Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 995, Fire Pharmaceutical, 10 Fee

Woman is like this, even if you can't get it, you can see others will be uncomfortable. In fact, there is still a matter of great, that is, Diana Rockefeller has a good sense of buns, but not exposed.

This man is not as exaggerated like other rich people, and private life is very simple, more important and very self-discipline. It seems that there is no other shortcomings in addition to drinking some wine. The degree of focus on work and scientific research is even more fascinating.

If you can get yourself, the two must create, strength is not a weak emerging power than the Rockefeller family.

Before I saw Rathel - Morgan Tongbao Xuan hit hot, Diana Rockefeller was very unhappy. As a small to large competitor, and compare objects. Rachel - Jimorgan is not her friend, saying that it is the biggest enemy.

The maximum competitor has an intersection between men, and the heart can be comfortable. Finally, Rathel Morgan finally failed to be with Bao Xuan because of family relationship. Let Diana Rockefeller have been excited for a long time, and it feels that he is coming.

There is no secret of the luxury circle at all, and the old Morgan actually let Bunxuan do the door-to-door son-in-law. Diana, Lockefeller, known to the Chinese culture, is obviously not to let two people together.

The Lockefeller family is Xingwang, which will not make this kind of thing. Just as the woman had hope, I actually heard the news of Bao Zixuan married. Let them depressed for a long time, but the two do not have a substantive relationship, and you can only depressed it.

Does it say that the other party is a negotiator, I am afraid that the teacher is unknown.

Even if the mood is not good, the work should still be done. Growing in the Rockefeller this family, mixed, etc., as a girl, fate will not be too good. It can only be continuously improved, powerful, and it is also a way of self-insurance.

Today, I heard the Bunzi Xuan will come over and participate in the banquet, and suddenly came. It is necessary to take a look, Bun Zi Xuan married what kind of woman.

At this time, Zhang Tiran still didn't know, come over to participate in the so-called aristocratic charity dinner, someone is waiting for her. But it may also be a very good trill stone, see if she can be competent to be a wife.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, there are guests. Douglas margon greets at the door. This is the most basic polite problem, at least to show enough respect to guests.

After Diana Wang Hao arrived, the atmosphere of the scene reached a climax. At this time, Zhang Teiyan also felt something awkward. Diana Wang Hao is not only a visibility, or the temperament is stabilizing her one. It feels like a small work with others.

This time, the identity of the lady is coming.

This will definitely let Bao Zi Xuan will follow people. It seems that this dinner today will keep the distance from Diana, and I can know some people.

Wang Hao, Diana saw Zhang Changshang, and he worked a lot. Two people have been together in these days, and they will not be better. Come over the Scotland, you can't gain, you have to do this with local nobles and entrepreneurs.

It is said that the British royal family is also very helpless. Many times they have to be a Scottish. To know that they are orthodox, the queen is the head of state. But there is no way, who makes Scotland's share of the British Empire!

Zhang Tiran met a few Scottish aristocrats, and it was really worthless.

In fact, Mrs. I didn't know that her one move was seen in the eyes of Diana Rockefeller. Others will definitely pay attention to Diana Wang Hao; and she is different, Bun Zixuan husband is the object of his focus. As for the Mrs. Yingzhong, the Mrs. Wang, in front of her, may not have a strong sense.

Seeing Zhang Changsheng is actually like this to gain this bistocracy, Miss Rockefeller does not dare to believe his eyes. Is this a newly married wife of Bao Zixuan, it shouldn't.

With his understanding of the man, he always exuded confidence. Everything is very strong, see anyone who does not express anyone, will not deliberately please.

When is Bao Zixuan to become so poor, it is possible that this is a common problem that IQ is too high and the ability is too strong.

Diana Rockefeller came directly to Zhang Ziran, and it was very strong to say a nobles: "I have something to say," I have something to say. "

Seeing is the lady of Rockefeller, where is it dare to disagree.

Zhang Huli did not expect someone to take the initiative to find himself, and look at it, the family must be very prominent. Otherwise, the girl just chatting with her, it is impossible to leave directly.

Zhang Hairan said: "This lady, don't know how to call, we know!"

Diana Rockefeller has been playing Zhang Ziran, and the heart thinks that this woman can only be considered, nor is the kind of beauty. How can I win Bunxuan, but also a male wife. The more I want to don't want to pass; it is simply inexplicably.

However, since the lady has already spoken, it is obviously not polite enough, the most important thing I thought I would like it!

Diana Rockefeller is cold: "I am just very curious, look at what kind of woman in Baozi Xuan found. It turned out to be the old saying that you should have a good story in your Huaxia."

I heard the woman in front of him mentioned her husband, explaining two people before they know. And listen to the tone, there is definitely there is a story you don't know.

Maybe it is also a husband who loves, the world's first diamond king's reputation is there, then there are no few red and known.

However, the other party's understanding of the Chinese culture, but it is unexpectedly. If it is born in the traditional Zhang family, I don't know what it means.

Diana Rockefeller studies the Chinese culture, of course, the same bag is related. This is a woman with ambition, of course, I hope the man can recognize himself. Culturally wants to pull the distance, just did not expect to use it today.

Since there is a relationship between the other party with Bao Zi Xuan, then things will be better. In fact, there is almost that Zhang Lease understands the people in the United States before the husband. The two people are still short of marriage, and there is still something that I don't want to make Bunxuan difficult. No one has not passed, always leave the man to leave some space.

Zhang Zhan said with a smile: "I don't know how this lady is called, listening to you just tone, is Zi Xuan's friend."

Previously, Ms. who had mathers can be low-key, but involve marriage and husband problems, the horse will become different. Although I don't know who the woman is in front of you, but from the tone of tone, it is definitely uncomfortable to yourself. Explain that the two cannot be friends, and it is not so polite to treat the enemy.

Diana Rockefeller did not expect this woman in front of this woman, is not a place? This will be defeated, and it may be more accomplished.

Unlike Zhang Ziran, I don't know much about Miss Rockefeller, people can be said to her. Xiangjiang Media Report is on the one hand, the powerful intelligence network of the Rockefeller family has also played an important role.

However, I didn't see it before, and I didn't make a positive evaluation. Now I have the opportunity to confront, of course, let the other person know, I am more suitable for Bunxuan than her. If you can refuse, you can not lose it as a piece.

Diana Rockefeller: "We have already met a long time, I have worked together a lot of projects. Do you have anything to tell you? It seems that Miss Zhang is not so important, maybe even the package of the package does not know ! "

This sentence is somewhat excess, after all, this is a home. What should I say, I should not be argued by an outsider, not a multi-tube idle.

But the effect is very obvious, and at least Zhang Ziran is very uncomfortable. At the beginning, the same buns Xuan exchange, and finally married Bunxuan. I don't have to pay attention to how many business men in the United States; the Black Cloud Group is so huge, can't I prove that the husband is excellent!

Bao Zixuan is not a person who likes to show off, is it necessary to tell the wife. How many assets are available in the United States, how many companies have shares. Say these purposes, is it to make a woman; there is no need, at least the first rifle thinks it is.

Today, Diana Rockefeller let Zhang Ziran realize a problem, and his concern is not enough to the husband. It is too concerned that the asset is concerned, and it will definitely think that her purpose is not simple. This is a problem that is difficult to choose, need to slow down.

But in front of this strong woman must face, at least it cannot be compared by the other party. People who come over today have some identity, once weaken, don't mix in the circle in the future.

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