As the quinjet encroached onto New York air space, a complex series of code could be seen flickering across Zeel's pupils. Unlike what you would expect to happen, there was no panic from the civilians below.

"Why isn't everyone complaining?" Ella asked curiously, she had read some of this world's history; enough to know how everyone should react to unidentified flying objects – either terrorism or aliens would be the general assumption before chaos ensued.

"Cloaking technology," Alice replied as a hologram lit up demonstrating the view from a different angle.

All of a sudden, everyone felt heavy, the feeling was only for a brief moment but it still left the group in quite a shock. They were a bit disoriented, everyone was sure that whatever they just passed was meant to kill anyone weaker than a certain level.

That means it was there to block not only foreign enemies but even humans.

"How about that one?" Marina asked referring to the jelly-like layer they just passed through.

"My personal favorite – a dome that keeps us safe from monsters in heat," John said slyly while casting an imploring look to Alice and Zeel.

"Hahaha, I saw that story," Elizabeth said to which Ella, Clayton, and Marina looked confused and curious.

"It's nothing! Get ready to board," Alice said quickly as the roof below them opened up and the quinjet, on autopilot, went to the dock.


With huge noise, they were now in their main base in New York – 'The Tower of Zeel' was the name they decided for it after much deliberation. It was mainly to spite him for his antisocial attitude, can't keep to yourself when your name is on a building, little did they know they were giving Zeel exactly what he wanted.

"Why not name it, here we are Mogadorians?" Clayton said jokingly, noticing the irony of the matter – a Secret base in the middle of New York City with their names on it? Isn't that too conspicuous?

"That's what I wanted to do but the girls were against it," Zeel said in mock exasperation, shrugging off the joke as if it was nothing.

"What?" Clayton replied.

"He's got a bad naming sense, that might be getting worse," replied Alice, not minding their conversation all that much.

However, this was strange since Alice could usually spot Zeel's intentions. Why would he build a building with his name in New York City when they had Mogadorians as enemies?

Five minutes later, the brief tour of the base was over, they then made their way to the main control pub. It was made up entirely of glass-like structures synthesized using a formula Zeel provided.

Don't let the glass-like appearance fool you, it was many times harder than steel, the glass was made up of a composite of micro-alloy materials: vibranium, palladium, Zeelinium, and many others.

Even if the building collapsed, it would remain unscratched; however, it was difficult to produce even more. Zeel's TechnoMancy ability required complete focus for a couple of hours at a time to produce a large enough amount for construction.

Since Zeel had a bad naming sense, Alice always inherited the naming part of the task. She named the glass something that could be easily recognized 'Microglass'.

It was also the most recent substance he added to the nanites since the nanites could take the composition of whatever was consumed. Zeel, Alice, and Elizabeth had done this as a contingency in case anyone controlled metal, but he's never heard of anyone controlling glass specifically so he used glass as a base for the nanites.

This did not add any new features to the nanites since Microglass was not a rare metal.

Alice waved her hand and a couple of seats were pulled up from the ground, alongside a table filled with holographic projections. Unlike the holographic projections before, the ones in the base were as detailed as could be. It was to the point that all the constructs seemed tangible.

Zeel, seeing their innate curiosity, just quelled it as quickly as he could, he was never one for fawning over the mundane – or what he considered mundane "This holographic projection technology was created specifically for detail and smooth interactions. The others you came in contact with so far were made on the fly,"

"Everyone should take a seat corresponding to their number," Alice said gesturing to the table as the numbers 1 to 9 lit up, before rearranging themselves becoming 1 skip 2, and then 3 to 10.

"What about me?" Clayton asked, feeling discontented at not getting a seat even if he was going to be loaded into a stasis pod soon.

"We're putting you in a stasis pod as well, you're too weak to help us. We are going to be training these guys and you're cuddling Ella, something we can't afford.

But the stasis pods have a secondary function which is to strengthen bones and organs, so when you exit, you should be able to ease our burden by a small percentage," Zeel said rather bluntly, he had yet to master the art of consideration for others besides Alice and Elizabeth.

"Okay! I understand, Ella take care of yourself," Clayton said after a brief moment of hesitation.

A stasis pod soon enveloped him and sank into the ground below the group's feet; joining Lexa, Adeline, and Henry below, who were in a deep slumber for recovery.

"Now that all the miscellaneous tasks are done with, what is our next move?" John asked, his heart had become hardened since Sarah left him.

Right now, all he had left was the battle against the Mogadorians, something Zeel noted was bad for his health, but also exactly what the group required at this time. All is fair in love and war.

"Training basically, as you guys can see, Alice and I are able to use our abilities beyond what you guys are able to. Part of the reason is that you guys have a lot of abilities leaving you as the 'jack of all trades and master of none'.

The second reason is your lack of understanding towards your abilities," Zeel explained, attempting to speak the truth while simultaneously not appearing as if he was looking down on their respective capabilities.

From his experience, looking down on others would come to bite you in your a.s.s at some point in the future. Zeel shuddered at the memory of a certain girl he had tricked and slept with during his time in the MACOSO647-SO galaxy.

Alice caught a glimpse of Zeel's nostalgia but it was quickly concealed from her. This made her believe she was originally mistaken about the impression she got from Zeel.

"Yes, I imagine my telekinesis power as a domain type, while all other numbers I've seen have imagined their telekinesis as 'it has to come from my hands' which is a wrong assumption. You can also make yours a domain type like my own, but the hardest thing to change is an idea implanted into your subconscious. The way you think has been influenced since you were a child," Alice further explained the ins and outs of the little she knew about the mind.

"Exactly, so we won't be doing that. We'll be focusing on training your individual abilities to their maximum and then we'll be running training simulations to see how to use them all in a battle efficiently," Zeel said and continued "If you noticed Alice and I only mainly use one ability: Telekinesis and TechnoMancy. Choices make your brain unhappy, always remember that, so we train our respective abilities beyond their own peaks,"

Zeel did not add that their unique energy signature was several times stronger than that of John and the others. However, their unique energy offered them little-to-no benefits, as it was a life-saving card at best. And that life-saving card brought countless disadvantages.

"Okay, let's get to it! I am excited how I stack up against my new sister," Elizabeth said to which both Zeel and Alice flashed a bright smile.

Don't bite off more than you can chew, because it will be stuffed down your throat.

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