Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 994, Women's Things

Mrs. I was also in the bag, I was carefully dressing. This is his first time to participate in the aristocratic dinner, can't there. If you really have a problem, I am afraid that even my husband is shacking together.

In fact, the lady at this time is still some inferior, or I don't know the true power of my husband. Even the Xiangjiang Media has been overestimating Bunxuan, but in addition to the intelligence structure of all countries, or focus on his people and enterprises. Otherwise, you can only see the Iceberg corner, except for the black cloud, may have a half solution to others.

Diana Rockefeller is also carefully dressing, no matter what; at least the momentum can not lose to the British self-feeling good aristocrat.

Americans can find some British, at least so-called aristocratic etiquette make it uncomfortable. It is no longer 200 years ago, even 100 years ago, the British has arrogant capital. No matter whether it admits or not, their influence in the world has been greatly as good as before. Guo Li is more surpassing in the United States, and all areas are true.

But the arrogance in the British bones, it is difficult to change between the time. At least many people think that they are aristocrats, they still have a big gap with civilians.

Mrs. Marquis came to Diana-Rockefeller room, and saw this beautiful girl in front of him, it can be said that it is very emotion. If the year is not tempting to the noble title, it is estimated that her child should be so big now! But now I think there is anything, and the girlhood can only have memories.

When I saw the Marquis, Diana Rockefeli said, "Langdi Aunt, I can get it here; today you can, don't deliberate me."

Although the top family of the United States, it can come to Scotland to come in front of the elders. The most important thing is very good to her, there is a feeling of treating her as a daughter.

In the Marquis, there is no name for the wife, and it is estimated that only Diana Rockefeller has this face. After all, it is called like this before the United States, and it is also a special request for this Marquis. This looks intimate, and it is more highlighting yourself.

Usually everyone calls it as the Marquis Mrs. I don't know what my name is. Is it a price that married an old man, but this cost is not a big.

Landy Prezk comes from the United States, but for her name, there is basically a few people know. His husband is the Douglas Marquis of this generation, and it is not very thick. But her mother, the strength is equally weak.

The US Plyzk family may be famous without Morgan, Rockefiller is so loud, but the strength is absolutely not to be small.

The Plyzk family with Hyatt Hotel Group is definitely one of the most prosperous giants in the United States.

As a family of families, I marry a old man than my own 20-year-old man; it is very doubtful. It is also estimated that it is only the clearer at the time.

Langdi Pullzk said with a smile: "The guests have the rest of the house, I will be clear about you and your mother. I will not be polite here. I will not be polite; just come over and see, what is the need, or where is there? Not used to. "

"Look at your state, you know which so-called British aristocrat, it is worth mentioning at all in front of you."

After all, the two haven't seen it for a long time, and the last time I met the Lockefeller Miss is less than 20 years old. The female is 18 changes, not only means the appearance, and more important personality will change much. Although the United States is in the United States, although the language is invited, it is a cultural, habit, and hobby. Can't take care of this American Miss in accordance with the preferences of the British aristocrat.

I am worried that the other party is embarrassed in front of them, this is to come over. In fact, there is an important reason, I want to get better resources at the family, and the future Marquis heirs is very critical.

After all, there is no blood relationship with yourself, according to the current situation; the husband will go to the front chance will be more bigger, shouldn't you prepare it in advance?

In fact, Langdi Prezk knows that the identity of Douglas Marquis heirs; it is not to be able to do it, not to mention such a beautiful beauty.

But as long as there is a hopes, you have to do our efforts, and have not given up in her dictionary.

If Diana Rockefeller has become the future of the Marquis, the Douglas family will inevitably be able to get a better floor. And she as a new Marquis couple, plus the status of the old maris, will not fall at home.

I can only say that I have a good idea, the taste of Lockfeller Miss, but is not so low.

But after all, it is in the home, can't say break, and the transfer topic is the best choice.

Diana Rockefeller said with a smile: "Everything is very good, and even many places are better than me in the United States."

"Right, Langdi Aunt. This time I invited anyone, at least let me do it in my heart."

Diana Rockefeller can be a lot of things, and the idea must be much mature. At least the current Zhang Lease can't compare, maybe you can slowly adapt to your identity!

It seems that your sister is so good to education, not only to achieve great achievements in the business community. There is also a place worthy of the details; in contrast, the British so-called aristocratic Miss is a lot.

In the view of Landy Pulz, the success of doing business is not a matter of nothing. After all, the Lockefeller lasts, there is no unsuccessful truth.

Where is the name of the reputation, no matter where it goes, it will give the face. And anyone does not dare to pit you, this is the strength.

But I didn't expect Diana Rockefeller to be able to take the initiative. If you go, this girl is the most dazzling star. Can take the initiative to ask other guests, enough to explain that the other party does not fight unprepared. It's really, the more you like it, just don't know if you can implement it.

The girl took the initiative, Randy Prezk, of course, to answer carefully. This is also a compulsory course as a hostess, or it will be difficult to be recognized in the noble circle.

People who come over and participate in the banquet may not be noble. But it can be invited to be an approved, if the name can not remember. Then how the guests will look at you, is it invited to make the owner humiliate.

This is a big taboo, whoever makes who is dead.

Langdi Pletzk: "This time is just a small party, there is no more than many people."

"All are noble and entrepreneurs in Scotland, but there are two people you have to pay special attention."

Mrs. Dianna, Mrs. Diana, is currently in Scotland, so in the invitation list. But she is not a person who comes to vacation, but accompanied the newlyweds of Xiangjiang's first rich Baoxuan. Both people come over, one and you are still the same name. But here is in the UK, hope ........

The following words have not been said, but no one understands what it means. At that time, you should only call Diana Rockefeller as Miss Rockefeller, and will not call its name. Not only the Chinese people want to avoid the name, the European and American people are the same.

Seeing girls pensive, Landy Prezk continued: "Bunzu Xuan This person mainly hurts in the United States, you should know. As for his wife, I heard that I was studying in the UK before hearing; his family Xiangjiang is also a small name "

"But even a general girl, just marry Bao Zi Xuan, but still a lady. So identity immediately becomes different; in many people's eyes, it may be more important than Diana Wang Hao."

"In fact, I am really quite curious. What kind of girl is to capture the world's first diamond king old five."

Women are born to gossip, and they have nothing to do with age; even the Marquis Mrs. Mrs. Yes, it is also true.

In fact, just Langdi Prightice seems to be reminded Diana Rockefeller, but it is more like a self-speaking.

To put it bluntly, I want to show an attitude toward the other party. Mrs. Bunxuan is popular in some occasions; may have to overwheet other people.

In fact, it will mention Diana, and let yourself pay attention. Miss Rockefeller is nothing, the name is just a code; although it is a bit uncomfortable, it is still acceptable. How do you say that the other party is also a Mrs. Wang, a father, and the face is still giving.

But then said that Baozi Xuan will come over and make it uncomfortable in his heart.

It is also a long time to say that this man hasn't seen it, but every time I heard the news, I can give the world, including myself brings a surprise.

With the degree of emotional emotion, what kind of girl can make him go home. Miss Rockefeller is very curious, while the heart is full of fighting. Of course, there is also the meaning of the Bunzi Xuan, do not take the initiative to pursue her, how stupid decisions are.

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