About the Black Cloud Group Baozi Xuan's investment in the UK, and with a partner, after a period of transition, it has been covered by other messages. News is very important, no one can always fry. However, it is just aimed at ordinary people, and the true sense of people will continue to pay attention. After all, he follows the richest richest, he is in front of meat, and it is always good to drink some soup behind it.

Baozi Xuan is in the British business community, pointing to Jiangshan, Zhang Tiran, as a newly married wife, has encountered an unexpected person in Scotland, exactly a difficult woman.

Diana came to Scotland with Zhang Tiran, which has always been unconcerned from management. However, the Scottish people are very respectful to Diana, at least very much, this king. Mainly Diana Wang Hao has done a lot of contributions in the field of charity, and it is still the same as the colleagues.

This time, I also participated in a charity dinner, and the charitable dinner is the oldest aristocrat in the Scottish area - Marquis and his lady.

The Douglas family is a nobility of the Scottish lowland, and their ancestors are normans. In the middle of the 12th century, the end of the Douglas family, William-Douglas kneeling under the attraction of Norman Samurai, migrating to Scotland, Sir Scotland, Sir Scotland, also started Douglas family The length of the 3rd century, with the history of the Kingdom of Scotland.

In 1684, he won the Quek of Kunzbury, and in 1810, he also had a margin and inherited it. At the end of the Twelve Occup, the family, the family, still lived in Scamland Largo Castle in Scotland.

The Douglas family has been inherited for 900 years, and history is even more than the British royal family. Therefore, it is very famous in the European noble circle, and at least a ancestor is a bit of relationship. Not only the European nobles, even the US emerging power is also intersected.

Time is in ancient, the title is in a noble, and what is the same, who is compared to. Diana Wang Hao as a Mrs. Wang, the king of the British, and the status of the identity is naturally not to say more. And this time, with the wife of Xiangjiang, the wife of Baixuan, then pay more attention to it.

Who is Baozi Xuan, I am afraid that the earth is knowing. As the rigid wife, wealth, the status is naturally not more introduced.

However, it is a little difficult to make the Marquis and the lady, because today's Miss, the American Lockefeller family, also comes to Scotland, and the name of this Miss is also called Diana. But it is also an angle analysis, it is also a fate, only one step will be taken.

If Bun Zixuan is here, you will feel familiar. Diana Rockefeller came to Scotland to open up the market, and it is also to help him make money.

Strong Dragon does not pressure the land snake, come over, Scotland must first worship the pier.

As the most powerful family, plus Douglas Marquis or the girlfriends of Diana Rockefeller mother; it is also from the United States. There is this relationship, and it will be convenient for work.

Miss Rockefeller, the United States comes over, Scotland, is holding a charity dinner at home, of course, will invite to join.

Bao Zixuan also didn't see Diana Rockefeller for a long time, but it will pay much attention to Best selling. After all, he is the company's shareholders, involving the interests, absolutely can't tiger.

Fortunately, in Priceway will solve all the problems, but don't have the head of the head. Every month's account will be delivered, and there is no error yet. In fact, it is also normal, everyone is a smart person, no one will be in the account; the most important thing is not dare. I am afraid that it is a Rockefeller family to abide by the rules.

I really dare to join the partner, then the name of the name can be ruined. Enterprises are facing listed, even if they are not listed, they will be supervised by the business sector. Tax falsification, the US Taxation Bureau's fines will make you suspect life.

Therefore, for the management and operation of Best sell, Bunzi Xuan has basically not participated. In addition to providing several constructive advice in the early days, they will not be in person with the board of directors. In fact, it is important that the Black Cloud Group can be the first major supplier of Best sells. And the black cloud products are called around the world; in a strong position. If the Lockefeller family and Phil Hawkins dare to move, then it is not a little restricted.

Diana Rockefeller to Scotland did not stay at the hotel, but directly moved into Dramland Rico Castle. It can be seen that the Marquis lady loves her; the relationship is not hard, who will let you live at home. Where is the identity, it is very valid to some things.

The Douglas Marquis of this world is called William-Glas - Douglas, is nearly 70 years old; but his wife, that is, Mrs. Marquis is less than 50 years old. I don't know what this rich woman thinks, I have to find the old man, it may be because of love!

It is a pity that there is no child in the two sons. If you keep the status, then the title will pass to the old marquel's nephew.

For your own nephew, William-Glas-Douglas is still very satisfied, at least very selfish. It is not satisfied that there is no way. He is 70 years old, and there is no hope that you may have children. There is that heart, I am afraid there is no force.

Speaking of the Marquis heir, with Diana Rockefeller is also some origin. It seems that I really like Lock Philler 's Miss; the two are not only age, but also alumni, are graduated by Pennsylvania Business School. No one dares to ignore this big lady of the Lockefeller family. The component of single surname is already enough, let alone the same appearance is still very outstanding.

Douglas Marquis heirs are also one of many pursuits, but they are in the United States; the British aristocrats, and still the identity of the Social Marquis heir. Compare less than other competitions, there is no less than it.

I learned that Diana Rockefeller comes to the Scottish examination market, and they do not let the wizard. In recent days, it is not very affectionate, but the woman is not very cold. Fortunately, I have shown the attitude, I will do my best to match two people, and it is a comfort!

As for Diana, Wang Hao comes to Scotland, and still with Zhang Tiran. The political purpose is more obvious. After all, Scotland is not so friendly to the British royal family in history.

The history of Scotland is an independent kingdom. It was taken up for hundreds of years in England. It has been against England's occupation. It has launched 2 independence war. In 1707, the Kingdom of England was combined into the Great Britain, and although in Diploma, Military , Financial, macroeconomic policies, etc., are accepted by the British Congress, but in internal legislation, administrative management, has a large degree of autonomous space.

The head of Scotland is the current British queen ******. She is the direct descendants of Wang James, King, Scotland, and is not doubtful for the orthodoxism of the Scottish Wangquan. However, about the title of Queen Elizabeth, some Scottish interpretation is invested from England. The reason is that when the so-called Elizabeth is in place, England and Scotland have not been combined into the same country, so for Scottish people. The current queen is the first Elizabeth Queen, so it should be called by the world rather than II. About this claimed controversy Scottish Tribunal has made a formal judgment and should be unified to use the title of ******.

One of the two regions who have been arrested even the queen, and the internal contradictions can I know.

The later generations, advocated the maintenance of the unified work parties to the Scottish Ethnic Party in the Scottish local elections, which makes some Scottish people to have independent ideas. According to the "Scottish future: Scottish independent guide" white paper, Scotland's future guide is held, and finally, about 55% of voters have voted against independent tickets, so the UK will remain unified.

Princess Diana often comes from Scotland, mainly the maintenance relationship. With Zhang Lease, this time, I want to pass the wife's diplomacy, let Scotland recognize the British royal family.

Zhang Hao's husband can be Bao Zixuan, which is recognized in the world, and is one of the most successful businessmen. Come over, the UK, but the whole is not small. Now his lady comes over Scotland, even if you don't invest; you will donate the money in the character of Zhang Leyan.

Let Scottish people see that the British royal family will not forget them. I will not think of England, and it is a balance. Just these, Zhang Tiran is not very clear, the heart still feels the same as Wang Hao.

In fact, it is normal. It has just been graduated for a long time, I marry Bao Zixuan. Many times I haven't adapted to identity, and it is used in normal use.

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