Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 990 is relatively pragmatic

The Ragan didn't know that he did a decision that made it regretted. Malcolm - Puerto Rigch is absolutely mentally ill, it is basically completed. Now let go of the Black Cloud Group to make monopoly investigations, where the president's order will define.

The United States does develop economy, and the Black Cloud Group is indeed the first largest US tax. But the core industry of Baozi Xuan is not here, and the United States is much more powerful than black clouds. Just, this is a reasonable tax avoidance method. Bunxuan may not be doing this; of course, it is not dare, at least this is the case.

It is because of a command of President Reagan, giving a gold development opportunity and timing of the Black Cloud Group. Baozi Xuan didn't know in the past British investment, but also brought so good, I didn't have to happen.

Also, I didn't settle the oversized passenger plane to the Chinese mainland, or the Americans will not talk like now. It is also because it is a disaster, or it really doesn't know how to pay.

The Japanese people can be accepted relative to the expression of Americans. Although the national machinery manufacturing level is high, it is limited to the failure of the World War II to defeat, and basically belongs to a half-disabled state.

Mitsubishi is even if you want to develop a large passenger plane; do not have that condition, there is no ability. Although the United States is relaxed in many industries in Japan, the big aircraft belongs to the strategic level, and Americans will not be able to develop in a short period of time.

Although Japanese companies have made many breakthroughs in the field of electronics and machining, but there are still many strategic weapons and tools.

Zeng Gang, Kang Hong, has been standing in the prime minister, and I was thinking about it. The foundation before the Japanese economy is very good, and he has gone a lot to grow after office. This kind of achievement is not anyone, and the people's support rate is much higher.

When people are not satisfied, the home of the marine civilization is stronger.

If you want money, you have to have technology, of course, think about a higher goal. Japan has developed research and development of the role aircraft in Japan, as a small achievement. However, there is also a technical problem to be solved, or only don't do it.

The Japanese domestic shipbuilding industry is abnormal, but the field of theircraft research and development is basically stayed at World War II. Americans are there, the Japanese still don't dare to make their eyes, and even small movements are not willing to take risks.

Without large aircraft related technologies, it means that you can only engage in small role aircraft. Small products do not have strategic value at all, more like a toy that usual.

At this time, the Japanese financial ministers are going to report the relevant situation to Zeng Kanghong in the Prime Minister; to say that the financial ministerial capacity is also a top level.

Otherwise how could the top, then it is to become Japanese prime minister.

Noboru Takeshita, February 1924 Born on 26 Shimane Prefecture hang close family members of a county village, Yong-made bamboo under their parent's home is under bamboo inserted down the door son. Long-term business wine industry, well-off families still at home. His father also worked as a "Founding" (equivalent to mayor).

Noboru Takeshita's parents hope that he can succeed, the family line, especially his mother, a strict discipline of his son, to his hard work, conscientiously study and are not allowed to appear the slightest emotional neglect. At the same time asking him to comply with "any time, do not let other people get angry," the life truth. Takeshita Gordon Though renowned political arena, but as a child he was very general, some of the rhetorical exercise of writers wanted to explore all sorts of amazing stories of his childhood, but no results from the search, but the mother of the sons of others and abide by the motto back decades.

Since 1951, has served for seven consecutive years, Mr Shimane Parliament; since 1958, 11 consecutive elected to the House of Representatives. 1963 of the Ikeda Cabinet MITI Parliamentary Secretary, Sato faction in the party belonging, depending Sato political division.

Sato taught him success in the political arena many tricks and special skill, but also his philosophy of long-term abide by the result of patience and waiting for the opportunity. Eisaku Sato came to power in 1964, he served as Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary; 1966 Congress vice chairman of countermeasures.

July 1971 Sato reorganized under the Cabinet after the bamboo for the first time into the cabinet, he served as chief cabinet secretary, in 1972 to support Tanaka run for president, becoming the Tanaka faction important backbone, Tanaka Cabinet first deputy LDP secretary-General, the reappointment Cabinet 1974 Cabinet reshuffle Executive. January 1976 any cabinet minister Takeo Miki construction. Masayoshi Ohira came to power in late 1978, he served as chairman of the House Budget Committee, in November 1979 the Minister of any large reservoir, due to the implementation of fiscal austerity and acclaimed. Possession of 1982 continued in the phase when Yasuhiro Nakasone Cabinet.

Of course, the more familiar later Noboru Takeshita is from 1987; the full term of Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, coupled with public opinion have constantly exposed the bribery suspects and incidents peach, Nakasone intended to retire. He continued to wield political power for the LDP and avoid party divisions, designated the party's most powerful Takeshita as president of the Liberal Democratic Party to any of the 12.

But also the Finance Minister Gordon possession of bamboo under the guidance and help as many years following his return. Nakasone of these considerations and decisions within the Liberal Democratic Party is in line with most people's wishes. So, Noboru Takeshita in as president by the Liberal Democratic Party, but also by both houses of Congress passed, he became Japan's 74th prime minister of any government. November 1987, Noboru Takeshita officially took office, and was ordered by Congress of the cabinet. Noboru Takeshita finally boarded the throne, Prime Minister, to achieve a long-cherished wish of his for many years.

Nakasone said: "Jun Takeshita, Mitsubishi respect to the past to explain what the British investment."

Although the country is in a big town to establish science and technology can expand outwards for domestic enterprises, and there is no clear limit. Investment in mining, raw material hoarding equal off the field will be even more support. From this pragmatic relatively easy to see the Japanese, at least know that enterprises should develop in that direction.

But too late expansion, it led to the loss of 30 years.

Takeshita Gordon not neglect the strong level of consciousness in Japan. As subordinates, superiors questioning not only serious answer, but also to do it respectfully. So serious back and said:. "Mitsubishi has to explain aspects of the Ministry of Finance, is the first step out of Japanese companies to develop large aircraft"

"Iwasaki said Hony when the UK to the domestic report, the current Japanese domestic enterprises do not have a grasp large aircraft development and manufacturing processes. Mitsubishi technical strength as the strongest local companies, willing to try."

"Americans are not so reliable, critical moments still have to rely on themselves. Black clouds are in aerospace engine; Motorola is in communication and chip fields; McDe is the top of the industry. Mitsubishi will send the best engineers, Even if it takes a lot of money, it is necessary to bring full technology to Japan. "

If you can really eat over-large passenger plane technology, it is excited than buying ten mines.

But as the Prime Minister must not be easy to express, especially if the Americans caught the handle. That will bring the whole country to the top of the country, at least severely sanctions.

Zeng Huang Hong: "Mitsubishi's things make them decide, the government does not transition to intervene in business investment in business."

"My age is not small, many things you have to support more. The Japanese economy has developed rapidly in recent years, but it also guards the competitors; more important to guard the knife behind, you have to worry about it."

The government does not intervene, meaning that Zeng Rang Kanghong Mili Mitsubishi's investment in the UK. As long as it is able to get the technology, spend more money and count what. Japanese government and businesses will never be a small gas on money.

However, for age, bamboo will only listen to it. The two are only 6 years old, and the Japanese average life is the first world, the difference between the dock is not. I really don't dare to cross, and I will directly undertake the work that needs to do.

As for the back of the knife behind, it is not necessary to say that it is an American. But now you can only pay attention, you still don't dare to flush with Americans.

Bamboo Down: "Where is the prime minister, I am picking up. What is the matter, however, the bamboo will definitely be defined."

I heard the other party said that Zeng Ganghong was very satisfied. Prove that the bamboo is under understanding, there is a lot of intelligence and the cost of work.

Japan's high-level recognition of Mitsubishi's invested British investment, not only will not find trouble, but also give help when necessary.

It can be said that Viosaki, Hongyi, this step is very high, not only expanded the industrial chain, but also supported by the government. There are too many companies in Japan, and some people must go out first. Mitsubishi must grasp the foundation with the foundation of cooperation with the black cloud.

Do not say that national survival, but at least one guarantee can be held at the time of the crisis.

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