With that, a grueling Two weeks of training started – Hell Week or rather Weeks.

"You seem to be getting along with them," Alice said as she laid in Zeel's arms watching the sunset.

This had become a recent pass-time of theirs, with all the training of the Garde and other responsibilities.

Time alone had become rare, especially with Elizabeth's constant intrusions.

"Yeah, strange. I never liked Luther and the others, but I can tolerate these guys. I see the way John looked at Sarah, similar to how I looked at you when we first met. So I guess I can relate somewhat," Zeel responded staring up at the fading stars that were soon to be replaced by an entirely new day.

Unlike Alice; however, Zeel's nanites were flickering with countless colors while he looked at the night skies. Alice was merely looking at the stars, while Zeel was looking beyond.

Alice shifted her body weight as she turned around to face him "I am more afraid of you caring, than not caring. I don't know what you'll do when you actually care,"

With that silence descended onto the rooftop, they soon went back to performing their respective duties.

Alice would be in charge of any lesson having to do with mental abilities, while Zeel would train any abilities that required physical exertions.

Zeel's training lasted three days, everyone had to take part, even Alice. His lesson consisted of stances that could utilize their speed more efficiently. None of them could ignore the laws of physics, Elizabeth could with Novis but she worked in conjunction with the laws, taking advantage of them to hasten her momentum.

Zeel demonstrated how to move without leaving themselves exposed, he noticed they liked to jump a lot when in battle, so he thought them how to jump near the ground, essentially disappearing from one spot and appearing at the next.

He also taught them his signature technique 'Blink' – a technique that could be used with either a sword or a dagger.

First, you would get the enemy to focus on your weapon, making yourself a second priority, then you would dip out of his line of vision by stepping to a blind spot very quickly, at that moment your knife would become what the enemy is most conscious of while you became a subconscious calculation.

Subconscious reactions are slower than conscious reaction by a little bit, it's the gap you exploit to appear as if you had disappeared from one position and appeared in another, usually right next to the said enemy.

You'd be using the small gap between conscious and subconscious thinking to attack and effectively disable your enemy.

Due to their Lorien physiology that could withstand speeds up to 110mph, all the members of the Garde were suitable to learn Zeel's Blink technique.

Blinking in front of one enemy was extremely difficult, but during the training, John had managed to blink between two enemies; though it was still too much strain on his calculation abilities.

They all succeeded in learning the technique, but only John could truly use it in a pinch. The rest of Zeel's training regimen varied from getting their bodies acquainted to extreme physical damage - beat downs, to boiling their bodies in water – adapting to different environments.

Marina had a healing legacy so Zeel wasn't afraid of doing too much damage. With that, after a week their abilities that required physical exertions had gone up a couple of levels; so much so even Ella became one of the nimblest members of the group, causing everyone to breathe a sigh of relief as she was the most likely to die on a battlefield.

Her kind nature, alongside her lack of resolve, was a key indicator of someone making peace not war – there was no such thing as peace when it came to the Mogadorians.

The following week, Alice's training began and it was mandatory for everyone to participate, except Zeel of course. Alice trained their mental abilities or those abilities that required careful judgment and calculation.

She started off by throwing rocks in the air from places they could see, then moved to blind spots, then multiple directions at once using her telekinesis to redirect the initial trajectories.

After about three days, the group could cope with her training so Alice started using iron balls along with her telekinesis abilities to attack them, not only from multiple directions but also with the balls constantly alternating between acceleration and retardation.

The group, through this aching process, developed a small domain that could surround their bodies up to one foot in all directions.

That way they could sense everything occurring in a one-foot radius of their bodies on a macroscopic level, subconsciously they could protect their blind spots in the case of assassination attempts.

Like that, after two weeks, Alice and Zeel felt as if they had been looking at a group of veterans instead of fine muscled, inexperienced, teenagers. Everyone's bodies were more defined with the aid of the stasis pods. The stasis pods removed harmful substances from the body after each exercise.

Elizabeth had grown quite a bit without the use of her ability.

Elizabeth would get beaten daily by Alice since she wanted more than anything to prove herself reliable, though she would always lose by a huge margin.

After the training came simulations, at first Zeel thought to use his memory manipulation to train their minds but quickly dismissed the idea. He tried to access Alice's mind with aid from the nanites and her permission, but he still almost went brain dead inside.

He kept the experience to himself when Alice would ask about it, she thought she had done something wrong. Zeel's response put her heart at ease 'The mind is a very dangerous place; it was only because of our connection I made it back at all'.

Zeel would only manipulate memories after that incident and never attempted to access anyone's mind, even his own.

Zeel shuddered at what his mind would look like, especially with the Forbidden Cube sealing the most of it away.

"Okay, now for the final test. You guys have everything except, experience facing death," Zeel said stretching his muscles with a few warmup exercises.

"How are we gonna do that cooped up in here?" John asked a bit doubtful of Zeel's methods.

"Like this," Zeel said as he looked at John who fell to his knees panting heavily. John's face was pale, with blue veins appearing all over his face as his eyes went bloodshot.

"New technique I developed. I could plant a suggestion, through eye contact into the mind of someone who is weaker than me, but it only lasts a couple of seconds depending on our strength gap.

John, there was only induced for 2 seconds max. So if I say 'Cow', someone would think they're a cow, and so forth. But I can't say something the person doesn't know – that is the weakness. All abilities have their weaknesses," Zeel explained his abilities which was a shocker since Zeel was known to keep his cards close to his c.h.e.s.t.

"Okay, John get up that was not anything bad," Alice said floating John to his feet.

John didn't take long to recover his bearing but he looked at Zeel with more fear than previously.

And like that, the night went by with numerous squeals and pain groans since the suggestion planted in all their minds throughout the night was 'death'.

Surprisingly, Marina took this exercise the best of them all, earning praises from Zeel and Alice much to Elizabeth's constant complaints.

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