after the end of the business ministers.

After the term of office, the President Rago deliberately uses his name; name a award, this honor is not anyone.

The US Malcolm-Pudorch National Quality Award was established by the former President Ren in 1987, aimed at establishing a quality award project. The eviction of people's attention and commitment will work quality as a state of the country, to help the United States' economic recovery. By rewarding US organizations that have determined quality and excellent performance, they give them a high honor to establish a national incentive mechanism and system in terms of quality. And will share the successful experience of the award-winning enterprise to share the majority of enterprises; guide the company to apply excellent performance models to conduct self-assessment; promote continuous improvement of enterprises, improve enterprises and national competitiveness.

I don't know if there is such a major mistake in this life, and I can get this honor.

Reagan: "What is the way to remedy now, at least in the future, there will be this situation in the future. As the Minister of Commerce, you should know what the domestic economy is in the United Kingdom. It means to add a powerful competition to American companies. Righteousness, can't fall. "

The Ragag said that if you know the four companies jointly develop a large-scale passenger plane project to settle in the UK. It is necessary to stop what is said, and there is no reason to do everything. Nowadays, the British has held a grand press conference, which is discontinued, and there is no different from self-cut.

During the Cold War, Europe as a bridgehead of the Soviet Union and the geographical location is very important. The British is also a bridge between the European continent and the United States, and it can be seen from Germany during World War II. Rank to the United Kingdom, not conducive to the US national strategy. I can only endure first, and everything is currently being weakened by the Soviet Union.

Can not do anything, unconditionally support allies, and harm the core interests of the United States.

Malcolm - Pudori said seriously: "This is the black cloud group Bao Xuanli, this kid is too fast. Under normal circumstances, the early test takes half a year or even longer. Can Bao Zixuan actually Don't be banned according to common sense, I don't know what the British promises, but I decided to establish a large passenger plane production base in the UK in the UK. "

"Plus the Black Cloud Group has earned too much profit in the international market in recent years. All partners have earned a lot of money, and there is no conditional trust."

"The business department is just staring at the trend of the Black Cloud Group, especially when Bao Zixuan cooperates with the United States. There will be this problem, and it also hopes that other departments will give cooperation."

It is still very implicit, and other departments must refer to the intelligence department. Ragan is a smart person, of course, what is the meaning of Marcom - Puerto Rigchi. But some words can't be said, or it is not good for everyone.

Arrange the intelligence department to investigate a legal businessman, once this is exposed; it is a scandal, everyone can't afford this consequence.

Reagan: "There is a chance to invite Bunxuan to come over, no matter whether it admits. This kid has become a benchmark figure in the business field, as long as he passes, you can bring jobs."

"When you feel some kindness, don't always take antitrust investigation."

The US Department of Commerce is undoubtedly an anti-monopoly investigation, but also repeatedly trying.

As the first largest, Black Cloud Group, plus the influence of Bunxuan. If you do it, how can people invested in the United States. Driven such excellent enterprises to the graves.

In fact, Ren also knows that the Black Cloud Group will develop so, it will definitely be the heart of the heart. But still in that, the Soviet talent is the first threat. The United States wants to achieve advantages in the cold war, so economic increments are very important.

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