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Shen Yizhen and Ximen - Catheri almost represent the highest decisions of Xiangjiang British enterprises, the things they decided, there is no British who don't have that British in Xiangjiang; many times the governor may also include it. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Tests The proportion of two companies in Xiangjiang British capital is too amazing, especially Jiulong Cang, and Huangpu, and Dele Fengyang will be acquired by Hua Yue.

In the United Kingdom may have constraints on Xiangjiang British enterprises, but there is not so much influence in the hearts of China. But now there is a variety of variables, Baozi Xuan has invested in the UK, is it ahead of time?

Huo Yingdong has never contacted Bunxuan since the last time from Huaxia mainland; of course, there is still a small contact with other Chinese. It feels more than the national and conscience before it is worthy of the national and conscience. If you continue, you will inevitably cause the dislike, so that it is so, you can't get it more and more.

Suddenly I received the Black Cloud Group not only to invest, and a large company in the past UK. Let him understand that Bao Zixuan is different from him. It is also necessary to pay attention to, so I have been closed. But today Xiangjiang's famous Hua Shang came over to visit and let him have to come up with reception.

Dong Hao Yun has not appeared for a long time, and it is no longer available at this time. There is too much change in Baozi Xuan, but the body of the old man is very bad, it is estimated that there is not much time.

The boat king bag is very down, basically not involved in any activity. It is mainly necessary to absorb and digest the acquisition of the company, it has given it out.

As for Li Chao and Li Zhaki, the qualified businessman is basically not too much. Relatively speaking, Hu Yingxiang is more familiar with Huo Yingdong; but recently seems to have disappeared, basically can't see people.

Zheng Yu with the last remark, but at least the relative pit, at least on his head. I haven't appeared in China for a long time. It can be said that there is a lot of crack between Xiangjiang Chinese business, which is the most reluctant to see Huo Yingdong.

Today, so many people come together, and you must take yourself in love. The generation is high, and the strength is strong in what is in what.

After the guests please visit the living room, Huo Yingdong said with a smile: "How do you have time today, it is really difficult. I haven't gathered it for a long time, I have two cups in my evening."

Because in recent time, there is always a contradiction before Chinese business, it has almost no time together. Everyone looks uncomfortable with each other, and it doesn't make sense to arrange together.

It is also strange that it is a bit contradictory of Tongbao Xuan. The first fortune does not know what is going on, it seems that as wealth has increased, friends in Xiangjiang have fewer and fewer.

Maybe this is that people often say that the heights are not cold, and wealth is not all good things.

According to the wealth, the king of the package should not let people talk. Some occasions are not only looking at wealth, and the status of the rivers and lakes is also very important.

Dong Hao Yun said how to be ready, the qualifications are older. At this point, everyone will look at him, meaning is very obvious, you are always talking!

In fact, Dong Hao Yun did not want to come over, and the body is getting worse and has rarely participate in this activity. In addition, it is too small to meet the same buns in recent years, and I really don't know what this young is thinking.

When I bould n't be bought, the other party was sad. And the money that is earned, you don't want to disturb the people again.

Everyone knows that with Bao Xuan is doing business, it will definitely make money, but sometimes I am embarrassed. People don't owe you, why must you take you.

The Xiangjiang Hua Shang came over Huo Yingdong, for the family to make more good deeds, or decided to come over. There is no time, but the family must also inherit. It is impossible to sin, it is to give birth to the future.

At the last time Huo Yingdong and Baozi Xuan have passed the Chinese continent together, as for what happened, no one knows. However, the other party came back from Huaxia to the UK, and it was so moving so much. It is impossible to say that it is certainly impossible, and the specific details are only Ko Yingdong.

Although Dong Haoyun is reluctant, but still said: "Huzon, the last time, you have passed the Chinese mainland in the past, what happened. Can you disclose it to you, if it is inconvenient, if it is inconvenient, even if it is inconvenient."

About the last time, Huo Yingdong will certainly not say it. After all, it is very shameful, he is not willing to be remembered. But so many scented rivers will come over, and must explain the situation. I only felt that Bunxuan influence is very affected. I didn't expect an action to make Xiangjiang chicken and dogs. It seems that it is necessary to evaluate it from the new definition.

Huo Yingdong: "If you want to ask, please say that Dong Lan is also very understandable to the Chinese mainland. According to my knowledge of the small British investment, it is only ordinary business behavior. Black cloud is a company, and the expansion is normal."

"Previously in the United States, Japan, the Middle East, China, Brazil has investment, but this time it is converted to the UK. I am not engaged in industrial manufacturing, but I don't say that the UK is still in the industrial field."

"What did the UK investment cannot be represented, the construction of Black Cloud Town has not stopped. Where is the investment in the Chinese mainland, the Black Cloud Group improves the industrial chain, it is normal!"

"As for us in the Chinese mainland, there is nothing; unpleasant things have been explained very clear, the small bag is not so small."

"Everyone is a business person, where is money to earn, and where to invest in the past; it is not very thick. Before there is too many counseling, it will lead to this now."

"So everyone should not have a burden, at least in my opinion,"

Although this explanation is not so perfect, there are even a lot of vulnerabilities. It can be carefully analyzed that there is no reason, although it has subjective initiative, but at least one statement.

I don't know if they are dark than them.

Bao Yugang used to be the first rich in Xiangjiang, and must also understand things. It is mainly going back to explain to the father, come over and consult Huo Yingdong is the meaning of the father. Wrilling, I have to say: "Huzan, we have been to the Chinese mainland, and it is also understanding that it is attitude on the issue of Xiangjiang."

"The small bag is invested in the UK this time, it will inevitably make people doubt. You are more close to him, is it to communicate, see what he meant."

This is very difficult, even if the relationship is better, it is not convenient. But the face of the boat king should give it or give it. Huojia has already gone from the Bao Zi Xuan, is not good to break the face of other Chinese businessmen.

Huo Yingdong: "About the Black Cloud Group invested in Britain, you still don't interpret it. To put it bluntly, it is a personal behavior of small advice, and it is a commercial confidentiality of people."

"If you have to ask a clear, it will make people feel difficult and disgusting. But I can guarantee you to everyone. Huo family will never go to British investment. Xiangjiang returns to Huaxia mainland, and the pace of development will not change."

"The roots are in Xiangjiang, will there be an advantage in the UK! I don't want to continue to evaluate this point, but I hope to be rational to think about this."

Black Cloud Group is an industrial company, and there are many other Chinese businessmen in Xiangjiang engaged in real estate industries. It is very policies that in the past, the UK, but it is a big risk.

As the Chinese mainland economy is getting better and better, Xiangjiang will inevitably grow high. There is no core technology in their hands, don't say that they go to British, and some play in Southeast Asia.

Huo Yingdong will not leave, although there are some subjective awareness. It can also be enough to explain that the established policy of Xiangjiang should not change, Huo Jia also has a big gang to live.

Many people still have skeptical, even if they don't go out; but they are arranged in the UK, and they are also good to buy a property in advance.

Bao Zi Xuan guess the past UK investment will bring a little panic. Just didn't think so big, it seems that before doing any decisions; still have to take things, it is considered.

Not only single, the river Chinese rich and ordinary citizens, even the Xiangjiang employees in the black cloud have some fluctuations. The boss has not discussed with anyone before the past; of course, it is normal as a wholly-owned enterprise, but this time it is going to invest in Britain; especially this The inside has begun to discuss, and there is a nose, which is eye-catching.

For those who are transmitted internal, they can only have a result of processing; direct removal, never hire.

Fortunately, the overall quality of the Black Cloud Group is very high, this kind of person who is gossip, the first batch of people who are recruited. It is made to change the team, and the overall cultural level of the employee has increased a lot, and it is a good thing!

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